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EIKEN Grade 2 Reading: Lesson 5 Part 1

Part 1 : Sentence Completion

Practice Test

Eiken Practice Test Template

Direction: You will be given 10 minutes to answer questions 1 to 10. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

(1) Jane is studying French literature in college. For her final project , she is (    ) a French novel into English.

    1 translating

    2 measuring

    3 arresting

    4 greeting

(2) A: Alicia, this salad is delicious! Did. you say you grow your own vegetables?

   B: Yes. The secret is to mix seashells in the (    ) in your garden.

    1 wound

    2 trap

    3 index

    4 soil

(3) John did not want to go to the party, but his friends (    ) that he should join them. He finally agreed to go with them and ended up having a great time.

    1 proved

    2 revealed

    3 insisted

    4 reported

(4) David gave Anna an engagement ring last week. She could not stop (    ) the ring because it was so beautiful.

    1 staring at

    2 laying off

    3 coping with

    4 throwing away

(5) A: How well does the new member of the school tennis team play?

   B: She's (    ) the best player we have ever had. She wins every match she plays.

    1 by far

    2 too much

    3 over time

    4 for long

(6) A: Do you mind if I use this computer?

   B: It's fine as (    ) as I'm concerned, but you had better check with the boss.

    1 long

    2 far

    3 much

    4 well

(7) Before Thomas left for his vacation in Australia, he made sure that his health (    ) would cover him if he got sick overseas.

    1 affection

    2 insurance

    3 violence

    4 mineral

(8) Patricia is always very (    ) others. She is always careful not to say things that might hurt people's feelings.

    1 considerate of

    2 confident of

    3 known to

    4 engaged to

(9) Juliet named her kitten Katsu (    ) a character in one of her favorite novels. People often asked her why she had chosen the name.

    1 1 in

    2 2 with

    3 3 to

    4 4 after

(10) The students began working with more (    ) when they heard they would get a prize if their class did the best on their school project.

    1 enthusiasm

    2 coincidence

    3 origin

    4 warning

Let's Discuss! : Sentence Completion

Let's Discuss Template

Direction: Let's study the sentences below and check the correct answers.

(1) Jane is studying French literature in college. For her final project , she is (    ) a French novel into English.

    1 translating

    2 measuring

    3 arresting

    4 greeting


The phrase "French novel into English" we could infer that Jane is translating the novel into English.

(2) A: Alicia, this salad is delicious! Did. you say you grow your own vegetables?

   B: Yes. The secret is to mix seashells in the (    ) in your garden.

    1 wound

    2 trap

    3 index

    4 soil


Based on B's response "Yes. The secret is to mix seashells .... in your garden. " we could infer that the secret of growing vegetables is to mix seashells in the soil.

(3) John did not want to go to the party, but his friends (    ) that he should join them. He finally agreed to go with them and ended up having a great time.

    1 proved

    2 revealed

    3 insisted

    4 reported


The phrase "He finally agreed to go with them" indicates that John's friends insisted that he should join the party. So the correct answer is 3.

(4) David gave Anna an engagement ring last week. She could not stop (    ) the ring because it was so beautiful.

    1 staring at

    2 laying off

    3 coping with

    4 throwing away


The phrase "the ring because it was so beautiful" we could infer that someone will stare at someting because it is so beautiful.

(5) A: How well does the new member of the school tennis team play?

   B: She's (    ) the best player we have ever had. She wins every match she plays.

    1 by far

    2 too much

    3 over time

    4 for long


The only option that emphasizes the best is by far. None of the other options emphasize the superlative.

(6) A: Do you mind if I use this computer?

   B: It's fine as (    ) as I'm concerned, but you had better check with the boss.

    1 long

    2 far

    3 much

    4 well


As far as I am concerned means "In my opinion". So the correct answer is 2.

(7) Before Thomas left for his vacation in Australia, he made sure that his health (    ) would cover him if he got sick overseas.

    1 affection

    2 insurance

    3 violence

    4 mineral


Health insurance" is appropriate, considering what it covers in case of illness or other medical concerns. The word "cover" means "to compensate (a person)" by insurance.

(8) Patricia is always very (    ) others. She is always careful not to say things that might hurt people's feelings.

    1 considerate of

    2 confident of

    3 known to

    4 engaged to


The sentence "She is always careful not to say things that might hurt people's feelings." we could infer that someone is considerate of others.

(9) Juliet named her kitten Katsu (    ) a character in one of her favorite novels. People often asked her why she had chosen the name.

    1 in

    2 with

    3 to

    4 after


The pattern is "name A B after someone of something" Ex: He names her kitten Bella after a character in one of her favorite novels.

(10) The students began working with more (    ) when they heard they would get a prize if their class did the best on their school project.

    1 enthusiasm

    2 coincidence

    3 origin

    4 warning


Since the students reacted after hearing that they would receive a prize, it is natural to assume that their "enthusiasm" increased.

Part 2 : Gap fill in Passages

Practice Test

Eiken Practice Test Template

Directions: You will be given 10 minutes to answer questions 1-3. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.


(1) 1 needs batteries and wood

   2 uses less money and more oil

   3 is healthy and easy to use

   4 is cheap and environmentally friendly

(2) 1 help poor people find jobs

   2 meet a wide range of needs

   3 improve the health of young people

   4 protect the environment from harm

(3) 1 For example

   2 In contrast

   3 As a result

   4 In exchange

Let's Discuss!

Let's Discuss Template

Vocabulary Check

Direction: Let's study the meaning of the words and their correct pronunciation.


[ ak / ses ]


- to be able to use or obtain something such as a service

depend on

[ dih / pend / on ]

[phrasal verb]

- to trust someone or something and know that that person or thing will help you or do what you want or expect him, her, or it to do


[ pruh / doos ]


- to make something or bring something into existence


[ kuhn / veen / yuhnt ]


- suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty


[ flek / suh / bil / i / tee ]


- the ability to change or be changed easily according to the situation


[ pruh / vahyd ]


- to give someone something that they need


[ smawl / skeyl ]


- small, especially when compared to other things like it / of limited extent; of small scope


[ uhb / teyn ]


- to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it, or producing it from something else


[ ri / doos ]


- to become or to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc.


[ ben / uh / fit ]


- a helpful or good effect, or something intended to help

Comprehension Questions

Direction: Let's study and understand the passage again to check for the answers and its content.


(1) 1 needs batteries and wood

   2 uses less money and more oil

   3 is healthy and easy to use

   4 is cheap and environmentally friendly

(2) 1 help poor people find jobs

   2 meet a wide range of needs

   3 improve the health of young people

   4 protect the environment from harm

(3) 1 For example

   2 In contrast

   3 As a result

   4 In exchange