For the past 20 years, / I've been helping / Malaysians / and other Southeast Asians / to speak / better English. // And through training / thousands of Southeast Asians, / I've discovered a very surprising truth. // I've discovered that / how well somebody communicates in English / actually has very little to do with their English level. // It has a lot to do / with their attitude / towards English. // There are people out there / who have a very, very low level of English, / and they can communicate very, very well. // One of them that I remember was a student, / a participant of mine / named Faizal. // He was a factory supervisor. // English level very, very low, / but this guy / could just sit and listen to anybody, / very calmly, / clearly, / and then he could respond, / absolutely / express his thoughts / beautifully, / at a very low level of English. // So, / today I want to share with you / what is / so different about people like Faizal. // How do they do it? // And second of all, / why is this so important not only to you, / but to your children, / to your community, / and to the future of Malaysia? // And third of all, / what's one thing you can do, starting today, / if you want to speak with that calm, / clear confidence / that people like Faizal has? // So, first of all, / what is / so different? // How do people like Faizal do it? // So, / to answer that question, / I'm going to take you back about 10 years, / okay? // So, / I was training staff at that time, / and my daughter, / at that time, / was taking piano lessons. // And I started to notice / two really strong similarities between / my daughter's attitude / or thinking towards playing the piano / and a lot of Malaysians' / thinking or attitude towards English. // Now, / first of all, / I should tell you / my daughter absolutely hated piano, / hated the lessons, / hated practicing. // This is my daughter practicing piano, / okay? // This is as good as it got. // This is the real thing. // And she dreaded going to piano lessons / because to my daughter, / going to piano lessons, / she was filled with this sort of dread. // Because it was all about / not screwing up, / right? // Because like a lot of piano students, / to both my daughter and her teacher, / her success in piano was measured by how few mistakes she made. // Now, at the same time, / I noticed that a lot of Malaysians went into English conversations with the same sort of / feeling of dread. // This sort of feeling that they were going to be judged by / how many mistakes they were going to make, / and whether or not they were going to screw up. // Now, / the second similarity that I noticed / was to do with self-image. // You see, my daughter, / she knew what good piano sounded like, / right? // Because we've all heard good piano. // And she knew what her level was, / and she knew how / long she'd have to play for / to play like that. // And a lot of Malaysians, / I noticed, / had this / idea of what good proper English is supposed to sound like, / and what their - / I see a lot of you nodding / - and what their English sounded like, / and how far they would have to go to get there. // And they also felt like they were - / like my daughter / - just bad, / bad piano player, / bad English speaker, / right? //
What has the speaker been doing for the past 20 years?
What surprising truth has the speaker discovered through training Southeast Asians in English?
How was the speaker's daughter's success in piano measured?
What is the speaker suggesting about the relationship between attitude and communication skills?
What is the speaker's main message in this talk?