タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[C+] TIM COOK: "Be a builder" [FULL]


It feels a bit crazy / that anyone should have to say this. // But if you’ve built a chaos factory, / you can’t dodge responsibility for the chaos. // Taking responsibility means / having the courage to think things through. // And there are few areas / where this is more important than privacy. // If we accept as normal and unavoidable / that everything in our lives can be aggregated, / sold or even leaked / in the event of a hack, / then / we lose so much more than data. // We lose the freedom to be human. // Think about what’s at stake. // Everything you write, / everything you say, / every topic of curiosity, / every stray thought, / every impulsive purchase, / every moment of frustration or weakness, / every gripe or complaint, / every secret shared in confidence. // In a world without digital privacy, / even if you have done nothing wrong / other than think differently, / you begin to censor yourself. // Not entirely at first. // Just a little, / bit by bit. // To risk less, / to hope less, / to imagine less, / to dare less, / to create less, / to try less, / to talk less, / to think less. // The chilling effect / of digital surveillance is profound, / and it touches everything. // What a small, / unimaginative world we would end up with. // Not entirely at first. // Just a little, / bit by bit. //



  1. What does it mean to take responsibility?

  2. What is at stake?

  3. What kind of life would we have without digital privacy?

  4. What is the speaker's purpose of this speech?

  5. From your perspective, what are the potential risks and downsides of living in a world without digital privacy?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.



[ 'ag-ri-geyt ]


- formed by the conjunction or collection of particulars into a whole mass or sum; total; combined

A wife's income is no longer aggregated with that of her husband.


[ pruh-'found ]


- penetrating or entering deeply into subjects of thought or knowledge; having deep insight or understanding:

Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.

stray thought


- an idea that is occuring at random or sporadically

I can't focus on my work, stray thoughts keep coming.

at stake


- to be won or lost; at risk

Our health is at stake at the peak of this pandemic.

chilling effect


- usually undesirable discouraging effect or influence

I am very concerned about the chilling effect this could have.