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[B+] Jason Fried | Why work doesn't happen at work [ FULL ]


So / a company or a charity or an organization of any kind, / they typically, / unless you're working in Africa if you're really lucky to do that, but most people have to go to an office every day. // And so / these companies, / they build offices. // They go out and they buy a building / or they rent a building / or they lease some space / and they fill the space with stuff. // They fill it with / tables or desks, / chairs, / computer equipment, / software, / internet access, / maybe a fridge, / maybe a few other things, / and they expect their employees or their volunteers to come to that location every day to do great work. // It seems like it's perfectly reasonable to / to ask that. // However, if you actually talk to people / and even question yourself and you ask yourself, / where do you really want to go when you really need to get something done? // You'll find out that people don't say what businesses think they would say. // If you ask people the question, where do you really need to go when you need to get something done, / you typically get three different kinds of answers. // One is kind of a place or a location or a room. // Another one is a moving object. // And a third is a time. // So here's some examples. // When I ask people, I've been asking people this question for about 10 years, I ask them, / where do you go when you really need to get something done? // I'll hear things like the porch, / the deck, / the kitchen. / I'll hear things like an extra room in the house, / the basement, / the coffee shop, / the library. // And then you'll hear things like the train, / a plane, / a car, / so the commute. // And then you'll hear people say, well, / it doesn't really matter where I am as long as it's really early in the morning or really late at night / or on the weekends. // You almost never hear someone say the office, / but businesses are spending all this money on this place called the office and they're making people go to it all the time, yet people don't / do work in the office. // What is that about? // Why is that? / Why is that happening? // And what you find out is if you dig a little bit deeper, you find out that people, / this is what happens. // People go to work / and they're basically trading in their work day / for a series of work moments. // That's what happens at the office. // You don't have a work day anymore. // You have work moments. / It's like the front door of the office is like a Cuisinart / and you walk in and your day is shredded to bits / because you have 15 minutes here / and 30 minutes there / and then something else happens and you're pulled off your work and you've got to do something else and you have 20 minutes and it's lunch / and you have something else to do / and you got 15 minutes and someone pulls you aside and asks you this question and / before you know it, it's like it's 5 p.m., right? / And you look back on your day / and you realize that / you didn't get anything done. // Right? / I mean we've all been through this. We probably went through it, / we probably went through it yesterday or the day before or the day before that. / Do you look back on your day and you're like, / I got nothing done today. // I was at work. / I sat at my desk. / I used my expensive computer. / I used the software they told me to use. / I went to these meetings I was asked to go to. / I did these conference calls. / I did all this stuff, / but I didn't actually do anything. / I just did tasks. / I didn't actually get meaningful work done. // And what you.. what you find is that, especially with creative people, // designers, / programmers, / writers, / engineers, / thinkers, / that people really need long stretches of uninterrupted time to get something done. // You cannot ask somebody / to be creative in 15 minutes and really think about a problem. // You might have a quick idea, but to be // in deep thought about a problem and really consider a problem carefully, / you need long stretches of uninterrupted time.


Let-s-Understand Shadowing-for-Business Inside-Banner

  1. What do companies typically do to provide a workspace for their employees?

  2. According to the passage, where do people often prefer to go when they need to get something done?

  3. What happens to people's workdays when they are at the office, according to the speaker?

  4. Why do people feel unproductive at the end of a workday in the office?

  5. What is your personal experience with working in an office environment? Do you find it productive or distracting?