タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話


⏱ 15:15 - 17:54

And I announced, / without anyone knowing, / on August 6th, / on the Tonight Show, / my candidacy. // And he even organized 100 journalists / from politics / to sit in the back / when I announced my candidacy. // So, this is the kind of help I got. Then, of course, / I didn’t even have a team yet. // People came out of nowhere / and just started helping organizing the campaign, / and with fundraising, / and with communication, / and with all of those things. // And I became, two months later, / the governor of the state of California, / but it took a lot of help. // And I have to say that it is important to acknowledge that / because people make it always sound / that / you did all this / yourself. // I didn’t. // I did it with a lot of help. // Yes, / I was determined. // Yes, / I never listened to the naysayers. // Yes, / I had a great vision. // Yes, / I had the fire in the belly / and all of those things, / but I didn’t do it / without the help. // And even when you then say, / Schwarzenegger did the most / unbelievable environmental laws / in California, well guess / how laws are done? // It took the legislators / — 120 legislators / to negotiate / for weeks / and months at a time, / and then / to send down legislation / and then you sign that. // So you need that / help too. // So / I had a lot of help / along the way / and this is why / it is so important for all of you / to recognize that. // And the biggest help, of course, comes from, of course, America. // If I wouldn’t have come to the United States, / if I would have come to any other country, / I would not have had the success. // I mean, / America / has proven not only to the be the land of opportunity image‑wise, / but America has proven / to be the greatest / country in the world. // Anyone / can make it! This is why / I always tell people, / none of my careers would have happened / if it wouldn’t have been for the United States of America. // I could have gone to the Middle East. // Do you think I would stand here today? // I could have gone to Africa. / Do you think I would stand here today? / Or to Australia / or to Asia, / to any other country in Europe, / it makes no difference. // This place / has given me the opportunity, / step after step, / all the way through / all my three careers / and / the millions / and millions of dollars I’ve made / all because of America. // So, thank you, / America, / for the great thing / that you’re doing for immigrants / that come over here. // And the reason / why I want you to understand that / is because as soon as you understand / that you are here because of a lot of help, / then you also understand / that now / is time / to help others. // That’s what this is all about. // You got to help / others. // Don’t just think about yourself. // Help others. //



  1. When did Arnold Schwarzenegger announce his candidacy for governor?

  2. How did Schwarzenegger describe the support he received during his campaign?

  3. How does Schwarzenegger emphasize the importance of acknowledging help?

  4. How does Schwarzenegger describe the role of America in his success?

  5. What does Schwarzenegger emphasize as the key to success?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.



[ ˈkan-di-duh-see ]


- the fact of being a candidate in an election

She is expected to officially announce her candidacy for president early next week.


[ ˈney-ˌsey-er ]


- someone who says something is not possible, is not good, or will fail

He ignored the naysayers and persevered.


[ ˌlej-is-ˈlley-shuhn ]


- a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament

The government has promised to introduce legislation to limit fuel emissions from cars.


[ proo-vn ]


- shown to be true

You have a proven work record, which gives you a big advantage.

along the way 


- during the time that something is happening or that you are doing something

I've been in this job for 30 years, and I've picked up a good deal of expertise along the way.