タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[D] Stop Wasting Your Life - Take Control Instead



[ buhm ]


- someone who has no home or job and lives by asking other people for money

Every morning, I see a bum asking for money on the street corner.


[ 'el-uh-veyt ]


- to make someone or something more important or to improve something

They want to elevate the status of teachers.


[ binj ]


- to eat too much of something

I tend to binge on chocolate when I'm watching TV.


[ in-'duhlj ]


- to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you

I love champagne but I don't often indulge myself.

bat an eye


- to show surprise or concern.

She told him she'd spent all her savings but he didn't bat an eye.


⏱ 00:16 - 04:29

What is the video all about? Choose two statements that refer to the main ideas of the video.

1. Being around others who use addictive substances or encourage such behavior can lead to addiction.

2. The video explains that common activities like using the internet or eating junk food can also be addictions.

3. It discusses why people develop addictive habits, often to feel good or avoid pain, and how these habits can harm our lives over time.

4. Some people are more likely to become addicted because of their family genes.


A. First Cut

Direction: Watch the first cut of the video and complete the following lines below with the missing words. Write or type down your answers while listening.

⏱ 00:45 - 02:18

But addiction can be found in other everyday (1) that nobody would bat an eye for if you were to indulge in them. Such as: shopping, browsing the internet, eating fast food, working, scrolling on your phone, drinking coffee, (2), playing Runescape ahem you get the point. It's not exclusive to alcoholics and drug users. So what I'm going to talk about today is relevant to everyone, because I believe most of us are addicted to something, even if we might not know or (3) it. At the very least, we all have certain behaviors that we would like to stop or reduce. And to improve your life, you don't have to necessarily (4) of new habits, but rather, (5) the ones that are (6) . Of course, most of the behaviors I mentioned are acceptable when done in (7) . Someone who gets drunk every once in a while is not necessarily an addict. He's merely making a bad choice. What addiction really is, is continued and (8) overconsumption, that you continue to indulge in, despite the (9) you experience yourself, or you're inflicting onto others. So if you keep repeating a behavior and can't reduce or stop it, you are an addict. But the problem is that the most common thing an addict tells himself, is that he's not really addicted, that he can stop at any time, and that he just doesn't want or doesn't see a reason to stop. Rather, he finds (10) his behavior. So a good question to ask yourself is this: can you stop that behavior completely for a few weeks? Can you do without your phone, sugar, coffee or your computer for that period of time?

B. Second Cut

Direction: Watch the second cut of the video and complete the following lines below with the missing phrases.

⏱ 02:18 - 03:46

If we're completely honest, for a lot of us, the (1) . And we might want to examine more closely as to why that is. Because the easiest way to (2) your behavior, is to understand why you're doing it in the first place. We all have certain (3) . And our addiction, while it may be problematic, is usually just a solution we have come up with to fulfill those desires. You see, if our behavior didn't benefit us in some way, we wouldn't be repeating it. In other words, we're addicted to our drug of choice, because it fulfills a certain purpose. For some people, it's (4) . Obviously we all want to feel good. Maybe you want to feel the (5) of discovering something new, so you go on the internet and browse social media. Or perhaps you want to have some fun, so you look to entertain yourself by (6) or playing video games. However, our behavior isn't only driven by our desires, but also by the problems and difficulties of life. So another reason behind our behavior is (7) . And I believe that this is the more common behavioral driver for most people. Obviously nobody wants to feel unpleasant. We want to escape that pain. So when you're stressed or (8) , you binge on food or cigarettes to replace the bad feelings with good (9) . Perhaps you feel lonely or bored, and you go shopping or gambling to take your mind off of those depressing thoughts. Maybe you feel helpless or empty, and you binge watch Netflix series all day in order to (10) . I could go on and on...

LET'S DO THE CHALLENGE-Comprehension Questions

Direction: Answer the following questions below based on the video.

  1. What was the author’s initial perception of addiction?

    a. A person who enjoys shopping excessively

    b. A homeless person using drugs on the street

    c. Someone who drinks coffee every day

  2. According to the video, which of the following is true about addiction?

    a. Addiction is only related to drugs and alcohol

    b. Addiction is a choice that anyone can stop whenever they want

    c. Addiction involves compulsive behaviors that continue despite negative consequences

  3. Why does the author believe addiction is relevant to everyone?

    a. Because most people have certain behaviors they struggle to stop

    b. Because addiction only applies to alcoholics and drug users

    c. Because addiction can be completely avoided with self-discipline

  4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible addiction?

    a. Playing video games

    b. Browsing the internet

    c. Exercising excessively

  5. What question does the author suggest asking yourself to determine if you are addicted?

    a. Can I completely stop the behavior for a few weeks?

    b. Do my friends think I have a problem?

    c. Do I enjoy doing this activity?