タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話




[ en-'vizh-uhn ]


- to imagine or expect something to happen, appear, etc. in a particular way

She envisions the museum displaying religious art and historical artefacts.


[ skurj ]


- something or someone that causes great suffering or a lot of trouble

Pop-up ads have been described as the scourge of the Internet.


[ bih-'kweeth ]


- to arrange for money or property to be given to somebody after your death

Her father bequeathed her the family fortune in his will.


[ shed ]


- to make blood or tears flow

He didn’t shed one tear when his old car was stolen.

on behalf of someone


- done for another person’s benefit or support, or because you are representing the interests of that person

I’d like to say on behalf of the whole group that we wish you well in your new job.


FIRST CUT ⏱ 16:19 - 17:44

    Let's read...

    We are the future generations envisioned in the UN Charter. When our grandparents resolved to "spare future generations the scourge of war," as written, they were thinking of us. But as well as dreaming for our safety, they also left us a responsibility. President Roosevelt, addressing the US Congress in January 1945, six months before the end of World War II, said this: "In the field of foreign policy, we promise to stand together with the United Nations, not for the war alone, but for the victory for which the war was fought." And he went on: "The firm foundation can be built and will be built. But the continuance and assurance of a living peace, in the long run, must be the work of the people themselves." So today, we have to ask ourselves if we are living up to that mission. They gave us the start. What have we done with it? It is clear to me that we have made huge strides, but our agreements and institutions are only as strong as our will to uphold them.

    Let's follow Angelina Jolie...

    We are the future generations / envisioned in the UN Charter. // When our grandparents resolved to "spare future generations / the scourge of war," / as written, / they were thinking of us. // But as well as dreaming for our safety, / they also left us / a responsibility. // President Roosevelt, / addressing the US Congress in January 1945, / six months before the end of World War II, / said this: / "In the field of foreign policy, / we promise to stand together with the United Nations, / not for the war alone, / but for the victory / for which the war was fought." / And he went on: / "The firm foundation can be built / and will be built. // But the continuance and assurance / of a living peace, / in the long run, / must be the work of the people / themselves." // So today, / we have to ask ourselves if we are living up to that mission. // They gave us the start. // What have we done with it? // It is clear / to me that we have made huge strides, / but our agreements and institutions are only / as strong as our will to uphold them. //

SECOND CUT ⏱ 17:44 - 19:07

    Let's read...

    If we do not, for whatever reason, we bequeath a darker, more unstable world to all of those who come after us. It is not for this that previous generations shed blood and worked so hard on behalf of all of us. The memory of those who came before us holds us true to our ideals. Resting unchanged in time, they remind us who we are and what we stand for. They give us hope to stay in the fight, as Sergio did, until his last breath. Fourteen years since his death, there is a stronger need than ever before for us to stay true to the ideals and purposes of the United Nations. That is what I hope his memory holds for us today. We cannot all be Sergios. But I hope all of us can determine that we shall be a generation that renews its commitment to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and to promote social progress and better standards of life and larger freedom.

    Let's follow Angelina Jolie...

    If we do not, / for whatever reason, / we bequeath a darker, / more unstable / world to all of those who come after us. // It is not for this / that previous generations / shed blood / and worked so hard on behalf of all of us. // The memory of those who came before us / holds us true / to our ideals. // Resting / unchanged in time, / they remind us who we are / and what we stand for. // They give us hope / to stay in the fight, / as Sergio did, / until his last breath. // Fourteen years since his death, / there is a stronger need than ever before for us to stay true / to the ideals and purposes of the United Nations. // That is what I hope his memory holds for us today. // We cannot all be Sergios. // But I hope all of us / can determine that we shall be a generation that renews its commitment / to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, / and to promote social progress / and better standards of life / and larger freedom. //