タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話




[ 'fur-vuhnt ]


- having or showing great warmth or intensity (burning/glowing) of spirit, feeling, enthusiasm

It is my fervent hope that you will be able to take this project forward.


[ in-'ek-ser-uh-blee ]


- in a way that is unyielding, unchangeable, or unavoidable:

Spending on health is growing inexorably.

up to the task


- capable, able, suitable, competent enough to complete the job

Lisa was not sure if she was up to the task of being the new branch manager.

stave off


- to avert or delay something bad or dangerous

We were hoping to stave off these difficult situations until September.

life expectancy


- refers to the number of years a person can expect to live

The country's average life expectancy went down from about 70 to 67.


FIRST CUT ⏱ 24:13 - 25:13

    Let's read...

    All of a sudden, I was asking myself where my decision-making was coming from. Was I scared to disappoint people? Was I scared to fail? Was I scared I wasn't up to the task or was I excited and nervous about the unknown? Did I picture myself possibly pushing past what I thought limitations were? We have to consciously choose love because it's scary. Choosing love is not always the easiest answer and it doesn't always put you on the clearest path. Choosing love is inexorably tied to taking risk. What this actually means to you, I can't ever know because it's different for everyone. What you love is so personal, what inspires you, what makes you tick. So I can only say when big decisions pop up, get quiet, real quiet and listen. Turn off your phone, turn off your computer and listen to your true heart. Hear the thing that makes you feel sick with excitement and scares you because you know you will learn and do that thing.

    Let's follow Rashida Jones...

    All of a sudden, / I was asking myself / where my decision-making / was coming from. / Was I scared to disappoint people? / Was I scared to fail? / Was I scared I wasn't up to the task / or was I excited and nervous about the unknown? / Did I picture myself possibly pushing past what I thought limitations were? / We have to consciously choose love / because it's scary. / Choosing love / is not always the easiest answer / and it doesn't always put you on the clearest path. / Choosing love is inexorably tied / to taking risk. / What this actually means to you, / I can't ever know / because it's different for everyone. / What you love / is so personal, / what inspires you, / what makes you tick. / So I can only say / when big decisions pop up, / get quiet, / real quiet / and listen. / Turn off your phone, / turn off your computer / and listen to your true heart. / Hear the thing / that makes you feel sick with excitement / and scares you because you know you will learn / and do that thing. /

SECOND CUT ⏱ 25:13 - 26:11

    Let's read...

    So just to review, because I think maybe some of you are hung over or maybe have been asleep for a little bit. Here is what's going to stave off your midlife crisis. One, don't count on the system, count on yourself. Two, protect your instincts and do it loudly. Three, choose love even if it's scary some time. There is still plenty of reason to be optimistic about your future. The world you are inheriting has less violence, longer life expectancy, more available education, more ways to stay in touch with the people you love, more good television shows and more flavors of gum than ever before in the history of the world. But there is still so much work to be done by you and it's totally possible, but it's not enough to talk about it. Question everything. Yes, absolutely. But then figure out how to change it. You must act. Stay curious, stay empathetic, stay fearless. Become a loud and fervent participant in your world.

    Let's follow Rashida Jones...

    So just to review, / because I think maybe some of you are hung over / or maybe have been asleep / for a little bit. / Here is what's going to stave off / your midlife crisis. / One, / don't count on the system, / count on yourself. Two, / protect your instincts / and do it loudly. / Three, / choose love / even if it's scary some time. / There is still plenty of reason to be optimistic about your future. / The world you are inheriting / has less violence, / longer life expectancy, / more available education, / more ways / to stay in touch with the people you love, / more good television shows / and more flavors of gum than ever before in the history of the world. / But there is still so much work to be done / by you / and it's totally possible, / but it's not enough to talk about it. / Question everything. Yes, / absolutely. / But then figure out how to change it. / You must act. / Stay curious, / stay empathetic, / stay fearless. / Become a loud / and fervent participant in your world. /