タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[B+] A Conversation with Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland | Davos 2023



[ slog ]


- to work hard over a long period, especially doing work that is difficult or boring

I've been slogging through pages and pages of reports.


[ in-'veyd ]


- to enter a country by force with large numbers of soldiers in order to take possession of it

If the United States should invade now, the Soviet Union will have the right to attack.


[ jee-ow-puh-'li-tuh-kl ]


- connected with political activity as influenced by the the physical features of a country, or with the study of the way a country's size, position, etc. influence its power and its relationships with other countries

The ongoing geopolitical tensions and rise in oil prices played a part in spooking investors.


[ 'bloo-ahyd ]


- having or representing childlike innocence.

She was so blue-eyed and trusting that she believed everyone's promises without question.

authoritarian regime


- are governments where a small group or one person has a lot of power, and people have limited freedom and say in how things are run

The citizens yearned for freedom, tired of the restrictions imposed by the authoritarian regime.


What is the video all about?


A. Script Completion

Direction: Watch the first cut of the video and complete the following lines below with the missing words or phrases. Write or type down your answers while listening.

⏱ 00:38 - 02:02

Well I was in Davos . I think not maybe the same date but about three years ago I was in Davos. And then everything was . I was just pointed as and we didn't know what is heading us. And then the came to the world and we all saw the and had . After that, the in Europe and now Europe is in middle of because of Putin's war in . So lots have changed during these three years and we have . Our societies, our have had to face so many challenges. And we have had to . The world today is very than it was three years ago. And right now the war is not only Ukraine but actually . The - is being challenged more and more. Authoritarian regimes are taking uh more the world and the are challenged. And this is the new reality, the that we are in. And we have to face that, not be not be blue-eyed but we really have to face what the world is today. And making hard political choices also uh making this in mind.


A. Script Completion

Direction: Watch the second cut of the video and complete the following lines below with the missing phrases.

⏱ 02:37 - 04:14

Well, of course we don't know yet. We don't know when . But we have to make sure that it will end, . I don't think that there's any other choice. If Russia would , then we would only see a Decades of in ahead of us. I think are looking very closely what is happening now in Ukraine. And if Russia would win, then it would that you can another country. You can attack and you can gain from that or other things natural resources or other things. And we have to send a message that is , that Russia . It will lose the war. Ukraine will push Russia back to and that also means Krim. It means that that Ukraine will be . And we together have to make sure that this will become , that there isn't a gain of attacking another country. And we have to of course stand behind the rule-based order as well and I really worry about the challenges that in this respect. If there isn't rules in the world what can we , then it's only rules of that, that have . And for example, Finland is a . It's very very important to us that we have this that everybody obeys. That we have the , that we have rule-based order, that we have rule of law, and that we those values and rules.


Direction: Answer the following questions based on the video and let's check your comprehension.

⏱ 00:00 - 04:15

  1. What does Santa Marin suggest will happen if Russia wins the war?

  2. What does Santa Marin emphasize as important for small countries like Finland?

  3. Santa Marin expresses concerns about authoritarian regimes taking a stronger stand. Do you think the global community is doing enough to counteract this trend?

  4. Do you believe that if Ukraine manages to push Russia back, as Santa Marin hopes, it will deter other potential conflicts in the future?

  5. Santa Marin emphasizes the importance of making hard political choices.

What do you believe are some tough decisions world leaders need to make in the current context?