タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[C+] Trust The Process! | Deshauna  [FULL]


I think / that we, / in some strange way / are conditioned to believe / that success comes overnight / that success is microwavable, / that success / can go into an air fryer / and it can come right out. // In some / strange way / we are convinced / that if, / in fact, / the journey / is too hard / or that the journey / takes too long / or that the hurdles / are too frequent / or that the mountain / is too tall. // That maybe / this means / that this is not for us. // Maybe this means / that this isn't / supposed to happen for me. // Maybe this means / that I'm in the / wrong space. // When in fact, / it's quite the opposite. // I think / you're actually / right on the road / you're supposed to be / when it's hard. // When something's easy / it sounds like / it's not supposed to be yours. // Often times / we want the finish line / without running the race. // You have / something / that you're going for / and just / because it's hard / doesn't mean / that it's not / meant for you. // It doesn't mean / that this isn't / supposed to happen. // It just means / that you are / in the middle / of a process... // and you have to stay / on that process. // People ask me / all the time , / "Deshauna, / why'd you keep going? / why'd you keep going? / why' you keep going?" // It's because / I understood / that this is a process // and that / if it was easy, / everybody would achieve it. // The reason why / it's easier for me / to be able to stay / on the road / to success / whether it is / through Miss USA, / whether it is / through 11 years / in the military, / whether it is / through a Master's Degree , / whether it is / through the seven years / it took for me / to become a / notable speaker / whether it is / to be / an author / or a nonprofit / CEO. // I / understand / the process / and I understand / the road / and I understand / that this isn't meant / to be / easy. // Therefore, / it is so much / easier for me / to climb / this mountain / because I understand / the terrain / that I'm about / to experience. // Each / and every one / of you / need to understand / the road / that you're on / and the terrain / you're going to experience. // It makes it easier / for you to be able to handle it. // If you / walk into / something thinking / that it's supposed / to be easy / then you're wondering / why it's hard and then / that's why / you're ready to give up. // I have two challenges / in this part / of perseverance. // One, / I challenge you / to accept / this road / for what it truly is / and get rid / of the fairy tales. // Get rid / of whatever is / telling you is / supposed to be easy //. And / then I / challenge you / to never let a failure / go to waste. // What do I / mean by that ? // Every / single time / I went back / to this / state competition, / I learned / more / and more / about myself, / that by the end / of that seven-year period, / I became / a more elevated version / of Deshauna. // By the time, / I got / to the Miss USA stage, / I had learned everything that I needed to learn / to be able to handle a national title. // Every single year / Deshauna got better. // After about 3 years, // I realized, / "Deshauna, / this wig isn't going to work." // It's not going to work D. // You got to let it go. // Y'all saw the wig, // we don't have to spend / too much time on it, // but there's a wig... // and I kept wearing it. // But after three years, / I got it, / okay. // The girls know / I got / I got the / the bundles in / after a while. // We got it together, / right? // What I'm saying / is that / every single time / you run into a hurdle, / every single time / you run into a loss... / every single time / you run into a failure . // I want you / to take that lesson / home / with you. // And then the next day, / I want you / to show up better. //



  1. What does the speaker believe people are conditioned to believe about success?

  2. According to the speaker, what does it mean when the journey to success is hard or takes a long time?

  3. How does the speaker suggest people should approach challenges and failures?

  4. Why does the speaker emphasize understanding the road and terrain of one's journey to success?

  5. What is the speaker's advice for handling failures and setbacks?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.



[ ˈhur-dl ]


- a problem that you have to deal with before you can make progress  

You have already overcome the first major hurdle by passing the entrance exam.


[ ˈnoh-tuh-buhl ]


- important and deserving attention

Reynolds was a notable conversationalist.


[ ˈel-uh-ˌvey-tid ]


- improved or become better

My cooking skills have elevated since I started watching cooking shows.

get rid of


- to remove something that you do not want any longer

I can’t wait to get rid of that ugly old couch.

show up point


- appear or become visible

When the sun rises, the stars disappear and don't show up anymore.