タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[B] MARK ZUCKERBERG: Find Your Purpose [FULL]


A couple years in, / some big companies wanted to buy us. // I didn’t want to sell. // I wanted to see if we could connect more people. // And we were building the first version of News Feed at the time / and I thought / if we could just launch this, / it could change how we all learn about the world. // Nearly / everyone else / wanted to sell. // Without a sense of higher purpose, / this was their startup dream come true. // And it tore our company apart. // After one / particularly tense argument, / one of my closest advisors told me / if I didn’t agree to sell the company right now, / I would regret that decision / for the rest of my life. // Relationships were so frayed / that within a year or so / every single person on our management team was gone. // That was my hardest time leading Facebook. // I believed in what we were doing, / but I felt alone. // And worse, / it was my fault. // I wondered if I was just wrong, / an impostor, / a 22-year-old kid / who / had no idea / how things actually worked. // Now, / years later, / I understand that / that is how things work when there's no sense of higher purpose. // So it’s up to all of us to create it / so we can all keep moving forward / together. // And today, / I want to talk about / three ways / that we can create a world / where everyone has / a sense of purpose: // by taking on / big, meaningful projects together, / by / redefining equality so everyone has / the freedom to pursue their purpose, / and by building community / all across the world. //



  1. Why did he refuse to sell Facebook?

  2. What tore the company apart?

  3. What happened when he refused to do what was told?

  4. What is the speaker's purpose of this speech?

  5. From your perspective, what is equality and how is it important to ensure that everyone has the freedom to pursue their purpose?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.



[ im-'pos-ter ]


- a person who practices deception under an assumed character, identity, or name

The nurse was soon discovered to be an impostor.


[ freyd ]


- damaged or weakened or worn down by strain or irritation

The carpet was badly frayed.

sense of purpose


- the quality of having a definite purpose

Parenthood gives him a sense of purpose.

tear apart


- to completely destroy (something) by tearing it into pieces

The incompetent leadership tore the company apart.

take on


- be willing or ready to meet an adversary or opponent

I'm willing to take on big challenges that will help me grow.