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[D] Obligations and Requests


Useful Expressions in Expressing Obligations

Useful Expressions in Expressing Obligations

Asking whether you or others have obligation to do or not

Do I have to..?

Do I have to attend the meeting tomorrow morning?

Should I..?

Should I include the additional data in the presentation?

Must I...?

Must I attend the company's annual event?

Am I expected to..?

Am I expected to submit a written report after the presentation?

It it necessary for me to..?

Is it necessary for me to complete the online training module?

Useful Expressions in Making Requests


Could you..?

Could you please send me the sales report for the last quarter?

Would you mind..?

Would you mind reviewing this presentation before the meeting?

Would you be kind enough to..?

Would you be kind enough to help me move these boxes to the storage room?

Less Polite


Can we reschedule the meeting for tomorrow?


Will you let me know if there are any updates on the project?

Other ways

Do you think you could..?

Do you think you could send me the sales report by the end of the day?

Would it be possible for you to..?

Would it be possible for you to join us for a conference call at 3 PM?



Obligations and Requests (1)

Icon_Business Woman


Hey, have you finished the sales report yet? We must submit it to the management by the end of the day.

Icon Tourist


Yes, I'm almost done with it. By the way, should I include the latest sales data from the branch office?

Icon_Business Woman


Absolutely! We have to ensure the report is comprehensive and up-to-date.

Icon Tourist


Okay, understood. Oh, and am I expected to attend the budget review meeting tomorrow?

Icon_Business Woman


Yes, you ought to be there. Your insights on the sales figures will be valuable for the team.

Icon Tourist


Got it. Could you also remind me of the deadline for the new product proposal?

Icon_Business Woman


Of course! You have to submit it by Friday, but it should be ready for review by Wednesday.

Icon Tourist


Thanks for the reminder. By the way, would you mind checking the proposal before I present it to the team?

Icon_Business Woman


No problem at all. I'll do that right away. Is there anything else you need help with?

Icon Tourist


Not at the moment, but I appreciate your support. We can grab coffee later to discuss the presentation.

Icon_Business Woman


That sounds like a good idea. Let's meet at the café downstairs in an hour.

Icon Tourist


Perfect! See you later!


1. Why does Jenny want Alex to include the latest sales data from the branch office in the report?

2. Why does Alex need Jenny's help with the proposal?

3. Why does Jenny want Alex to attend the budget review meeting?


👂🏻 Listening Exercise

Direction: Listen to the statement and answer the question that follows.

  1. What does woman like the man to do?

  1. Why does the woman want the man to close the window?

  1. What does the woman want the man to do during the team meeting?

🗣 Speaking Exercise

Direction: Talk about your obligations at work using the modal verbs that you learned. Provide at least five obligations.