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EIKEN Grade 2 Listening: Lesson 3

Part 1 : Dialogue

This is the listening test for the Eiken Grade 2. Listen carefully to the directions. You will not be permitted to ask questions during the test.

This test has three parts. All of the questions in these three parts are multiple choice questions.

For each question, choose the best answer from among the four choices written in your test booklet.

On your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. You are permitted to take notes for every part of this listening test.

Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose one of 1, 2, 3, or 4 that best answers the question. The conversation and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 She waited for ten minutes.

   2 The man doesn't have nice clothes.

   3 The man forgot his promise.

   4 The meal is too expensive.

Item 2 🎧

   1 A hobby they both have.

   2 A package they plan to mail.

   3 A shoping trip they went on.

   4 A collection of train tickets.

Item 3 🎧

   1 She lives in Honolulu.

   2 She will leave Hawaii tomorrow.

   3 She will meet her friend tonight.

   4 She knows Dr. Johnson's staff well.

Item 4 🎧

   1 She has never heard of Marvelous Bookstore.

   2 She works at the Forum Trade Center.

   3 He should buy a guide book.

   4 He has the wrong information.

Item 5 🎧

   1 In a train.

   2 On an airplane.

   3 Her train had stopped.

   4 Her friend went home early.

Item 6 🎧

   1 He wants one with a better design.

   2 He does not like the color.

   3 It does not fit him properly.

   4 It does not go well with his jacket.

Item 7 🎧

   1 A room with an ocean view.

   2 A deluxe twin room.

   3 A suite.

   4 A garden view room.

Item 8 🎧

   1 Pay for his purchase in cash.

   2 Buy one item with the gift card.

   3 Go to a nearby bank.

   4 Call the store manager.

Let's Discuss! Part 1: Dialogue

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 Before the broadcast, read through the choices to anticipate the content of the broadcast and the points to be covered. The questions will be broadcast after the conversation, so concentrate on listening to the flow and development of the conversation. Pay attention to the paraphrases, as they may be different from what you hear in the text.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1

dress up

/dres/ uhp/


- dress in smart or formal clothes

take someone out

/teyk/ suhm-wuhn/ out/


- buy food at a cafe or restaurant for eating elsewhere

Item 2

flea market

/flee/ mahr-kit/


- a market, typically outdoors, selling secondhand goods

postage stamps

/poh-stij/ stamp/


- a small piece of paper issued by a post office, postal administration, or other authorized vendors to customers

look through

/luk/ throo/


- quickly read through a book or other written material

Item 3




- a feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment


/in-truh-doos, in-truh-dyoos/


- make (someone) known by name to another in person, especially formally

Item 4




- a particular place or position

out of date

/out/ ov/ deyt/


- no longer valid or relevant

Item 5




- change the position




- giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment

Item 6




- (of clothes or shoes) close-fitting, especially uncomfortably so

go well

/goh/ wel/


- add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect

Item 7




- very comfortable and of very high quality




- a set of rooms designated for one person's or family's use or for a particular purpose

Item 8

gift card

/gift/ kahrd/


- a small card that can be exchanged for a specified cash value of goods or services from a particular business, given as a gift

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the relationship between the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?


The most important point is to listen to the woman's second statement. The fact that the man apologizes to the woman saying "you promised to take me out" indicates that the man forgot his promise to the woman. Therefore, the correct answer is 3. Be sure not to mistake information such as so dressed up and give me ten minutes.

Item 2 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


From the man's opening statement, it is clear that stamp collection is the topic of the discussion. The second remark by the man, "for your collection," suggests that the woman has the same taste in stamps. The fact that the woman says "I'd love that" at the end indicates that she is pleased with the man's suggestion. Therefore, 1 is the correct answer.

Item 3 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


The information corresponding to the choices must be carefully listened to. The man's "Welcome to Hawaii, Professor Nixon" is not 1. Also, 2 is not correct from the statement "I heard you'll be here for a week". 4 is also incorrect because the man says "I'd like to introduce you to my staff", at the end. From the woman's second statement, 3 is correct.

Item 4 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


The fact that the woman repeatedly says "they moved" suggests that the man's intended store has moved. Furthermore, the woman says in her second statement that the guidebook the man has is out of date, indicating that she is pointing out that the information is outdated. However, she is not saying that he should buy a new guidebook. Therefore, the correct answer is 4.

Item 5 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


The word "flight" in the woman's last statement is all that is needed to understand. Although the expressions "seat number 27A" and "window seat" can narrow down the choices, the fact that the woman says "make the flight a little more pleasant" indicates that the conversation is taking place inside the plane. Therefore, 2 is the correct answer.

Item 6 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


From the man's first statement, the key point is to be able to hear that he wants to exchange the shirt he purchased. He states that it's too tight around the chest as the reason, but from the last statement, "The color and design go really well with my new jacket". The word "fit" in the option means "to fit the body".

Item 7 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


From the opening expressions such as Hotel, reserve, twin room, etc., it can be judged that the call is for a hotel reservation. The woman says "I'm sorry, but all those rooms are booked." and suggests a different type of room. The word "suite" means a set of rooms designated for one person's or family's use for a particular purpose.

