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[TRIAL] EIKEN Grade 2 Listening: Lesson 1

Part 1 : Dialogue

This is the listening test for the Eiken Grade 2. Listen carefully to the directions. You will not be permitted to ask questions during the test.

This test has three parts. All of the questions in these three parts are multiple choice questions.

For each question, choose the best answer from among the four choices

You are permitted to take notes for every part of this listening test.

Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose one of 1, 2, 3, or 4 that best answers the question. The conversation and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 Ask Anna to call them.

   2 Tell Anna when the movie starts.

   3 Wait for five more minutes.

   4 Go and watch the movie.

Item 2 🎧

   1 He coached her soccer team.

   2 He called her school.

   3 He took her to the doctor.

   4 He gave her some medicine.

Item 3 🎧

   1 He stayed out late.

   2 He kept playing soccer after nine o'clock.

   3 He left his homework at school.

   4 He forgot to make dinner.

Item 4 🎧

   1 Change an appointment with a clinic.

   2 Start a meeting without him.

   3 Announce a schedule change.

   4 Send an email to a doctor.

Item 5 🎧

   1 In the sales department.

   2 In a department store.

   3 In the marketing department.

   4 In a different company.

Item 6 🎧

   1 She lost her umbrella.

   2 She is feeling sick.

   3 Her train had stopped.

   4 Her friend went home early.

Item 7 🎧

   1 She does not want to go to the party.

   2 She forgot her umbrella.

   3 She left Jake at the station.

   4 She has to pick up her mother.

Item 8 🎧

   1 He is busy at home.

   2 He promised to go to a rugby game.

   3 He was not asked to go.

   4 He was too shy to invite her.

Let's Discuss! Part 1: Dialogue

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 Before the broadcast, read through the choices to anticipate the content of the broadcast and the points to be covered. The questions will be broadcast after the conversation, so concentrate on listening to the flow and development of the conversation.

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the relationship between the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 2 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 3 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 4 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 5 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 6 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 7 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Item 8 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?

Part 2 : Narrative

Directions: Listen to the English text and choose the best answer to the question from 1, 2, 3, or 4. The narrative and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 His neighbor complained about his outdoor cooking.

   2 One of his cooking tools was broken.

   3 He didn't have enough space for the grill.

   4 He wanted something expensive.

Item 2 🎧

   1 By cleaning his pet in the morning.

   2 By watching his dog during his vacation.

   3 By walking his dog during the day.

   4 By buying dog food for him.

Item 3 🎧

   1 She gets nervous when she performs.

   2 She doesn't have friends to help her.

   3 She can no longer afford lessons.

   4 Few people are coming to her concert.

Item 4 🎧

   1 Her brother's house was too small.

   2 It was convenient for sightseeing.

   3 The hotel rooms were fully booked.

   4 There was a free parking spot.

Item 5 🎧

   1 It is owned by a relative of Cathy.

   2 Some customers have become students.

   3 Free drinks are given to students.

   4 There are many rooms for rent.

Item 6 🎧

   1 Growing some vegetables.

   2 Leaving it alone.

   3 Using only part of it.

   4 Planting roses.

Item 7 🎧

   1 He didn't like to be sweaty all day.

   2 His boss asked him to do so.

   3 He wanted to carry his clothes.

   4 He moved far away from work.

Item 8 🎧

   1 Drive to school.

   2 Eat a regular meal.

   3 Walk to their school.

   4 Talk on the phone more.

Let's Discuss! Part 2 : Narrative

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 In addition to the points explained in Part 1, listen to what is being said try answering the questions: where, by whom, and to whom in your mind.

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 2 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 3 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 4 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 5 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 6 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 7 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?

Item 8 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?