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[TRIAL] EIKEN Grade 2 Reading: Lesson 1

Part 1 : Sentence Completion

Practice Test

Eiken Practice Test Template

Direction: You will be given 5 minutes to answer questions 1 to 10. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.


(1) When the flight was delayed, the airline gave each passenger $20 to (    ) them for the time that they lost.

    1 inherit

    2 expand

    3 compensate

    4 destroy

(2) Haruka did not make much money when she first started working as a hair stylist, but her salary increased (    ). She had more and more customers each year.

    1 by degrees

    2 by accident

    3 at heart

    4 at large

(3) A: Why do you think Anne always asks me about what I'm doing on the weekend?

   B: Maybe she is (    ) that she wants togo on a date with you.

    1 sacrificing

    2 encountering

    3 implying

    4 forbidding

(4) Macy Beacher's research has won many awards, and she is known as an expert in her field. Many paople treat her as a person (    ) importance.

    1 in

    2 for

    3 of

    4 on

(5) James was (    ) the robbery by the police. However, he knew he had not done it, so he found a good lawyer to help him.

    1 kept off

    2 admired for

    3 charged with

    4 warned of

(6) A: Would you mind my (    ) on the lights? I can't read my book.

   B: Not at all. Please go ahead.

    1 be turning

    2 turning

    3 be turned

    4 turned

(7) Kiyoshi often reads books about how people lived in ancient (    ). He likes to learn about the way that societies developed.

    1 proportions

    2 appointments

    3 civilizations

    4 supplements

(8) At the audition for the dance show, the students first had to perform (    ). Then, they were asked to dance together as a group.

    1 financially

    2 individually

    3 legally

    4 magnetically

(9) A: Melly does excellent work, but she never believes in herself.

    B: You're right. She needs to be more (    ) her ability.

    1 engaged in

    2 confident in

    3 specific to

    4 appropriate to

(10) While Clarke was making pasta sauce, he (    ) it with a spoon. He had to watch it carefully to prevent it from burning.

    1 amused

    2 stirred

    3 resisted

    4 proved

Part 2 : Gap Fill in Passages

Practice Test

Eiken Practice Test Template

Direction: You will be given 5 minutes to answer questions 1 to 3. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.


Lonesome George

Lonesome George” was the name of the world’s rarest living animal, a giant tortoise found in 1971 on the island near South America. He was the last living member of his particular group of tortoises. Scientists searched for female tortoises with the closest genes to George’s so that they can pass on his genes by having children. These attempts ( ___1___ ). When he died in June 2012, this group became extinct.

Lonesome George had lived in one of the Galápagos Islands, a group of islands about 800 miles off the coast of Ecuador. For a long time, each island in the group had no contact with any of the others. ( ___2___ ), the animals on each island developed independently. The islands are famous because Charles Darwin visited them in 1835 and by studying the animals there, he got the idea for his theory of evolution. Like the other animals, the tortoises on each island gradually developed their own special characteristics. It is said that the shell of each group has a unique shape.

Unfortunately, since Darwin's time, the islands have been ( ___3___ ) human activity. Fishermen hunted the tortoises for food and introduced other animals, such as goats, to the islands. These animals ate the plants the tortoises depended on. Three of the original fifteen different groups of tortoises including George's have already died out. However, unexpected good news was reported. A Fernandina giant tortoise, whose group was believed to have been extinct for more than 100 years, was found in February 2019. This discovery raises hopes for many scientists.

(1) 1 has been continued

    2 created a different species

    3 ended in failure

    4 has proved effectual

(2) 1 As a result

    2 Similarly

    3 By then

    4 In particular

(3) 1 fully protected from

    2 shrunk due to

    3 less associated with

    4 greatly damaged by

Part 3 : Q & A based on Emails

Directions: You will be given 5 minutes to read and choose the right answers to the questions.


From: Thomas Michaels (t_michaels@peopleestate.com)

To: Rachel Adams

Date: 17 April

Subject: About Mr. Watsons


  I wanted to give you the information I got today about Mr. Watsons. Mr. Watsons is a new customer, who is looking for a place to live in the Rainbow District. He has a wife and two children. Mr. Watson is going to work in Tallis Town starting next week, so he wants somewhere near his office so that he can drive there in less than 30 minutes. He doesn't care whether it's an apartment or a house.

  Mr. Watsons will be visiting on Thursday at 2:00 p.m., but unfortunately I'll be out of the office tomorrow for two days. I hope you can take my place. If you don't have time, could you call Danny for help?

