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[A] Five ways to stop getting distracted | BBC Ideas



[ se-'sey-shuhn ]


- ending or stopping

Religious leaders have called for a total cessation of the bombing campaign.


[ krest ]


- the top or highest part of something such as a wave or a hill

We climbed to the crest of the hill.


[ suhb-'sahyd ]


- (of a condition) to become less strong, or (of an activity or disagreement) to become less violent

When her pain didn’t subside, Matt drove her to the hospital.


[ 'hahy-jak ]


- to take control of or use something that does not belong to you for your own advantage

He resents the way his ideas have been hijacked by others in the department.


[ awr-'neyt ]


- having a lot of complicated decoration

A pair of ornate gold candlesticks stood on the altar.


What is the video all about?


A. Script Completion

Direction: Watch the first cut of the video and complete the following lines below with the missing words or phrases. Write or type down your answers while listening.

⏱ 00:17 - 01:59

My name is Nir Eyal and I've spent the last five years researching and writing about . When I found with distraction, I decided to do what many people advised and . I got myself a without any apps. All it did was phone calls and text messages. Then I got a from the 1990s without any sort of internet connection. Unfortunately, I found I still got distracted. I'd start reading a book for my bookshelf. I my desk. I take out the trash even just to avoid the thing that I didn't want to do. I had only focused on the - the pings and dings that were . What I hadn't focused on, and what turns out to be a much more common source of distraction, are the internal triggers - the uncomfortable emotional states that . When we're lonely, we check Facebook. When we're uncertain, we Google. When we're bored, we check the news, , sports scores - anything to not feel these uncomfortable sensations that we're not ready to experience. Here are a few techniques I discovered in my research that could help us . First what you want to do is to . - don't keep any sort of calendar, any kind of schedule in their day. Well, the fact of the matter is if you don't plan your day, somebody is going to plan it for you. Many of us believe in this - . I used to think that just by writing things down, they get done. But of course, I go from day to day to day half of my to-do list because I wasn't making time to do those tasks. So the best place to start is not with the output of what you want to get done every day but with the input of how much time you have to devote to every task.


A. Script Completion

Direction: Watch the second cut of the video and complete the following lines below with the missing phrases.

⏱ 02:00 - 04:15

So distraction has . One of them is that we find that when someone is , it can take up to 20 minutes for them to refocus on what they were doing. Many times we don't even realize how much when we... Some check email in one solid block. If you enjoy using social media that's great, but so it's not something you're only using every time you . Researchers have found that surfing the urge is an effective way to . In a , researchers found that when they taught smokers how to notice the sensation and be mindful of what they were experienced, they became much more likely to stop smoking. By and noticing what it is that we're experiencing and allowing that kind of like how a surfer might surf a wave - we allow that emotion, that uncomfortable internal trigger, to crest and then pass. The next thing that we want to do is to be . Liminal moments are these periods of time when we are . So for example if you start checking your email on the way back from a meeting and you're finally at your desk and you keep checking your email instead of getting to the task at hand well now that liminal moment has . So be careful those times when you're transitioning from one task to the next. A study of Alcoholics found that the number one determinant of whether someone would stay programme was not their level of physical dependency, it wasn't what was happening in their body. In fact, it was what was happening in their minds. The people who are most likely to stay sober were those who believed they had the power to stop. So when we think that technology is or its addicting everyone, we are making it more likely that we won't be able to put technology distractions in their place. So don't believe this line if there's nothing we can do. Clearly there's so much we can do to help make sure that we get the best out of these products without letting them .


Direction: Answer the following questions based on the video and let's check your comprehension.

⏱ 00:00 - 04:15

  1. What did Nir Eyal do to try and reduce distractions?

  2. Despite removing technological distractions, what did Eyal find himself doing?

  3. What problem did Eyal find with to-do lists?

  4. What are 'liminal moments' according to Eyal, and how can they become distractions?

  5. What do you think is more challenging to overcome: external distractions like phone notifications, or internal distractions like your own thoughts and feelings? Why?