タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[A+] SAM ALTMAN: The Father of ChatGPT [FULL]


We are working to build tools / that one day can help us make new discoveries / and address some of humanity's biggest challenges, / like climate change / and curing cancer. // Our current systems aren't yet capable / of doing these things, / but it has been immensely gratifying to watch / many people around the world / get so much value / from what these systems / can already do today. // We love seeing people use our tools to create, / to learn, / to be more productive. // We're very optimistic / that there are going to be fantastic jobs in the future, / and that current jobs can get / much better. // We also love seeing what developers are doing to improve lives. // For example, / Be My Eyes / used our new multimodal technology in GPT-4 / to help visually impaired individuals / navigate their environment. // We believe that the benefits of the tools we have deployed so far / vastly outweigh the risks, / but ensuring their safety is vital to our work, / and we make significant efforts / to ensure that safety is built into our systems / at all levels. // Before releasing any new systems, / OpenAI conducts extensive testing, / engages external experts for detailed reviews / and independent audits, / improves the model's behavior, / and implements robust / safety and monitoring systems. / Before we released GPT-4, / our latest model, / we spent over six months / conducting extensive evaluations, / external red teaming, / and dangerous capability testing. / We are proud of the progress that we made. // GPT-4 / is more likely to respond helpfully and truthfully / and refuse harmful requests / than any other widely deployed model / of similar capability. // However, / we think that regulatory intervention by governments / will be critical to mitigate the risks / of increasingly powerful models. // For example, / the US government / might consider a combination of licensing / and testing requirements / for development and release of AI models / above a threshold of capabilities. // There are several other areas / I mentioned in my written testimony / where I believe that companies like ours / can partner with governments, / including ensuring that the most powerful AI models / adhere to a set of safety requirements, / facilitating processes to develop and update safety measures, / and examining opportunities / for global coordination. // And as you mentioned, / I think it's important / that companies have their own responsibility here, / no matter what Congress does. // This is a remarkable time / to be working on artificial intelligence. // But as this technology advances, / we understand that people are anxious, / about how it could change the way we live. // We are too. // But we believe that we can / and must work together / to identify / and manage the potential downsides / so that we can all enjoy / the tremendous upsides. // It is essential that powerful AI is developed / with democratic values in mind, / and this means that US leadership is critical. // I believe that we will be able to mitigate / the risks in front of us, / and really capitalize on this / technology's potential to grow the US economy / and the world, / and I look forward / to working with you all to meet this moment, / and I look forward to answering your questions. //Thank you. //



  1. What are some of humanity's biggest challenges mentioned that the speaker hopes to address using AI tools?

  2. What specific application was GPT-4 used for?

  3. How does the speaker suggest the risks of increasingly powerful AI models could be mitigated?

  4. What is the speaker's purpose of this speech?

  5. Do you agree with the speaker's view that the benefits of the AI tools vastly outweigh the risks? Why or why not?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.





- pleasing and satisfying

It must be very gratifying to see all your children grown up and happy.


[ muhl-tee-'mohd-l ]


- involving several ways of operating or dealing with something

The teacher used a multimodal approach to teaching the new topic, incorporating visuals, auditory instruction, hands-on experiments, and group discussions.


[ 'mit-i-geyt ]


- to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad

It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island.


[ dih-'mok-ruh-see ]


- a situation, system, or organization in which everyone has equal rights and opportunities, and can help make decisions

With the new system in place, our community has transformed into a democracy where everyone has equal rights and can contribute to policy making.

visually impaired


- describes any kind of vision loss, whether it's someone who cannot see at all or someone who has partial vision loss.

Train a visually impaired child to walk alone like sighted children.