![[A] Why You Feel What You Feel [FULL]](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/5L0OcE5N65Dh71SSLSQCEi/59e03696433f7cfce01d699c53ccbef6/Alan_Watkins-_Why_You_Feel_What_You_Feel.png)
⏱ 11:43 - 16:00
Now emotions are just energy in motion, / they’re composite / biological signals /— the signals made up of all / the pounding heart rate, / the sweaty palms, / the tension in the muscles / or whatever is going on biologically, / it’s stereotypical energetic patterns /— energy in motion, / they are e-motions. // Now we all have emotions, / every single second of every single day, / even those fellows. // Feelings, / however, / are something entirely different. // Feelings are the awareness in our mind / of the energy. // So the energy is always there / but we don’t necessarily feel it / and that’s where we’re stuck, / is we haven’t really learned / to understand our own emotional life. // So we go through our life believing / how we’re feeling on a moment by moment basis, / it’s down to somebody else. // So we actually say this / — you annoyed me, / you made me unhappy, / you did it to me, / and we point the finger at other people, believing other people / the cause of our own unhappiness. So Newsflash, / nobody’s doing it to you, nobody is making you feel / these things. // I mean, / what do you think that happens / when you get frustrated with somebody else? // Do they come up to you / and inject you with frustration, / with the chemicals of frustration? // Do they create the electrical signals / of frustration, / the pressure waves, / the sound waves? // No. // You did that, / you created that inside yourself / in response / to their poor behavior. // So if you can accept / that you’re doing it, / it’s not them, / it’s you. // Now that simple truth / takes you from what we call / the victim position / and it crosses the threshold / to ownership. // That’s the most important transition / you’ll ever make in your life. // So to help you / navigate that, / first and foremost, / you have to understand / where am I / in the universe of emotions. // Now if I asked you to write down what emotion you’re experiencing right now / and gave you five minutes, / you might have a list of things / and then we said, / OK put your hands up who’s got how many / and we did a sort of test of how many you got, / the average in a room like this would be about ten or twelve. // There are 34,000 emotions / that you can experience. // Most people go through life / with ten or twelve. //
And just to try and help you navigate, / I just want to show you an app that we’ve built / to help people know where they are / in the universe of emotions. // So we’ve plotted all these emotions / on a map / and this map shows you / the axis. // So to the / top / of the axis / in the universe of emotions / we’ve got the ones that are sort of more energy, / if you like, and to the bottom the ones that are more relaxed. // And to the left / the ones that are more positive / and to the right the ones that are more negative. // So you can see that we’ve plotted maybe the twenty commonest emotions there / and right now as I’m talking to you right now, / you’re somewhere on this group. // You’re somewhere in the universe / experiencing / one of these planets and we can bring in / the next hundred emotions, / we can bring in the next 200 emotions, / the next thousand, / so we’ve built this app / to try and crowd source with you all 34,000, / we’ve built it with just 2000 as a starter. // And you can enter into / the one of the 64 galaxies that exist and start to navigate round / and see where you are, see where you are / in relation to some of the other emotions, / because if you don’t know where you are, / you’re lost. // Now you would never get control of your own state / and it’s really important / not only for your health, / for your well-being, / for your success, / whatever you’re doing, / whether you’re a sportsperson / or a business leader / that you can start / to control your own emotional state / of what’s going on for you. // And if you don’t know where you are, / how can you possibly control any of this stuff? // And the answer is you can’t. // So the start of the journey is even knowing which planet are you on, / and this is designed to help you, / and you can see in the top corner there, / it shows you roughly where you are in the universe at any point in time. // Now we can zoom in / into one of these 64 galaxies and look at a specific solar system. // So we’re going to go into / maybe sociable, / we can see. // So let’s zoom in / to the solar system of sociable / and start to see what planets / around you. // So if you want to move from sociable to someone else / and then gradually navigate / yourself to a different part of the universe, / you can see where you are. // And most importantly you can track where you are, / so you can enter some notes. //
What is the difference between emotions and feelings, according to the talk?
Hows does the speaker suggest people often incorrectly attribute their feelings to others?
How does that speaker suggest people can transition from a victim mentality to ownership of their emotions?
How does the speaker suggest people can better understand their emotions?
How do you think the concept of "owning" your emotions can impact your personal and professional life?
1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.
2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.
[ 'thresh-ohld ]
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[ kuhm-'poz-it ]
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[ ster-ee-uh-'tip-i-kuhl ]
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