  I already picked out some houses that you can show Mr. Johnson when he comes. One of the houses is on Park Avenue. It's a new house with many rooms, including a basement. However, it only has parking space for one car. The other two options have parking for two or more cars, but they are farther away from Tallis Town. All of the houses are close to schools and parks, and far from the main roads and factories. They are in a quiet community, just as he requested, so I think he'll find one that he likes.



(1)  What kind of housing is Mr. Johnson looking for?

   1 A place that is a reasonable commuting distance to Tallis Town.

   2 A large house with four rooms and preferably a basement.

   3 An apartment or a house just outside of Rainbow District.

   4 A residence that has a garage that accommodates two cars.

(2) Jerald asks Rachel to

   1 come to the place where he is going to have the meeting.

   2 show Mr. Johnson a couple of houses on Thursday.

   3 search for other suitable housing options for Mr. Johnson.

   4 call him back today as soon as she reads the e-mail.

(3) What do all of the houses Jerald selected have in common?

   1 They are all on Park Avenue and near schools and parks.

   2 They are all close to Mr. Johnson's current house.

   3 They all have parking space for two or more cars.

   4 They are all in a quiet part of the Rainbow District.

Part 4 : Q & A based on Passages

Directions: You will be given 5 minutes to read and choose the right answers to the questions.


Gum Disease and Alzheimer's

  As the average age of the world population grows older, one of the biggest health threats is Alzheimer's disease and other forms of memory loss. These diseases affect the brain to cause memory loss, confusion, and can make simple physical tasks difficult. For a long time, the question of what causes Alzheimer's has been one of the biggest mysteries in medicine. However, several new studies have found what might be an unexpected cause. This new evidence shows there could be a link between diseases that affect the teeth and Alzheimer's.

  The first link was found when doctors in Taiwan found that people with periodontitis - a disease that causes damage to the teeth and gums- were 70% more likely to have Alzheimer's. Even if a person was totally healthy in every other way, periodontitis would often be followed by Alzheimer's. Later on, English doctors studied the brains of people who had Alzheimer's and found that they contained the bacteria that caused periodontitis. The researchers thought that the body might react to the bacteria with a response that ends up harming the brain.

  However, there is not yet proof that these teeth diseases cause brain damage. It could be just the opposite. If a person has memory loss, they might forget to take care of their teeth or have trouble brushing them, in this case the periodontitis would be caused by Alzheimer's, not the other way around. There are also not yet any studies that show how the bacteria harm the brain in humans. Just because bacteria are found in the brains of people who have a disease, it docs not mean they caused the disease.

  There are some studies in mice that show how the damage might occur. These studies found that the bacteria formed poisons that are often found in people with Alzheimer's. The scientists studying these mice also developed a drug that prevents the bacteria from making these poisons. So far, these tests are just in mice, but if the same results can be repeated in humans, it could help cure one of the most costly diseases in the world.



(1) Why has Alzheimer's been a big mystery in the medical world?

   1 There are so many similar diseases that it is hard to be distinguished.

   2 The reason why people get Alzheimer's has been undiscovered.

   3 An unknown link between teeth ache and Alzheimer's has been established.

   4 People with Alzheimer's often have trouble having surgery on their brains.

(2) English doctors found that

   1 people were likely to get Alzheimer's if they had gum disease.

   2 Alzheimer's was less common in countries where there were more dentists.

   3 gum disease bacteria were present in the brains of people with Alzheimer's.

   4 periodontitis eats away at gums as well as teeth and brain.

(3) What is unclear about the link between gum disease and Alzheimer's?

   1 Which of the two diseases occurs before the other.

   2 When the bacteria from gum disease disappear before Alzheimer's starts.

   3 How gum disease travels from around the body to the brain.

   4 Why Alzheimer's doesn't affect young people with gum disease.

(4) What is one thing that the studies in mice show?

   1 Drugs are effective in removing the bacteria from the brain.

   2 There is a way to stop the bacteria from creating poisons.

   3 Alzheimer's is caused by an allergic response to poisons.

   4 The damage to their brains occur when they take drugs.

Let's Discuss!

Part 1: Sentence Completion


The basic method is to read the whole sentence and try to guess the word or phrase that fits in the blank from the context, but what words are placed before and after the blank is an important clue. It is important to memorize not only the meanings of the words, but also their grammar.

