タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[D] RATAN TATA | India's Car Industry [FULL]


I decided that / India could produce / its own car. // Everybody, my friends overseas / in the automobile business / said that this couldn't be done. // We had to go through collaboration / to get know how, to get technology / that we undertake to produce / this car. // You saw images of it / in the video / was called the IndyCar / and we produced it in India, / totally of Indian content.// As we got close to / putting it in the market, / my friends in India / somewhat distanced themselves from me, / otherwise known as distancing yourself from failure. // And when the car came out / I suddenly felt that / I didn't have a friend in the world and that all the warnings that people had given me / were probably going to come true. // But the car did come out. // It did earn a 20% market share. // And we showed that we could do something throughout, / throughout the time I've been involved in business, / that has equaled the excitement, / the reward, / and the exhilaration / that the car industry has provided / and can provide.// It gives, / as has been said earlier,/ an opportunity to test new technologies, / new building methods. // But above all,/ it has helped in the transformation of the Indian economy,/ to a mobile economy./


Let-s-Understand Shadowing-for-Business Inside-Banner

  1. What did the car industry provide to the speaker?

  2. Did his friends believe in him when he decided that India could produce a car?

  3. When did his friends start to distance themselves from him?

  4. What is the speaker's purpose of the speech?

  5. What are your thoughts on the speaker's decision to produce a car in India despite skepticism from friends overseas in the automobile business?


Let-s-Recap Shadowing-for-Business Inside-Banner

1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.



[ kuh-lab-uh-'rey-shuhn ]


- the action of working with someone to create something

The two companies are working in close collaboration with each other.


[ uhn-der-'teyk ]


- commit oneself to and begin

He's undertaking a thorough search.


[ ig-zil-uh-'rey-shuhn ]


- a feeling of excitement, or happiness

She was filled with exhilaration when she first saw her newborn baby.


[ trans-fer-'mey-shuhn ]


- a thorough change in form or appearance

There was a noticeable transformation in his appearance.

distance yourself (from)


- to limit engagement or association between oneself and someone or something

When he retired, he tried to distance himself from politics