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[C+] ELLIOT PAGE: Accept Yourself [FULL]


And I'm inspired / to be in this room / because / every single / one of you / is here / for the same / reason. // You're here / because you've / adopted / as a core motivation / the simple fact / that this world / would be / a whole lot better / if we just / made an effort / to be less / horrible / to one another. // If we took / just / 5 minutes / to recognize / each other's beauty, / instead of / attacking each other / for our differences. // That's not hard. // It's really / an easier / and better way / to live. // And ultimately, / it saves lives. // Then again, / it can be / the hardest thing. // Because / loving other people / starts with loving ourselves / and accepting ourselves. // And I know / many of you / have struggled / with this. // And I draw / upon / your strength / and your support, / and ways / that you will never / know. // And I am / here today / because I am / gay. // And because... // and because, / maybe / I can make a / difference. // To help others / have an easier / and more / hopeful time. // Regardless, / for me, / I feel / a personal obligation / and a social responsibility. // I also do it / selfishly, / because I'm tired of hiding / and I am tired of lying / by omission. // I suffered / for years / because I was scared / to be out. // My spirit suffered, / my mental health / suffered / and my relationships / suffered. // And I'm standing / here today, / with all of you, / on the other side / of that pain. // And I am / young, / yes, / but / what I have learned / is that love, / the beauty / of it, / the joy / of it, / and yes, / even the pain / of it, / is the most / incredible gift / to give / and to receive / as a human being. // And we deserve / to experience love / fully, / equally, / without shame / and without / compromise. // There are / too many kids / out there / suffering from / bullying, / rejection, / or simply / being mistreated / because of / who they are. // Too many / dropouts. // Too much / abuse. // Too many / homeless. // Too many / suicides. // You can change that / and you are / changing it. // But you never / needed me / to tell you that. // And that's why / this was // a little bit / weird.



  1. Why does the speaker feel inspired to be in the room?

  2. What does the speaker suggest could make the world a better place?

  3. Why does the speaker feel a personal obligation and social responsibility?

  4. What has the speaker suffered from due to fear of being out?

  5. What is described as the most incredible gift to give and receive as a human being?