タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[C+] ELON MUSK: Future, A.I. and Mars [FULL]


Well, / I think this is one of those things / that are quite difficult to predict. // When you think of, / say, / the first controlled power flight / was in 1903 with the Wright Brothers. // And then, / 66 years later / we put the first people on the moon. // I mean, / if you asked people, / say, / in 1900, / what are the odds of landing on the moon / they would've said that's ridiculous. // If you try to talk to them about the internet / they wouldn't know what the heck you're even... / What are you talking about? // Like, / this sounds so crazy. // But today, / with a hundred-dollar device / you can video-conference / with anyone in the world. // On the other side of the world, / and if you have a Wi-Fi connection, / it's basically free. // You're free to have an instant / visual communication with anyone, / or even with millions of people. // You know, / with social media / you can communicate to millions of people / simultaneously. // So, / and you can google something / and ask any question. // It's like an oracle of wisdom, / that you can ask almost any questions / and get an instant response. // It would be incredibly difficult to predict these things / in the past. // Even the relatively recent past. // So, / I think / the one thing / that we can be quite certain of / is that any predictions we make today / for what the future will be like in 50 years / will be wrong. // That's for sure. // I think directionally, / I can tell you what I hope / the future has, / as opposed to maybe what it will be. // This may just be wishful thinking. // I mean / I hope we are out there / on Mars and maybe beyond Mars, / Jupiter. // I hope / we're traveling frequently / throughout the solar system, / perhaps preparing for missions / to nearby star systems. // I think all of that is possible in 50 years. // And I think it's going to be very exciting to do that. // And, / I think we'll see / autonomy and artificial intelligence advance tremendously. // Like that's actually quite near term. // My guess is in probably / 10 years, / it will be very unusual for cars / to be built / that are not fully autonomous. // - 10 years. // [10 years from now?] // Yeah. / I think almost all cars / built / will be capable of full autonomy / in about 10 years. // As it is, / the Tesla cars that are made today, / have the sensor system necessary for full autonomy. // And we think probably enough compute power / to be safer than a person. // So, / it's mostly just the question of developing the software / and uploading the software. // And if it turns out that more compute power / is needed, / we can easily upgrade the computer. // And, / so that's all Teslas built since October last year. // And other manufacturers will follow / and do the same thing. // So, / getting in a car will be like getting in an elevator. // You just tell it where you want to go / and it takes you there with extreme levels of safety. // And that will be normal, / that will just be normal. //



  1. Who made the first controlled power flight in 1903?

  2. According to the speaker, what is one thing we can be quite certain of?

  3. What does the speaker hope the future has?

  4. What is the speaker's purpose of this speech?

  5. In your opinion, why do you think the speaker believes it's difficult to predict technological advancements in the future?



1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.





- in a way that is simultaneous (= happening or being done at exactly the same time)

Two children answered the teacher's question simultaneously.


[ aw-'ton-uh-muhs ]


- (of a machine or system) able to operate without being controlled directly by humans

In this race, five autonomous vehicles crossed the finish line.


[ trih-'men-duhs-lee ]


- to a very great amount or level, or extremely well

We all enjoyed ourselves tremendously.


[ pri-'dik-shuhn ]


- a statement about what you think will happen in the future

No one believed her prediction that the world would end on November 12 .



- a meeting at which two or more people who are in different places can talk to and see each other using electronic technology

During lockdown we had a weekly video conference with the rest of the family.