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EIKEN Grade 2 Listening: Lesson 5

Part 1 : Dialogue

This is the listening test for the Eiken Grade 2. Listen carefully to the directions. You will not be permitted to ask questions during the test.

This test has three parts. All of the questions in these three parts are multiple choice questions.

For each question, choose the best answer from among the four choices written in your test booklet.

On your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. You are permitted to take notes for every part of this listening test.

Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose one of 1, 2, 3, or 4 that best answers the question. The conversation and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 They will go bad soon.

   2 They are too expensive.

   3 She already has some at home.

   4 She doesn't like chicken legs.

Item 2 🎧

   1 It was on sale.

   2 The red dress was sold out.

   3 He wanted to choose a safe option.

   4 It was cheaper than the pink one.

Item 3 🎧

   1 Her train was delayed.

   2 The weather was bad.

   3 Her car broke down.

   4 There was a traffic jam.

Item 4 🎧

   1 A new business has opened.

   2 The street has been under construction.

   3 There are holiday travelers in town.

   4 Traffic jams have been occuring.

Item 5 🎧

   1 He went to a movie recently.

   2 He works in the marketing department.

   3 He doesn't like surfing.

   4 He lives near the sea.

Item 6 🎧

   1 The pay is very bad.

   2 She does not have time to rest.

   3 The work is very interesting.

   4 She does not like her boss.

Item 7 🎧

   1 The information desk.

   2 A place to leave her bags.

   3 The train on track 5.

   4 Her baggage.

Item 8 🎧

   1 The special drink was not good.

   2 She arrived too late.

   3 The cafe was closed.

   4 The chocolate shake was sold out.

Let's Discuss! Part 1: Dialogue

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 Before the broadcast, read through the choices to anticipate the content of the broadcast and the points to be covered. The questions will be broadcast after the conversation, so concentrate on listening to the flow and development of the conversation. Pay attention to the paraphrases, as they may be different from what you hear in the text.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1




- the action or process of removing or getting rid of something




- fail to attend or deal with as appropriate; miss

Item 2

stick with

/stik/ with/


- to remain loyal to, committed to

wrap up

/rap/ uhp/


- cover or enclose something in paper or soft material

Item 3

get caught in

/get/ kawt/ in/


- to become unexpectedly involved in an unpleasant or annoying situation




- an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly

Item 4

fill up the spaces

/fil/ uhp/ thuh/ spay-suhz/


- to make or become completely full

all day long

/awl/ dey/ lawng/


- during the entire day, the whole day

Item 5

sounds good

/sownds/ gud/


- used for telling someone that their idea or suggestion seems like a good one




- used to express rejection or dismissal

Item 6




- resign from (a job)




- express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something

Item 7

coin lockers

/koin/ lok-ers/


- automated lockers that can be used to store things, anytime you want

lost and found

/lawst/ and/ fownd/


- a place where lost items are stored to await retrieval by their owners

Item 8




- advertising the publicization of a product to increase sales or public awareness


/best/ seh-luhng/


- (of a book or other product) having very large sales; very popular

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the relationship between the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?


The key to the correct answer is to listen to the woman's last statement, "I've already got my plans for the next three days of meals". When the woman asked how long the chicken thighs would last, the man answered "until today," indicating that she thought the food would go bad before they could use it, even if he purchased it. Therefore, the correct answer is 1.

Item 2 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


The key to the correct answer is to listen to the man's second statement. The correct answer is 3, because he says "take the red one" as a reason for "I'll stick with the safe choice". In other words, he is saying that he will choose the "safe" color without being adventurous. Price and availability are not discussed in particular.

Item 3 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


It is important not to confuse the two, since both the man and the woman have stated the causes of their tardiness. The cause of the woman's tardiness is clear from her opening statement. Since she says "I got caught in traffic," and the reason is "an accident on the highway," 4 is correct. Note that the 4th choice, a traffic, is the same as "traffic jam".

Item 4 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


The man's first statement is "hard to find parking," which is the same as the question, and the woman's response is "I think it's because," so what immediately follows is the key to the correct answer. The woman says that the reason is that a popular hair salon has opened in the same building and its customers always use the parking space, so 1 is correct.

Item 5 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


If you can hear the man's sentence "Oh, I already saw that one..." after the woman has mentioned the title of the movie she is going to see, you know that the man has already seen that movie. Therefore, 1 is correct. The man does not say anything about surfing, nor does he mention that he himself works in the marketing department.

Item 6 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


From the woman's first statement, it is clear that she has negative feelings about her job. She continues by expressing her dissatisfaction with her boss, saying, "The owner is really difficult". As for the salary, since the last statement "The pay is fine" indicates that the respondent is not particularly dissatisfied with the salary, we can conclude that 4 is the correct answer.

Item 7 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


From the woman's first statement can I leave my baggage here? From the woman's first statement, we know thatshe wants to leave her baggage here. Considering the fact that the man says, "There are coin lockers," we can conclude that 2 is the correct answer. The woman's last statement, "I don't want to carry these heavy bags all day.

Item 8 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


It is important not to misread the choices. The reason why the woman was not able to drink the special drink can be understood from the first comment of the male waiter that she came to the store after the promotion period had ended. The correct answer is 2, which means "she came too late". The last comment by the male waiter mentions a chocolate shake, which is not what the woman was looking for.

