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EIKEN Grade 2 Reading: Lesson 2 Part 1

Part 1 : Sentence Completion

Practice Test

Eiken Practice Test Template

Direction: You will be given 10 minutes to answer questions 1 to 10. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.


(1) A: Who was that on the telephone, Jimmy?

   B: Just someone who was doing a (    ). She asked me some questions.

    1 label

    2 figure

    3 survey

    4 purpose

(2) John's new house is twice (    ) large as his last one.

    1 more

    2 than

    3 as

    4 too

(3) You must understand the basic (    ) of science in order to know why water becomes steam    when it boils.

    1 principles

    2 substitutes

    3 decades

    4 critics

(4) Jasper was (    ) not feeling well today. He kept coughing, and he looked very tired.

    1 luckily

    2 obviously

    3 commonly

    4 separately

(5) Diana's father called her on the phone while she was in the library. She answered it, but then    she went outside to (    ) the conversation.

    1 come down

    2 bring out

    3 go by

    4 carry on

(6) A: Oh no, the audio system is broken. We can't practice dancing without it.

   B: I will have a repairman (    ) at it right now, so just take a break for a few minutes.

    1 look

    2 looked

    3 looking

    4 to look

(7) Tim's son is not good at getting along with people. (    ), Tim's daughter is very sociable and    outgoing.

    1 In general

    2 At most

    3 After all

    4 In contrast

(8) Thanks to recent innovations in technology, some of the newest laptop computers (    )         30 percent less electricity than older models.

    1 prove

    2 consume

    3 purchase

    4 develop

(9) A: Jim, you said you asked Jane to go out for dinner on Saturday. How was it?

   B: Oh, she cancelled the date at the last moment. I (    ) eating pizza alone at my house.

    1 felt like

    2 refrained from

    3 ended up

    4 burst out

(10) Many people now realize the importance of working in a global society, and participation         (    ) this student-exchange program has increased to almost 100,000 people.

    1 in

    2 to

    3 for

    4 with

Let's Discuss! : Sentence Completion

Let's Discuss Template

Direction: Let's study the sentences below and check the correct answers.

(1) A: Who was that on the telephone, Jimmy?

   B: Just someone who was doing a (    ). She asked me some questions.

    1 label

    2 figure

    3 survey

    4 purpose


• Since B says "she asked me some questions" it can be inferred that the caller is conducting a survey.

• Survey means an examination of opinions, behavior, etc., made by asking people questions

(2) John's new house is twice (    ) large as his last one.

    1 more

    2 than

    3 as

    4 too


We use as + adjective/adverb + as to make comparisons when the things we are comparing are equal in some way:

(3) You must understand the basic (    ) of science in order to know why water becomes steam when it boils.

    1 principles

    2 substitutes

    3 decades

    4 critics


Principle means a basic idea or rule that explains or controls how something happens or works.

(4) Jasper was (    ) not feeling well today. He kept coughing, and he looked very tired.

    1 luckily

    2 obviously

    3 commonly

    4 separately


• Explanation: The second sentence, "He kept coughing and was very tired," indicates that he was "obviously" not feeling well.

• Obviously means in a way that is easy to understand or see.

(5) Diana's father called her on the phone while she was in the library. She answered it, but then she went outside to (    ) the conversation.

    1 come down

    2 bring out

    3 go by

    4 carry on


• The fact that Clara took the phone call and went outside indicates that she intended to "carry on" the conversation.

• Carry on means to continue an activity or task.

(6) A: Oh no, the audio system is broken. We can't practice dancing without it.

   B: I will have a repairman (    ) at it right now, so just take a break for a few minutes.

    1 look

    2 looked

    3 looking

    4 to look


We follow this pattern: have someone do something (have + person + infinitive ) for present situations.

(7) Tim's son is not good at getting along with people. (    ), Tim's daughter is very sociable and outgoing.

    1 In general

    2 At most

    3 After all

    4 In contrast


We use "in contrast" when you are comparing two things or people and saying that the second one is very different from the first.

(8) Thanks to recent innovations in technology, some of the newest laptop computers (    ) 30 percent less electricity than older models.

    1 prove

    2 consume

    3 purchase

    4 develop


Consume means to use something such as fuel, energy, money, or time.

(9) A: Jim, you said you asked Jane to go out for dinner on Saturday. How was it?

   B: Oh, she cancelled the date at the last moment. I (    ) eating pizza alone at my house.

    1 felt like

    2 refrained from

    3 ended up

    4 burst out


The phrase end up means to reach or come to a place, condition, or situation that was not planned or expected.

(10) Many people now realize the importance of working in a global society, and participation (    ) this student-exchange program has increased to almost 100,000 people.

    1 in

    2 to

    3 for

    4 with


The word participate is normally followed by a preposition "in" which means that to take part in or become involved in an activity.

Part 2 : Gap fill in Passages

Practice Test

Eiken Practice Test Template

Directions: You will be given 10 minutes to answer questions 1-3. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.



(1) 1 is going to get worse

   2 should be solved by experts

   3 has already occurred in the past

   4 can be caused by modern technology

(2) 1 stop rain from falling

   2 be as effective in the future

   3 have caused more flooding

   4 have damaged the environment

(3) 1 At most

   2 In contrast

   3 Moreover

   4 Otherwise

Let's Discuss!

Let's Discuss Template

Vocabulary Check

Direction: Let's study the meaning of the words and their correct pronunciation.


[ kon / si / kwent / lee ]


- as a result


[ dih / 'tur / min ]


- to control or influence something directly, or to decide what will happen


[ uh / dres ]


- to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem


[ on / goh / ing ]


- continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment


[ mas / iv ]


- very large in size, amount, or number


[ kon / kreet ]


- a very hard building material made by mixing together cement, sand, small stones, and water


[ uh / kur ]


- to happen


[ spil ]


- to (cause to) flow, move, fall, or spread over the edge or outside the limits of something


[ kohs / tl ]


- near the coast


[ key / puh / buhl ]


- able to do things effectively and skillfully, and to achieve results

climate change

[ klahy / mit / cheynj ]


- changes in the world's weather, in particular the fact that it is believed to be getting warmer as a result of human activity increasing the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Comprehension Questions

Direction: Let's study and understand the passage again to check for the answers and its content.


(1) 1 is going to get worse

   2 should be solved by experts

   3 has already occurred in the past

   4 can be caused by modern technology

(2) 1 stop rain from falling

   2 be as effective in the future

   3 have caused more flooding

   4 have damaged the environment

(3) 1 At most

   2 In contrast

   3 Moreover

   4 Otherwise