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[C+] KATY PERRY: People Can Change [PRACTICE]




[ ˈnoo-truh-list ]


- someone who doesn't take sides in arguments or conflicts 

Even during heated debates at work, he remains a neutralist, never favoring one side over the other.


[ ˌev-uh-ˈloo-shuhn ] 


- a gradual process of change and development

This product was an extremely significant step in the evolution of computer games.


[ stans ]


- a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion

The doctor's stance on the issue of abortion is well known.


[ trahyb ]


- a group of people, often of related families, who live together, sharing the same language, culture, and history

The valley is inhabited by the Dani tribe.

to not know it all


- acknowledging that one doesn't have complete knowledge or understanding about everything

She reminded me that it's normal to not know it all and that asking questions is how we learn.


FIRST CUT ⏱ 05:27 - 06:18

    Let's read...

    I know it always, I know it doesn’t always feel safe to live out who you are, but here’s the thing though, I would have not chosen a different road. Priceless lessons have been learned. The path of discovery has made me, has tested me and forever changed me. You don’t get to choose your family, but you can choose your tribe. Many of the people I admire and trust, and work with belong to the LGBTQ community. And without them, I’d be half of the person I am today. My life is rich in every capacity because of them. They are trusted allies that provide a safe space to fall, to not know it all and to make mistakes. These are the people I hold dear.

    Let's follow Katy Perry...

    I know / it always / I know it doesn’t always / feel safe / to live out / who you are, / but here’s the thing / though, / I would have not / chosen / a different road. // Priceless lessons / have been learned. // The path of discovery / has made me, / has tested me / and forever / changed me. // You don’t get / to choose / your family, / but / you can choose / your tribe. // Many / of the people / I admire / and trust, / and work with / belong / to the LGBTQ community. // And without them, / I’d be half / of the person / I am today. // My life / is rich / in every capacity / because of them. // They are / trusted allies / that provide a safe space / to fall, / to not / know it all / and to make / mistakes. // These are the people / I hold dear. //

SECOND CUT ⏱ 06:19 - 07:09

    Let's read...

    See, I hope I stand here as real evidence for all that no matter where you came from, it’s about where you are going and that real change, real evolution and real perception shift can happen if we open our minds and soften our hearts. People can change. Believe me, it would have been easier just to stay the whipped cream, tit spring, poppy light, fluffy fun, anthems by the way of animal totem singing girl who was basically somewhat neutralist in a stance and just thought more hugs could save the world. No way. No longer can I sit in silence. I have to stand for what I know is true and that is equality and justice for all, / period.

    Let's follow Katy Perry...

    See, / I hope / I stand here / as real evidence / for all / that no matter / where you came from, / it’s about / where you are / going / and that / real change, / real evolution / and real perception / shift / can happen / if we open / our minds / and soften / our hearts. // People can / change. // Believe me, / it would have been / easier / just to stay the / whipped cream, / tit spring, / poppy light, / fluffy fun, / anthems / by the way of / animal totem / singing girl / who was basically / somewhat / neutralist in a stance / and just thought / more hugs / could save / the world. // No way. // No longer / can I sit / in silence. // I / have to stand / for what I know / is true / and that is / equality / and justice / for all, / period. //