Part 2 : Narrative

Directions: Listen to the English text and choose the best answer to the question from 1, 2, 3, or 4. The narrative and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 They lay eggs whick look like candies.

   2 They build large balloon-shaped nests.

   3 They eat food kept in others' bodies.

   4 They steal honey from bees.

Item 2 🎧

   1 Study at a high school overseas.

   2 Stay with American families.

   3 Serve Japanese food at a party.

   4 Teach their host families Japanese cooking.

Item 3 🎧

   1 A request for information about lost pets.

   2 A charity for missing children.

   3 A man who found ten thousand dollars.

   4 An interview with a famous actor.

Item 4 🎧

   1 He was worried about her going by herself.

   2 He couldn't afford her trip.

   3 He didn't like the homestay program.

   4 He didn't know much about Australia.

Item 5 🎧

   1 He made a special trash bag.

   2 He gave a speech every Sunday.

   3 He asked his friend to help him.

   4 He cooperated with other people.

Item 6 🎧

   1 He had trouble finding parking for work.

   2 He lived too far away from work.

   3 He couldn't walk for a long time.

   4 He didn't know about his neighborhood.

Item 7 🎧

   1 She was asked to meet Sandy's clients.

   2 She had some unexpected work.

   3 Sandy had to take a client to lunch.

   4 Sandy's boss wanted to come along.

Item 8 🎧

   1 He tries to eat no sweets at all.

   2 He skips dessert every other day.

   3 He cooks small amounts of food for dinner.

   4 He makes healthy sweets for himself.

Let's Discuss! Part 2 : Narrative

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 "Where, by whom, to whom, let's." In addition to the points explained in Part 1, listen to what is being said while imagining it, pay attention to temporal expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs, and verb tenses, and try to organize the information correctly.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1




- to keep or gather something for future use

fill up

/fil/ uhp/


- become completely full




- a community of animals or plants of one kind living close together

Item 2

exchange student

/iks-cheynj/ stood-nt/


- a high school or college student who travels to a foreign country to live and study abroad

host family

/hohst/ fam-uh-lee/


- a very special group of people who are able to welcome a young person into their home and allow the student the chance to enrich their lives while also enriching their own lives

Item 3




- not able to be found because it is not in its expected place




- a thing given in recognition of one's service, effort, or achievement

Item 4

homestay program

/hohm-stey/ proh-gram/


- a form of tourism and/or study abroad program that allows the visitor to rent a room from a local family to better learn the local lifestyle as well as improve their language ability




- in or to a foreign country, especially one across the sea

Item 5

take a walk

/teyk/ uh/ wawk/


- walk for pleasure rather than practical reasons




- become aware of; see

Item 6




- a very long way or a very great amount




- the area surrounding a particular place, person, or object

Item 7




- express regret for something that one has done wrong; to say sorry

make it up

/meyk/ it/ uhp/


- to do something helpful or good for (someone one has hurt or treated wrongly)

Item 8

give up

/giv/ uhp/


- to stop trying to do something before you have finished, usually because it is too difficult


/ri-doos, ri-dyoos/


- make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


3 is correct because they have large stomachs to store food and they can feed others. The repeated use of the word "feed" is also a hint, but it is important to judge calmly because the correct answer switches from the perspective of the ant giving the food to that of the surrounding ants who receive the nectar.

Item 2 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The same expression as the question, "are planning to," appears in the latter half of the broadcast, and listening to this sentence is the most important point for the correct answer. (They are planning to) have a dinner party with Japanese food for their host families. Therefore, 3 is correct. "Serve" means "to provide (food)".

Item 3 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


From expressions such as "two dogs missing from his house" and "any information, please contact the police," it can be inferred that the purpose of the English sentence is to search for missing dogs. Therefore, 1 is correct. From expressions such as "a world famous actor reported" and "a reward of ten thousand dollars," you should not choose 3 or 4.

Item 4 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The "at first" in the question appears in the broadcast, and the key point is whether you are able to hear it correctly or not. The correct answer is 1 because he didn't want her to go because he thought that it might not be safe for her to travel overseas alone. Note that "alone" is replaced by "herself" in the choice.

Item 5 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


This is a question in which the correct answer cannot be chosen from a specific expression, but must be answered by correctly grasping the overall flow of the question. Liam himself started picking up trash with a bag, and some people started doing the same thing as he did appeared and formed a cleaning group. The correct answer is 4, which means "cooperated with other people".

Item 6 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The correct answer is 3 based on the first sentence. Be careful not to be misled by the last sentence. 4 is incorrect because the reason why he came to know the area around the company is as a result of walking to work. The sentence 4 is incorrect because the author has been walking to work since the beginning of the sentence.

Item 7 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


It is expected that the reason for not being able to do so will be stated after "but or unfortunately". For the appointment on Tuesday, Katie suddenly had to meet a client, and for Friday, Katie had to attend an emergency meeting with her boss all day. The correct answer is 2, since it is work-related.

Item 8 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


Careful examination of options is necessary. It is stated that by only eating desserts that it is the biggest secret of his diet and that he succeeded in losing weight by knowing the exact ingredients. Therefore, the correct answer is 4. He does not say that he does not eat desserts at all, nor does he cook a small amount of dinner by himself.