タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[C+] TAYLOR SWIFT: Cringe is Unavoidable [FULL]


So as a rule, / I try not to give anyone / unsolicited advice / unless they ask for it. // I'll go into this more later. // I guess I have been / officially solicited in this situation to impart / whatever wisdom I might have, / to tell you things that have helped me so far / in my life. // Please bear in mind that I, / in no way, / feel qualified / to tell you what to do. // You've worked / and struggled / and sacrificed / and studied / and dreamed / your way here today, / and so / you know what you're doing. // You'll do things differently than I did them / and for different reasons. // So, / I won't tell you what to do, / because no one likes that. / I will, / however, / give you some life hacks / I wish I knew / when I was starting out my dreams of a career / and navigating life, / love, / pressure, / choices, / shame, / hope, and friendship. // The first of which is, / life can be heavy, / especially / if you try to carry it all at once. // Part of growing up / and moving into new chapters of your life / is about catch and release. // What I mean by that is / knowing what things to keep / and what things to release. // You can't carry all things, / all grudges, / all updates on your ex, / all enviable promotions, / your school bully got / at the hedge fund / his uncle started. // Decide what is yours to hold / and let the rest go. // Oftentimes, / the good things in your life / are lighter anyway. // So there's more room for them. // One toxic relationship / can outweigh so many / wonderful, / simple joys. // You get to pick / what your life / has time and room for. // Be discerning. // Secondly, / learn to live / alongside / cringe. // No matter / how hard / you try to avoid being cringe, / you will / look back on your life / and cringe retrospectively. // Cringe / is unavoidable over a lifetime. // Even the term cringe / might someday be deemed / cringe. // I promise you, / you're probably doing / or wearing something right now / that you will look back on later / and find revolting / and hilarious. // You can't avoid it, / so don't try to. //



  1. According to the passage, when does the speaker give unsolicited advice?

  2. What does the speaker mean by "catch and release" in the context of growing up and moving into new chapters of life?

  3. How does the speaker describe the inevitability of experiencing "cringe" in life

  4. What is the speaker's purpose of this speech?

  5. Can you share any life hacks or pieces of advice that have significantly helped you in your own journey?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.



[ uhn-suh-lis-i-tid ]


- not asked for

Here's some unsolicited advice: never skip breakfast.


[ dih-'sur-ning ]


- showing good judgment, especially about style and quality

The discerning judge carefully evaluated each contestant's performance during the competition.


[ krinj ]


- to feel very embarrassed, and often show this by a physical movement or expression

I cringed at the sight of my dad dancing.


[ ri-'vohl-ting ]


- extremely unpleasant or disgusting

I’ve never eaten such revolting food.

hedge fund

[ 'hej-fuhnd ]


- a type of investment that can make a lot of profit but involves a large risk

You can't start a hedge fund unless you have at least a million or two to invest.