Item 8 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


The most important point is to understand the man's problems. A man who wants to buy a bag and a tie but cannot use a gift card for a tie and does not have enough cash. The female clerk says, "Buy the bag with the gift card and use the change to buy the tie". The female clerk advises him that he can buy a bag with the gift card and a necktie with the change.

Part 2 : Narrative

Directions: Listen to the English text and choose the best answer to the question from 1, 2, 3, or 4. The narrative and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 The island of Malta was very small.

   2 Each village had its own festival.

   3 Many stores closed during during the afternoon.

   4 It was very hot in Malta in the summer.

Item 2 🎧

   1 There are many ways to travel.

   2 Greenhouse gases are near zero.

   3 Few people use public transportation.

   4 The city has many unusual parks.

Item 3 🎧

   1 There are the tallest type of volcano.

   2 They produce very steep slopes.

   3 They are found mostly on islands.

   4 They get wider over a long time.

Item 4 🎧

   1 It changed signals often.

   2 It provided Wi-Fi service.

   3 It created fake messages.

   4 It broadcasted her voice.

Item 5 🎧

   1 Buy a clock as a souvenir.

   2 Try on traditional Swiss shoes.

   3 Bring a ticket to a restaurant.

   4 Be quiet at the museum.

Item 6 🎧

   1 They have special bargains next week.

   2 A discount is offered at a French restaurant.

   3 50% off coupons are provided at the market.

   4 Many products are cheaper this weekend.

Item 7 🎧

   1 Open the Lindbrooke History Museum.

   2 Introduce a special speaker.

   3 Start a new life in Lindbrooke.

   4 Talk about life in Lindbrooke.

Item 8 🎧

   1 A global war broke out.

   2 They had budget problems.

   3 The founder didn't like the plan.

   4 It was still unknown to movie fans.

Let's Discuss! Part 2 : Narrative

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 "Where, by whom, to whom, let's." In addition to the points explained in Part 1, listen to what is being said while imagining it, pay attention to temporal expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs, and verb tenses, and try to organize the information correctly.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1




- midway between two points




- a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time

Item 2


/ek-oh, ee-koh/ frend-lee/


- not harmful to the environment

greenhouse gas emissions

/green-hows/ gas/ ih-mish-uhns/


- gases in the atmosphere that have an influence on Earth's energy balance

Item 3




- hot molten or semifluid rock erupted from a volcano




- (of a slope) rising or falling at a sharp angle

Item 4




- something that has been achieved successfully




- discover or identify the presence or existence of

Item 5




- a person who advises or shows the way to others




- close by; very near

Item 6




- a thing bought or offered for sale more cheaply than is usual or expected

delicatessen section

/del-i-kuh-tes-uhn/ sek-shuhn/


- a store where people can go to buy ready-to-eat items such as cold cut meats, sliced cheeses, sandwiches, breads, salads and so much more

Item 7




- a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience




- the money charged for allowing someone to enter a public place

Item 8

film festival

/film/ fes-tuh-vuhl/


- an event during which a number of films are screened on successive days at a single location, often with prizes awarded in various categories




- a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The key is to hear "but she was amazed by one thing" in the middle of the sentence. It can be expected that a specific matter will be mentioned after this. The correct answer is 3 because it is immediately followed by "Most of the shops closed in the middle of the afternoon for about three hours."

Item 2 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


From the opening sentence, it is clear that this is a description of a certain city, so we should carefully grasp the information. The first sentence immediately follows "eco-friendly city," and after stating that its public transportation system is so cheap and efficient, multiple specific means of transportation are mentioned, which indicates that "various means of transportation" is the correct answer for Option 1.

Item 3 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The description of the volcano will continue from the beginning, A shield volcano is a type of volcano, so we should pay attention to understanding the characteristics of the volcano. If you can understand the words wide but not tall, flow for a long time and a far distance, wide and not steep, you can choose the correct answer 4. Note that there is no mention of option 3.

Item 4 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


Even if we do not know the name of the individual, we can guess that it is a story about a famous inventor from "a great inventor". The invention is "Secret Communication System", which was a system for switching signals constantly, so the correct answer is 1. The service was only a foundation, not a service at that time.

Item 5 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


From the words "guide" and "tour", we can expect the explanation of the itinerary of the trip to continue, but since the question is about "what the guide is asking the tourist to do," the key is to understand what the guide says other than the time and place. The sentence starting with "Please make sure" is the request to the tourist, and 3 is the correct answer.

Item 6 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


Since two special sales are mentioned in the broadcast and the choices include confusing expressions, careful consideration should be given to them. The French Restaurant Trun (2) and the distribution of discount coupons (3) are not mentioned in the broadcast. The phrase "For this weekend only, we're having a sale" at the beginning of the broadcast excludes 1 and 4 can be judged as the correct answer.

Item 7 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


From the first sentence, it is clear that this is a museum announcement. It is followed by the statement "we have a special guest Dr. Carl Robert". This "Dr. Robert will give a speech," indicates that the guest doctor will give some kind of speech. Furthermore, since the theme is how life in Lindbrooke was in the early 1900s, 4 is the correct answer.

Item 8 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The key point is whether the reader can grasp from the opening sentence that the topic is about the Cannes Film Festival. If you can understand the first sentence of the first part of the sentence, you can choose the correct answer. The first sentence of the first part of the sentence is "It had to be canceled because of the world war". Budget problems were not the reason for the cancellation of the first event, and there is no mention of the founder.