(1) When the flight was delayed, the airline gave each passenger $20 to (    ) them for the time that they lost.

    1 inherit

    2 expand

    3 compensate

    4 destroy

(2) Haruka did not make much money when she first started working as a hair stylist, but her salary increased (    ). She had more and more customers each year.

    1 by degrees

    2 by accident

    3 at heart

    4 at large

(3) A: Why do you think Anne always asks me about what I'm doing on the weekend?

   B: Maybe she is (    ) that she wants togo on a date with you.

    1 sacrificing

    2 encountering

    3 implying

    4 forbidding

(4) Macy Beacher's research has won many awards, and she is known as an expert in her field. Many paople treat her as a person (    ) importance.

    1 in

    2 for

    3 of

    4 on

(5) James was (    ) the robbery by the police. However, he knew he had not done it, so he found a good lawyer to help him.

    1 kept off

    2 admired for

    3 charged with

    4 warned of

(6) A: Would you mind my (    ) on the lights? I can't read my book.

   B: Not at all. Please go ahead.

    1 be turning

    2 turning

    3 be turned

    4 turned

(7) Kiyoshi often reads books about how people lived in ancient (    ). He likes to learn about the way that societies developed.

    1 proportions

    2 appointments

    3 civilizations

    4 supplements

(8) At the audition for the dance show, the students first had to perform (    ). Then, they were asked to dance together as a group.

    1 financially

    2 individually

    3 legally

    4 magnetically

(9) A: Melly does excellent work, but she never believes in herself.

    B: You're right. She needs to be more (    ) her ability.

    1 engaged in

    2 confident in

    3 specific to

    4 appropriate to

(10) While Clarke was making pasta sauce, he (    ) it with a spoon. He had to watch it carefully to prevent it from burning.

    1 amused

    2 stirred

    3 resisted

    4 proved

Part 2: Gap Fill in Passages


It is difficult to determine the correct answer by reading only the sentences that contain a blank, so you should judge the answer based on the context so that it can be logically connected with the sentences that come before and after it. Practice to increase your knowledge of conjunctions, subjunctive adverbs, and subjunctive phrases to quickly grasp the logical development of a sentence.

Lonesome George

Lonesome George” was the name of the world’s rarest living animal, a giant tortoise found in 1971 on the island near South America. He was the last living member of his particular group of tortoises. Scientists searched for female tortoises with the closest genes to George’s so that they can pass on his genes by having children. These attempts ( ___1___ ). When he died in June 2012, this group became extinct.

Lonesome George had lived in one of the Galápagos Islands, a group of islands about 800 miles off the coast of Ecuador. For a long time, each island in the group had no contact with any of the others. ( ___2___ ), the animals on each island developed independently. The islands are famous because Charles Darwin visited them in 1835 and by studying the animals there, he got the idea for his theory of evolution. Like the other animals, the tortoises on each island gradually developed their own special characteristics. It is said that the shell of each group has a unique shape.

Unfortunately, since Darwin's time, the islands have been ( ___3___ ) human activity. Fishermen hunted the tortoises for food and introduced other animals, such as goats, to the islands. These animals ate the plants the tortoises depended on. Three of the original fifteen different groups of tortoises including George's have already died out. However, unexpected good news was reported. A Fernandina giant tortoise, whose group was believed to have been extinct for more than 100 years, was found in February 2019. This discovery raises hopes for many scientists.

(1) 1 has been continued

    2 created a different species

    3 ended in failure

    4 has proved effectual

(2) 1 As a result

    2 Similarly

    3 By then

    4 In particular

(3) 1 fully protected from

    2 shrunk due to

    3 less associated with

    4 greatly damaged by

Part 3: Q & A based on Email


It is helpful to read the header part (Subject-Sender-Recipient) first to predict the body of the email with a rough estimation of its contents.

From: Thomas Michaels (t_michaels@peopleestate.com)

To: Rachel Adams

Date: 17 April

Subject: About Mr. Watsons


  I wanted to give you the information I got today about Mr. Watsons. Mr. Watsons is a new customer, who is looking for a place to live in the Rainbow District. He has a wife and two children. Mr. Watson is going to work in Tallis Town starting next week, so he wants somewhere near his office so that he can drive there in less than 30 minutes. He doesn't care whether it's an apartment or a house.

  Mr. Watsons will be visiting on Thursday at 2:00 p.m., but unfortunately I'll be out of the office tomorrow for two days. I hope you can take my place. If you don't have time, could you call Danny for help?

