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[C+] BEYONCE: Make Them See You [PRACTICE]




[ ˈpiv-uh-tl ]


- central and important

There are points in basketball games which are pivotal.


[ ˈsek-sist ]


- treating people unfairly or differently based on their gender, often favoring one gender over another

She encountered sexist attitudes at work that made her feel uncomfortable.


[ ˈuhn-der-ˌdawg ]


- a person or group of people with less power or money than the rest of society

As a politician, her sympathy was always for the underdog in society.


[ dih-ˈspar-i-tee ]


- a lack of equality or similarity, especially in a way that is not fair

There is a great disparity between the amount of work that I do and what I get paid for it.


[ uh·ˈpeez·muhnt ] 


-  the act of trying to satisfy others

He hoped his apology would be an appeasement for her anger.


FIRST CUT ⏱ 1:45 - 3:02

    Let's read...

    Now some of you might be the first in your family to graduate from college. Maybe you did not follow the path that was expected of you, and you probably questioned everything about your decision. But know that stepping out is the best thing you can do for self discovery. I know how hard it is to step out and bet on yourself. There was a pivotal turning point in my life when I chose to build my own company many years ago. I had to trust that I was ready and that my parents and mentors provided me with the tools I needed to be successful. But that was terrifying. The entertainment business is still very sexist. It's still very male-dominated. And as a woman, I did not see enough female role models given the opportunity to do what I knew I had to do, to run my label and management company, to direct my films and produce my tours. That meant ownership, owning my masters, owning my art, owning my future and writing my own story. Not enough black women had a seat at the table. So I had to go and chop down that wood and build my own table. Then I had to invite the best there was to have a seat.

    Let's follow Beyonce...

    Now / some of you / might be / the first / in your family / to graduate / from college. // Maybe / you did not / follow the path / that was expected of you, / and you probably / questioned / everything about your decision. // But know / that stepping out / is the best thing / you can do / for self discovery. // I know / how hard / it is / to step out / and bet on yourself. // There was a / pivotal turning point / in my life / when I chose to build / my own company / many years ago. // I had to trust / that I was ready / and that my parents / and mentors / provided me / with the tools I needed / to be successful. // But that was terrifying. // The entertainment business / is still / very sexist. // It's still / very male-dominated. // And as a woman, / I did not see / enough female / role models / given the opportunity / to do / what I knew / I had to do, / to run / my label / and management company, / to direct / my films / and produce / my tours. // That meant / ownership, / owning / my masters, / owning / my art, // owning / my future / and writing / my own / story. // Not enough / black women / had a seat / at the table. // So I had / to go and / chop down / that wood / and build / my own table. // Then / I had / to invite / the best / there was / to have a seat.

SECOND CUT ⏱ 3:03 - 4:01

    Let's read...

    That meant hiring women, men, outsiders, underdogs, people that were overlooked and waiting to be seen. Many of the best creatives and business people who although, supremely qualified and talented, were turned down over and over as executives at major corporations because they were female or because of racial disparity. And I've been very proud to provide them with a place at my table. One of the main purposes of my art for many years has been dedicated to showing the beauty of black people to the world, our history, our profundity, and the value of black lives. Now I've tried my best to pull down the veil of appeasement to those who may feel uncomfortable with our excellence. To the young women, our future leaders, know that you're about to make the world turn. I see you. You are everything the world needs. Make those power moves, be excellent.

    Let's follow Beyonce...

    That meant / hiring women, / men, / outsiders, / underdogs, / people / that were overlooked / and waiting / to be seen. // Many / of the best / creatives / and business people / who although, / supremely qualified / and talented, / were turned down / over / and over / as executives / at major corporations / because / they were female / or / because of / racial disparity. / And I've been / very proud / to provide them / with a place / at my table. // One of the main / purposes / of my art / for many years / has been dedicated / to showing / the beauty / of black people / to the world, / our history, / our profundity, and the value / of black lives. // Now I've tried / my best / to pull down / the veil / of appeasement / to those / who may feel / uncomfortable / with our excellence. // To the young women, / our future leaders, / know / that you're about / to make / the world / turn. // I see you. // You are everything / the world needs. // Make / those power moves, / be excellent.