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[A] PETER DINKLAGE: Are You Afraid Of Change?  [ FULL ]


⏱ 19:50 - 23:23

When I was 29, / I told myself / the next acting job I get / no matter what it pays, / I will from now on, / for better or worse, / be a working actor. // So I quit my position / at the Professional Examination Services. // My friends really weren't happy about that, / because it was so easy to find me when I worked there. // Work / – was the only place I had the internet. // This was at the beginning of the Internet. // And now / I didn't have / either the internet / or a cell phone / or a job. // But something good happened. // I got a low paying theater job / in a play called / Imperfect Love. // Which led to a film / called 13 Moons / with the same writer. // Which led to other roles. // Which led to other roles. // And I've worked as an actor / ever since. // But / I didn't know that would happen. // At 29, / walking away from data processing, / I was terrified. // Ten years in a place / without heat. // Six years at a job, / I felt stuck in. // Maybe I was afraid of change. // Are you? // My parents / didn't have much money. // But they struggled / to send me to the best schools. // And / one of the most important things they did for me / — and graduates, / maybe you don't want to hear this / – is that once I graduated, / I was on my own. // Financially, / it was my turn. // Parents / are applauding, / graduates / are not. // But this made me very hungry. // Literally. // I couldn't be lazy. // Now I'm totally lazy / but back then, / I couldn't be. // And so at 29, / in a very long last, / I was in the company of the actors and writers and directors / I'd start out that first year, / that first day / after school. // I was. / I am / by their sides. // Raise the rest of your life / to meet you. // Don't search for defining moments / because they will never come. // Well, the birth of your children, OK, / of course, / forget about it, that's just six months. // My life is forever changed, / that's the most defining moment ever. // But I'm talking about in the rest of your life / and most importantly / in your work. // The moments that define you / have already happened. // And they will already happen again. // And it passes / so quickly. // So please / bring each other / along with you. // Everyone you need / is in this room. // These / are the shiny / more important people. //



  1. What prompted the speaker to quit their job at Professional Examination Services?

  2. What was the speaker's initial feeling after quitting their job?

  3. How did the speaker's career in acting unfold after quitting their job?

  4. What role did financial independence play in the speaker's life?

  5. What advice does the speaker offer to the graduates?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.





- to show enjoyment or approval of something, such as a performance or speech, by clapping the hands repeatedly to make a noise

She was applauded for a full five minutes after her speech.




- using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase

We live literally just around the corner from her.




- to establish or shape one's character or identity

The kindness he showed during the crisis defined him as a caring and compassionate person.

start out


- to begin to do something in business or a job, or to begin your working life in a particular way

I learned that lesson three years after starting out in the venture-capital business.

for better or worse


- accepting the bad results of the action as well as the good ones

Anyway, for better or for worse, I followed her advice.