タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[B] DEMI LOVATO: Mental Health [FULL]


It is time to act for mental health / and pass comprehensive mental health bill / this year. // We're here because groups like NAMI have helped us understand / that our voices really do matter. // Our stories / really do matter. // We have the power to make a difference, / and we have the personal experience / needed to be taken seriously. // We know what it means / to have our lives, / or the lives of people we love / get off track / because of mental illness. // We understand that mental illness is serious and can be / absolutely devastating. // We also know mental illness can be treatable / when we have access to appropriate, comprehensive care. // I know / that it is largely because of our personal experience with mental illness that each of us is here today. // As I learn more about my own illness / and the experience of others, / I realize how much we all have in common, // even if mental illness / has made a few headlines because of my career. // There's... / there's a number of ways / in which / I've been very lucky, / yet, / even with access to so much, / my journey has not been an easy one by any means. // During my darkest times, / I didn't know why I was alive, / and I definitely didn't like myself. // I had / very low periods / that would so emotionally draining, / that I couldn't find the strength to crawl out of bed / in the morning. // I was withdrawn, / disconnected, / and very angry. // There were stretches / of time where I felt / nothing but shame. // I would medicate myself with drugs and alcohol, / in an effort to feel normal. // Not better, / just normal. // I didn't understand why somebody like me with all the resources / and reasons in the world / to be emotionally well; / I couldn't find happiness. // When I finally got diagnosed with bipolar disorder, / it was a relief / in so many ways. // It helped me to start make sense of my bipolar depression / and all the harm things I was doing / to cope with it. // Getting the right diagnosis didn't happen overnight. // Through the process of being misdiagnosed / and misunderstood, / I learned how important it is / to be open with your doctor, / so that you get to the root of what is going on / as soon as possible. // The journey to living well with bipolar disorder is a process for me involved seeing / a therapist, / being honest with myself / and others, / following my treatment plan, / and taking care of my body. // It requires comprehensive care.



  1. What emotions did the speaker struggle with before their diagnosis?

  2. Why was being diagnosed with bipolar disorder a turning point for the speaker?

  3. What lesson does the speaker convey about the process of diagnosis?

  4. What comprehensive approaches to care does the speaker advocate for in managing bipolar disorder?

  5. Do you think mental health is given enough attention in healthcare today? Why or why not?