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EIKEN Grade 2 Speaking: Lesson 5

Part 1 : Passage Reading

Passage 1

Task 1

Direction: Read the passage silently for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, read the passage aloud at your mentor's instruction. Make sure to start from the title.


Rooms for Rent

The number of foreign tourists in Japan has been increasing rapidly recently. As a result, there is a shortage of hotel rooms in many places.To help solve this problem, some homeowners who have rooms that are not used are renting them out at reasonable prices. By doing so,they help travelers have a room to stay and at the same time they make money.

Task 2

Direction: Answer the questions about the passage. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You are given 30 seconds to answer the questions. Your mentor will start the timer after the question is asked.



Eiken Questions Template

Let's Discuss! Part 1 : Passage Reading

Let's Discuss Template

Vocabulary Check


rap / id / lee


- fast or sudden:


shawr / tij


- a situation in which there is not enough of something


hohm / oh / ner


- someone who owns the home they live in:

rent out

rent / out


- grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee


ree / zuh / nuh / buhl


- acceptable ; not too expensive

at the same time

at / thuh / seym / tahym


- simultaneously; at once.

Comprehension Check

Task 1

Q1: According to the passage, in what way do some homeowners help travelers and make money at the same time?

Answer: By renting out their unused rooms at reasonable prices.

Q2: According to the passage, why is there a shortage of hotel rooms in Japan?

Answer: Because of the rapidly increasing number of foreign tourists in the country.

Additional Useful Phrases

Comparative Idiomatic Expressions

🔺 (not) stand for

- If you will not stand for something, you will not allow it to happen or continue.

Example: I won't stand for this rudeness, do you hear?

🔺 stare at

- to look steadily at (someone)

Example: It's bad manners to stare at people.

🔺 make up for

- to do or have something as a way of correcting or improving (something else)

Example: This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.

🔺 keep up with

- to go or do as fast as; stay even with; to continue to know the newest information about (something)

Example: A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.

Pronunciation Check

Direction: Read the following words below. Your mentor will be checking your pronunciation, word stress and intonation.

  1. rapidly

  2. shortage

  3. homeowner

  4. rent out

  5. reasonable

  6. at the same time

Part 2 : Narration

Direction: Look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the statement on your screen.


Your story should begin with this sentence:

One day, Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka were talking about what to do during summer vacation.

Eiken Grade Speaking Lesson 5

Let's Understand! : Narration 1

Directions: Look at the pictures below and answer the questions based on the pictures.

Eiken Grade Speaking Lesson 5


1. In the first picture, what did the woman say to the man?

2. In the second picture, what was the woman doing?

3. In the second picture, what was the man thinking?

4. In the third picture, what surprised the man?

5. In the third picture, what did the woman say?

Let's Try It!

Directions: Connect each sentence to tell a story. Your story should start with the statement on your screen.

Your story should begin with this sentence:

One day, Mr. and Mrs. Ogata were talking about their plans for their long holiday.

Eiken Grade Speaking Lesson 5

EIKEN Answer Tips 💡

📌 When narrating this story, the sentence should be followed by a sentence using the line of the wife in the direct speech form found in the first picture. In the next picture, describe the actions of both characters in the present progressive tense form, you also need to describe the husband's thoughts as depicted in the speech balloon. Lastly, in the third picture, first, describe the setting of the picture and explain what the wife is saying as seen in the speech balloon.

Part 3 : Question and Answer

Task 1

Direction: Express your opinions on the following topics. Give at least one reason to support your opinion. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You have one minute to prepare for your answer, and you will be asked to answer the questions within one minute. The timer will start after the question has been read to you by your mentor.

Question 1



Eiken Questions Template

Question 2



Eiken Questions Template

Let's Discuss! Part 3: Question and Answer

Let's Discuss Template

Task 1

Question 1

Some people say that it is necessary for Japanese students to study abroad if they want to learn a foreign language. What do you think about that?

Sample Answers:

• Agree - I agree. Students would have chances to use a foreign language in daily life. Also, they can learn about a new culture.

• Disagree - I disagree. Schools in Japan have good language teachers. This makes it possible to learn a language without going abroad.

EIKEN Answer Tips 💡

📌 It's important to cleary state your position, whether you are for or against the topic. Choose your stand first and state specific reasons to support your answer. It's best if you can provide two reasons. In the case of only one reason, you must state specific examples to support your answer.

Question 2

Today, many public places, such as streets and stations, have security cameras. Do you think there will be more security cameras in the future?

Sample Answers:

• YES - There is less crime in places with security cameras. Security cameras help to make people safer.

• NO - I think most people want to protect their privacy. They don't like being recorded by security cameras.

EIKEN Answer Tips 💡

📌 Upon answering this question, you also need to be clear with where you stand with this idea. State your opinion and add reasons to support your point. In the case of YES, it stated that security cameras will deter crime. On the other hand, NO explains that having them invades a person's privacy.


1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.


Vocabulary Check


rap / id / lee


- fast or sudden:


shawr / tij


- a situation in which there is not enough of something


hohm / oh / ner


- someone who owns the home they live in:

rent out

rent / out


- grant the services of or the temporary use of, for a fee


ree / zuh / nuh / buhl


- acceptable ; not too expensive

at the same time

at / thuh / seym / tahym


- simultaneously; at once.

Additional Useful Phrases

Comparative Idiomatic Expressions

🔺 (not) stand for

- If you will not stand for something, you will not allow it to happen or continue.

Example: I won't stand for this rudeness, do you hear?

🔺 stare at

- to look steadily at (someone)

Example: It's bad manners to stare at people.

🔺 make up for

- to do or have something as a way of correcting or improving (something else)

Example: This year's good harvest will make up for last year's bad one.

🔺 keep up with

- to go or do as fast as; stay even with; to continue to know the newest information about (something)

Example: A successful company must keep up with the pace of technological change.