タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[E] Talking About Routines And Habits


Useful phrases to use in answering "How do you spend your free time?"

I like + -ing / I like to - to enjoy or approve of something


  • I like watching movies.

  • I like to hang out with my friends in my free time.

I enjoy - to get pleasure from doing something


  • I enjoy gardening.

  • I enjoy spending time with my kids.

I go + -ing - used to describe leisure activities that we do in our free time


  • I go shopping with my friends on weekends.

  • I sometimes go camping with my family.

I hate + -ing - dislike doing something


  • I hate going outside so I stay at home all day.

  • I hate going to the cinema so I watch movies on NetFlix.


How do you spend your free time? 💬

Alison Green

Emily Frahman, 23

Icon Emily(Casual)

I get up early most days and usually do some exercises. I'm not very sporty, but I go jogging twice a week. On the weekend, I like to relax. I also enjoy watching movies and I sometimes do yoga on Saturday afternoons. I never watch sports. It's the most boring thing possible.

James Smith

Thomas Miller, 35


I'm not the most active person. I like to play video games with my friends in the evening. I sometimes watch soccer games. There's a gym at my workplace, but I rarely go there. My wife thinks I should get more exercise, but I hate working out. I'd rather relax at home.


1. What does Emily like to do on Saturday afternoons?

2. What does Thomas' wife think?


👂🏻 Listening Exercise

Direction: Listen to the audio in each item and answer the questions that follow.

  1. What books does she read in her free time?

  1. Why does she hate working out?

  1. How many children does she have?

🗣 Speaking Exercise

Direction: Tell you mentor about the things you do in your free time. Write at least five sentences.