![[A] Looking Into The Future](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/4uov6IlPuflQH7NsIRBk48/6b863523ddbfe3270615b98936661cd8/BUSINESS_ENGLISH_BANNER-04.png)
Response to risks usually takes one of the following forms: |
• Avoidance |
- a business strives to eliminate a particular risk by getting rid of its cause. |
• Mitigation |
- decreasing the projected financial value associated with a risk by lowering the possibility of the occurrence of the risk. |
• Acceptance |
- in some cases, a business may be forced to accept risk. This option is possible if a business entity develops contingencies to mitigate the impact of the risk, should it occur. |
What is scenario planning?
We call ourselves futurologists or futurists. Of course, futurology is not an exact science, but there are ways of forecasting or predicting the future in a structured manner. There is the Delphi method, where a panel of experts makes forecasts about a subject independently, and the forecasts are circulated to the other member of the group. Each member then comments on the others’ observations. The process is iterative. Opinions converge and experts reach a consensus. The method can be used to make predictions in a number of different applications.
The technique is based on the idea that a structured group will produce more accurate results than an unstructured one from individuals working on their own. It can be adapted for use in face-to-face meetings and is then called mini-Delphi or Estimate-Talk-Estimate (ETE).
What is the Delphi method, and how does it work in the context of forecasting or predicting the future?
A related area is risk management. Operating in politically unstable countries is one of the most extreme examples of where we have to manage risk. The dangers there may include the nationalization of assets by the government.
Elsewhere, we may be accused of working with governments that people do not approve of. We have to think about the impact of this in terms of our reputation for social responsibility.
There is a danger of oil spills from ships transporting our oil, with the resulting pollution and associated cost of fines, cleaning up, etc. In addition, there is a much greater long-term cost of the negative effect this has on our image. A badly handled old spill is a public relations disaster.
These are some of the potential crises we face. We try to have contingency plans or crisis management plans for all the risks we can think of.
If our computer systems are damaged, for example in a fire, we have business continuity plans, involving back-up machines on another site so that we can carry on working normally.
What are some of the risk management challenges and potential crises that the organization faces?
👂🏻 Listening Exercise
Direction: Listen to the audio and answer the questions that follow.
What crisis was the XYZ Motor Company faced?
What are the probable causes of the problem?
How did it affect the consumers?
🗣 Speaking Exercise
Direction: Read the situation and formulate your own dialogue. Do a role play with your mentor.
A furniture company has been attacked by a consumer website for selling a lamp that is dangerous to use and could cause a fire. The Sales Manager agrees to appear in a consumer TV program to defend the company's reputation.
So, you are here to clear up your company's name about the allegations from a famous online blogger and product analyst, urging your company to recall your famous lamp.
So, let's start with the first defect mentioned in the article that your lamp, code-named KM 200 overheats quickly.
That makes sense. Now, let's address the next problem, it was also pointed out in the article that the vinyl coating on the electrical cord gets too hot, so the cord bursts and melts. As a result, in some cases, materials near the lamp have been set on fire.
Thank you for shedding light on this matter. Now let's talk about the last problem. Based on the article, your lamp could cause harm since the bulbs in the lamp sometimes explodes.
It is my responsibility to contribute to long-term plans for our future activities. We have to anticipate the competitor's behavior and activities will be. Apart from that, we also have to look at trends in the general social and economic environment and be ready to respond to changes in society and changes in the economy as a whole. This is called scenario planning. In our organization, we imagine ways in which the energy industry might change and evolve and what the place oil will be in relation to alternative fuels in 20, 50, or 100 years from now.