  I already picked out some houses that you can show Mr. Johnson when he comes. One of the houses is on Park Avenue. It's a new house with many rooms, including a basement. However, it only has parking space for one car. The other two options have parking for two or more cars, but they are farther away from Tallis Town. All of the houses are close to schools and parks, and far from the main roads and factories. They are in a quiet community, just as he requested, so I think he'll find one that he likes.



(1)  What kind of housing is Mr. Johnson looking for?

   1 A place that is a reasonable commuting distance to Tallis Town.

   2 A large house with four rooms and preferably a basement.

   3 An apartment or a house just outside of Rainbow District.

   4 A residence that has a garage that accommodates two cars.

(2) Jerald asks Rachel to

   1 come to the place where he is going to have the meeting.

   2 show Mr. Johnson a couple of houses on Thursday.

   3 search for other suitable housing options for Mr. Johnson.

   4 call him back today as soon as she reads the e-mail.

(3) What do all of the houses Jerald selected have in common?

   1 They are all on Park Avenue and near schools and parks.

   2 They are all close to Mr. Johnson's current house.

   3 They all have parking space for two or more cars.

   4 They are all in a quiet part of the Rainbow District.

Part 4: Q & A based on Passages


it is important to grasp the overall theme of the text and the gist and conclusion of each paragraph. In addition to vocabulary and grammar, pay attention to the connections between sentences (e.g., subjunctive expressions - what the pronouns refer to, etc.). In the correct answer choices, pay attention to paraphrasing, since some expressions in the main text may be paraphrased differently in some cases.

Gum Disease and Alzheimer's

  As the average age of the world population grows older, one of the biggest health threats is Alzheimer's disease and other forms of memory loss. These diseases affect the brain to cause memory loss, confusion, and can make simple physical tasks difficult. For a long time, the question of what causes Alzheimer's has been one of the biggest mysteries in medicine. However, several new studies have found what might be an unexpected cause. This new evidence shows there could be a link between diseases that affect the teeth and Alzheimer's.

  The first link was found when doctors in Taiwan found that people with periodontitis - a disease that causes damage to the teeth and gums- were 70% more likely to have Alzheimer's. Even if a person was totally healthy in every other way, periodontitis would often be followed by Alzheimer's. Later on, English doctors studied the brains of people who had Alzheimer's and found that they contained the bacteria that caused periodontitis. The researchers thought that the body might react to the bacteria with a response that ends up harming the brain.

  However, there is not yet proof that these teeth diseases cause brain damage. It could be just the opposite. If a person has memory loss, they might forget to take care of their teeth or have trouble brushing them, in this case the periodontitis would be caused by Alzheimer's, not the other way around. There are also not yet any studies that show how the bacteria harm the brain in humans. Just because bacteria are found in the brains of people who have a disease, it docs not mean they caused the disease.

  There are some studies in mice that show how the damage might occur. These studies found that the bacteria formed poisons that are often found in people with Alzheimer's. The scientists studying these mice also developed a drug that prevents the bacteria from making these poisons. So far, these tests are just in mice, but if the same results can be repeated in humans, it could help cure one of the most costly diseases in the world.



(1) Why has Alzheimer's been a big mystery in the medical world?

   1 There are so many similar diseases that it is hard to be distinguished.

   2 The reason why people get Alzheimer's has been undiscovered.

   3 An unknown link between teeth ache and Alzheimer's has been established.

   4 People with Alzheimer's often have trouble having surgery on their brains.

(2) English doctors found that

   1 people were likely to get Alzheimer's if they had gum disease.

   2 Alzheimer's was less common in countries where there were more dentists.

   3 gum disease bacteria were present in the brains of people with Alzheimer's.

   4 periodontitis eats away at gums as well as teeth and brain.

(3) What is unclear about the link between gum disease and Alzheimer's?

   1 Which of the two diseases occurs before the other.

   2 When the bacteria from gum disease disappear before Alzheimer's starts.

   3 How gum disease travels from around the body to the brain.

   4 Why Alzheimer's doesn't affect young people with gum disease.

(4) What is one thing that the studies in mice show?

   1 Drugs are effective in removing the bacteria from the brain.

   2 There is a way to stop the bacteria from creating poisons.

   3 Alzheimer's is caused by an allergic response to poisons.

   4 The damage to their brains occur when they take drugs.