タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[B] RILEY CSERNICA | Zero Equals One [FULL]


The oddest looking thing you've ever seen / however / in our guts we thought it might actually work. // But thinking it works / and knowing it works / are two different things. // So we set out to find our first victim. // And very quickly / we found a professional hockey player in town / who needed a brace to get back to play. // Now mind you / this is no run in the mill hockey player / - this is a six foot four, / 215-pound / fighting machine. // They imported this guy from Canada. // He is the real deal. // Chelsea and I put the brace on him / and it worked! //And this was a huge moment of validation for our company / because no longer / did we feel like students finishing a homework assignment, / we were business women starting a company. // Our shoulder brace wasn't an arts and crafts project. // It was an invention. // And in that moment / I realized something so important, / something I didn't fully understand in the beginning of this journey. // While we had no experience, / and no mentors, / and no product, / and no money, / and no network, / we had one good idea, / and that was enough to get started. // All too often / I meet people with ideas for businesses, / ideas for products / and they give me a laundry list of reasons, / of things they don't have / and why they can't start a business / - I have no time, / I have no money, / I have no experience, / I have no business / starting a business. //What I'm here to say / is forget all the zeros / because one idea is enough to create one business. // And another important ingredient to success is support. // Had my mom not told me yes, / had that interviewer not told me no, / I wouldn't be standing here today. // Because of all the people who gave me their time, / their money, / their resources / their energy, / I have been able to / build a company around this class project. // So when you meet people with ideas, / if you yourself have an idea, / don't let fear hold you back. // Don't be distracted by all the zeros. // Go. // Make. // Do. // Create. // Why bother? / Because your dream job / depends on it. //


Let-s-Understand Shadowing-for-Business Inside-Banner

  1. Why did the speaker consider the success of helping the man a huge moment of validation for their company?

  2. How did the speaker describe the shoulder brace they made?

  3. What did the speaker realize the moment their shoulder brace worked?

  4. What is the speaker's purpose of the speech?

  5. What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who feel discouraged by their lack of resources or experience? How can they overcome these obstacles and pursue their business ideas?


Let-s-Recap Shadowing-for-Business Inside-Banner

1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.



[ guht ]


- based on instincts, or emotions

I don't have the guts to say that to my boss.


[ val-i-'dey-shuhn ]


- the act or process of making something officially or legally acceptable or approved

Your report still needs validation.

laundry list


- a long or exhaustive list of things

There's a laundry list of reasons why you should reject that proposal.

the real deal


- a person or thing considered to be a genuine or supremely good example of their kind

Wow, this Audi is the real deal! I never want to drive another car again!

set out


- begin a journey

The fishermen set out at sunset for a night's fishing.