タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[B] MUNIBA MAZARI: We Are Perfectly Imperfect [PRACTICE]




[ 'kom-pluh-muhnt ]


- a remark that expresses approval, admiration, or respect

I take it as a compliment when people say I look like my mother.


[ nawrm ]


- an accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with

In many societies, it's the norm for the young to respect their elders.


[ 'mee-dee-uhm ]


- a method or way of expressing something

They told the story through the medium of dance.


[ 'cher-ish ]


- to love, protect, and care for someone or something that is important to you

Although I cherish my children, I do allow them their independence.

blessing in disguise


- something that seems bad or unlucky at first, but results in something good happening later

"My car breaking down was a blessing in disguise, as I started cycling to work and became much healthier as a result."


FIRST CUT ⏱ 11:00 - 12:27

    Let's read...

    We have this thing in minds, we call it perfection. We want everything perfect. We want ourselves to be perfect. There is this image in our head about everything. Perfect life, perfect relationships, perfect career, perfect amount of money that we need to earn no matter what. Nothing is perfect in this world. We all are perfectly imperfect, and that is perfectly alright. That's all right. You were... We were sent here not to become the perfect people. Those people who tell you how to look perfect, even those people are imperfect. Trying to fight this fear of looking imperfect. I used to be perfect. I still remember. I got this compliment years ago when I used to walk. Oh my God, look at you. You are fair. You are tall. You're perfect. Look at me now. Only the perfect eyes can see that. Only the perfect eyes will see that. Only the perfect eyes will see that. So, yes, in all those imperfections, you have to listen to your heart. You don't have to look good for people. You don't have to be perfect just because other people want you to be perfect.

    Let's follow Muniba Mazari...

    We have this thing in minds, / we call it perfection. // We want everything perfect. // We want ourselves to be perfect. // There is this image in our head / about everything. // Perfect life, / perfect relationships, / perfect career, / perfect amount of money / that we need to earn no matter what. // Nothing is perfect in this world. // We all are perfectly imperfect, / and that is perfectly alright. // That's all right. // You were... /We were sent here / not to become the perfect people. // Those people who tell you how to look perfect, / even those people are imperfect. // Trying to fight this fear / of looking imperfect. // I used to be perfect. // I still remember. // I got this compliment / years ago when I used to walk. // Oh my God, / look at you. // You are fair. // You are tall. // You're perfect. // Look at me now. // Only the perfect eyes / can see that. // Only the perfect eyes / will see that. // Only the perfect eyes / will see that. // So, / yes, / in all those imperfections, / you have to listen to your heart. // You don't have to look good for people. // You don't have to be perfect / just because other people want you to be perfect. //

SECOND CUT ⏱ 12:27 - 13:57

    Let's read...

    If your soul is perfect from within, that's all right. This is all what you want. This is all what you need to be. Our society has made very weird, very weird kind of norms to look perfect and great. For men, it's different. For women, it's different. We think too much about what people say. We listen to ourselves too little. You know what makes you perfect? When you make someone smile. You know what makes you perfect? When you try to do something good for the people around you. You know what makes you perfect? When you feel someone's pain. And how beautiful pain is that it connects you with people. No other medium can connect you with others but pain. That's why I always say that I'm in pain. And that's a blessing in disguise for me. Every time I go in public, I always smile. It's always a big do- the smile on my face. And people ask me, don't you get tired of smiling all the time? What's the secret? I always say one thing. That I have stopped worrying about the things that I have lost, the people that I've lost. Things and people who are meant to be with me are with me. And sometimes somebody's absence make you a better person. Cherish their absence. It's always... It's always a blessing in disguise.

    Let's follow Muniba Mazari...

    If your soul is perfect from within, / that's all right. // This is all / what you want. // This is all / what you need to be. // Our society / has made / very weird, / very weird kind of norms / to look perfect and great. // For men, / it's different. // For women, / it's different. // We think too much / about what people say. // We listen to ourselves too little. // You know what makes you perfect? // When you make someone smile. // You know what makes you perfect? // When you try to do something good / for the people around you. // You know what makes you perfect? // When you feel someone's pain. // And how beautiful pain / is that it connects you with people. // No other medium / can connect you with others but pain. // That's why I always say / that I'm in pain. // And that's a blessing in disguise for me. // Every time I go in public, / I always smile. // It's always a big do- / the smile on my face. // And people ask me, / don't you get tired of / smiling all the time? // What's the secret? // I always say one thing. // That I have stopped worrying / about the things that I have lost, / the people that I've lost. / Things and people / who are meant to be with me / are with me. // And sometimes / somebody's absence / make you a better person. // Cherish their absence. // It's always... / It's always a blessing in disguise. //