タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[A] OPRAH WINFREY: Learn From Every Mistake [PRACTICE]




[ mawrn ]


- to feel or express sorrow or grief/sadness/loss,etc

Many people will mourn her passing.


[ 'dahr-muh ]


- (in Buddhism) the nature of reality regarded as a universal truth taught by the Buddha; the teaching of Buddhism

Without Dharma, we will be no different from animals.


[ 'mawr-uhl, ]


- relating to the standards of good or bad behavior, fairness, honesty, etc. that each person believes in, rather than to laws

We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.


[ in-'ev-i -tuh-blee ]


- unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; fated

Such a large investment inevitably entails some risk.


[ 'dev-uh-steyt ]


- overwhelmed or shocked, especially by profound loss, disappointment, humiliation, etc.

Earthquakes causes tsunamisa which devastate coastal regions.


FIRST CUT ⏱ 07:44 - 09:13

    Let's read...

    So, when you’re down in the hole, when that moment comes, it’s really okay to feel bad for a little while. Give yourself time to mourn what you think you may have lost but then here’s the key, learn from every mistake because every experience, encounter, and particularly your mistakes are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are. And then figure out what is the next right move. And the key to life is to develop an internal moral, emotional G.P.S. that can tell you which way to go. Because now and forever more when you Google yourself your search results will read “Harvard, 2013”. And in a very competitive world that really is a calling card because I can tell you as one who employs a lot of people when I see “Harvard” I sit up a little straighter and say, “Where is he or she? Bring them in.” It’s an impressive calling card that can lead to even more impressive bullets in the years ahead: lawyer, senator, C.E.O., scientist, physicist, winners of Nobel and Pulitzer Prizes or late night talk show host.

    Let's follow Oprah Winfrey...

    So, / when you’re down in the hole, / when that moment comes, / it’s really okay to feel bad / for a little while. / Give yourself time to mourn / what you think you may have lost / but then here’s the key, / learn from every mistake / because every experience, / encounter, / and particularly your mistakes are there to teach you / and force you into being more who you are. / And then figure out / what is the next right move. / And the key to life is / to develop an internal moral, / emotional G.P.S. / that can tell you which way to go. / Because / now and forever more / when you Google yourself / your search results will read / “Harvard, 2013”. / And / in a very competitive world / that really is a calling card / because / I can tell you as one who employs a lot of people / when I see “Harvard” / I sit up a little straighter and say, / “Where is he or she? / Bring them in.” / It’s an impressive calling card / that can lead to even more impressive bullets in the years ahead: / lawyer, / senator, / C.E.O., / scientist, / physicist, / winners of Nobel / and Pulitzer Prizes / or late night talk show host. /

SECOND CUT ⏱ 09:14 - 10:39

    Let's read...

    But the challenge of life I have found is to build a résumé that doesn’t simply tell a story about what you want to be but it’s a story about who you want to be. It’s a résumé that doesn’t just tell a story about what you want to accomplish but why. A story that’s not just a collection of titles and positions but a story that’s really about your purpose. Because when you inevitably stumble and find yourself stuck in a hole that is the story that will get you out. What is your true calling? What is your dharma? What is your purpose? For me that discovery came in 1994 when I interviewed a little girl who had decided to collect pocket change in order to help other people in need. She raised a thousand dollars all by herself and I thought, well if that little 9-year-old girl with a bucket and big heart could do that, I wonder what I could do? So I asked for our viewers to take up their own change collection and in one month, just from pennies and nickels and dimes, we raised more than three million dollars that we used to send one student from every state in the United States to college. That was the beginning of the Angel Network.

    Let's follow Oprah Winfrey...

    But / the challenge of life I have found is / to build a résumé / that doesn’t simply tell a story about what you want to be / but / it’s a story about who you want to be. / It’s a résumé / that doesn’t just tell a story about what you want to accomplish / but why. / A story / that’s not just a collection of titles and positions / but / a story that’s really about your purpose. / Because / when you inevitably stumble / and find yourself stuck in a hole / that is the story that will get you out. / What is your true calling? / What is your dharma? / What is your purpose? / For me / that discovery came in 1994 / when I interviewed a little girl / who had decided to collect pocket change / in order to help other people in need. / She raised a thousand dollars all by herself / and I thought, / well / if that little 9-year-old girl with a bucket / and big heart could do that, / I wonder / what I could do? / So / I asked for our viewers / to take up their own change collection / and in one month, / just from pennies / and nickels / and dimes, / we raised more than three million dollars / that we used to send one student / from every state in the United States / to college. / That was the beginning of the Angel Network. /