タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[B] MARK CUBAN | Sports Business [PRACTICE]




[ 'rev-uhn-yoo ]


- income, especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature

Our total sales revenue is expected to top $20 million this year.


[ kom-pi-'tish-uhn ]


- the activity or condition of competing

He came first in the poetry competition.


[ kohr ]


- the central or most important part of something

It's time to focus on the company's core business.


[ kyoor ]


- to restore to health

Scientists around the world are working hard to try to find a cure for cancer.

raise money


- to collect, to gather, to get or to put together money

The concert will raise money for local charities.


FIRST CUT ⏱ 01:39 - 02:20

    Let's read...

    First of all you got to do it, right. Everybody's got ideas but you've got to take that step like you've thought about the show for a long time and, but it's hard to take that step. In my case I had to get fired in order to, to force myself to get there. Second, sales cures all. Right. There -there's never been a company to exist that didn't have revenue and so when you're getting started the first thing to focus on is not raising money that's the biggest mistake people make 99.99% of businesses don't have to raise money but you have to have customers. And so what I always suggest is whatever your service is, if you're mowing yards, if you're building widgets, whatever it is go find customers because if you can find somebody who -who really likes what you're doing they're gonna want the product they'll support you.

    Let's follow Mark Cuban...

    First of all you got to do it, / right. // Everybody's got ideas / but you've got to take that step / like you've thought about the show for a long time and, / but it's hard to take that step. // In my case / I had to get fired in order to, / to force myself to get there. // Second, / sales cures all. // Right. // There / - there's never been a company to exist / that didn't have revenue / and so / when you're getting started / the first thing to focus on / is not raising money/ that's the biggest mistake people make // 99.99% of businesses / don't have to raise money / but you have to have customers. // And so what I always suggest is / whatever your service is, / if you're mowing yards, / if you're building widgets, / whatever it is / go find customers / because if you can find somebody who / -who really likes what you're doing / they're gonna want the product / they'll support you. //

SECOND CUT ⏱ 02:20 – 02:57

    Let's read...

    The, the third thing is you've got to realize that whatever you're doing you're competing with somebody. What is it that gives you an advantage over your competition? Then the fourth thing is, what's your core competency? What are you good at? Whatever you're good at, try to be great at it. And if you're great at it good things will happen. And then probably the fifth thing is your customers own you. You don't own your business, your customers do. When your customers say jump you don't just say how high, you ask for precisely the -the height because you know, they have to make the choice. They just, you know, everybody individually they, you know, the choices you make as a customer for different products and services and use as your guideline for, you know, what will be important to your customers.

    Let's follow Mark Cuban...

    99.99% of businesses / don't have to raise money / but you have to have customers. // And so what I always suggest is / whatever your service is, / if you're mowing yards, / if you're building widgets, / whatever it is / go find customers / because if you can find somebody who / -who really likes what you're doing / they're gonna want the product / they'll support you. // The, / the third thing is / you've got to realize that / whatever you're doing / you're competing with somebody. // What is it that gives you an advantage / over your competition? // Then the fourth thing is, / what's your core competency? // What are you good at? // Whatever you're good at, / try to be great at it. // And if you're great at it / good things will happen. // And then probably the fifth thing is / your customers own you. // You don't own your business, / your customers do. // When your customers say jump / you don't just say how high, / you ask for precisely the / -the height / because you know, / they have to make the choice. // They just, / you know, / everybody / individually they, / you know, / the choices you make as a customer / for different products and services / and use as your guideline for, / you know, / what will be important to your customers. //