タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[B+] JASON MOMOA: Powerful Climate Speech [FULL]


Island nations contribute the least to this disaster/ but are made to suffer the weight of these consequences.// Our governments/ and corporate entities/ have known for decades the immediate changes needed.// Yet change still has not come.// And when the frontline is gone,/ we are doomed./There is no undoing.// If you continue to watch/ unsympathetic to the issues of Island nations,/ this realization will soon come/ that you stood by/ and witnessed the world/ cross the critical tipping point/ of sharing the death of our planet./ Sixty-nine of the hundred/ richest entities/ in the world are corporations./ They're not governments./ Obviously,/ it is not naive to believe that one does not influence the other.// But we are watching,/ and the people will hold our governments and corporate powers/ accountable for the destruction you are allowing to our environment.// Three years ago,/ in Paris,/ the world stood United/ and vowed to keep the earth below 1.5 degrees of warming./ We pledged to hold ourselves to a higher standard/ and to do what is right./ I'm standing here today/ because I am ashamed/ that not all of our leaders have honored this agreement.// Delegates,/ I ask you now,/ do we still stand in unity for this cause?/ Do you intend to honor the commitments/ for the betterment of mankind,/ or will you/ continue to chase short-term profits/ above our children's basic human rights/ to live on this earth?// Change cannot come in 2050/ or 2030,/ or even 2025./ The change must come today./ We can no longer afford the luxury of half-assing it/ as we willingly force ourselves beyond the threshold of no return.// As a human species,/ we need the earth/ to (to) survive./ But make (make) no mistake,/ the Earth doesn't need us.// We are demanding/ global unity/ for a global crisis,/ to once again bring harmony between mankind and the natural balance of our world./ We must right the wrongs we have done against our children/ and grandchildren/ because we are gifting them/ with a world that suffers from our irresponsible stewardship.



  1. Who suffers the most from the effects of climate change?

  2. How many percent of the world are corporations?

  3. What happened in Paris 3 years ago?

  4. What is the speaker's purpose of this speech?

  5. In your opinion, why do you think some leaders fail to honor commitments made to combat climate change?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.



[ vou ]


a solemn promise, pledge, or personal commitment

They vowed to love each other through all eternity.


[ 'stoo-erd-ship ]


- care or management

Some critics have doubts about his stewardship of the nation.


[ doomd ]


- certain to fail, die or be destroyed

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


[ 'thresh-ohld ]


- any place or point of entering or beginning:

She stood on the threshold, unsure whether to enter.

tipping point


- the point at which an issue, idea, product, etc., crosses a certain threshhold and gains significant momentum, triggered by some minor factor or change.

We are reaching a tipping point at which damage is irreversible.