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EIKEN Grade 2 Listening: Lesson 1

Part 1 : Dialogue

This is the listening test for the Eiken Grade 2. Listen carefully to the directions. You will not be permitted to ask questions during the test.

This test has three parts. All of the questions in these three parts are multiple choice questions.

For each question, choose the best answer from among the four choices written in your test booklet.

On your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer. You are permitted to take notes for every part of this listening test.

Directions: Listen to the dialogue and choose the most appropriate response to the last sentence from 1, 2, 3, or 4 that will be broadcast. The dialogue and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 His registration card.

   2 His name tag.

   3 A parking pass.

   4 A ticket for the event.

Item 2 🎧

   1 She bought a birthday gift.

   2 She reserved a location.

   3 She prepared some food.

   4 She purchased some drinks.

Item 3 🎧

   1 His mother doesn’t want any presents.

   2 He wants to buy her some sweets.

   3 It is good to have a lot of jewelry.

   4 The necklace is too expensive.

Item 4 🎧

   1 A meal that they ate together.

   2 A holiday they’re planning for.

   3 A sports game they’re going to.

   4 A restaurant they work at.

Item 5 🎧

   1 She has to go out suddenly.

   2 She has a bad cold.

   3 The package wasn’t delivered.

   4 Her daughter doesn’t want to see a doctor.

Item 6 🎧

   1 She was busy at work.

   2 She missed her train.

   3 She was talking to a friend.

   4 She forgot her cell phone.

Item 7 🎧

   1 Read a book.

   2 Wait for five minutes.

   3 Go to a café.

   4 Leave London by bus.

Item 8 🎧

   1 She saw it on the store’s website.

   2 She heard a radio promotion.

   3 She read it in the newspaper.

   4 She was told by a friend.

Let's Discuss! Part 1: Dialogue

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 Before the broadcast, read through the choices to anticipate the content of the broadcast and the points to be covered. The questions will be broadcast after the conversation, so concentrate on listening to the flow and development of the conversation. Pay attention to the paraphrases, as they may be different from what you hear in the text.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1

programming conference

/ 'proh-gram-ing/ 'kon-fer-uhns/


- a formal meeting for the discussion of the process of creating a set of instructions that tell a computer how to perform a task

registration card

/rej-uh-'strey-shuhn/ kahrd/


- a document issued to the owner of a vehicle which contains the name and address of the owner and a description of the vehicle

name tag

/neym/ tag/


- a piece of paper, cloth, plastic, or metal that has a person's name written on it and that is attached to the person's clothing

parking pass

/'par-king/ pas/


- a card, ticket or permit that gives a person access to a parking facility

Item 2

make a reservation

/meyk/ uh/ rez-er-'vey-shuhn/


- If you make a reservation, you arrange for something such as a table in a restaurant or a room in a hotel to be kept for you




- call someone on the phone




- reserve (accommodations, a place, etc.)




- a dish of food, especially meat, cooked using a grill

Item 3

for a change

/fawr/ uh/ cheynj/


- as something different from what is usual

Item 4




- a person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or business

after-game meal

/ahf-ter/ meel/ geym/


- a post- game meal recharges the athlete's muscles for the event or competition around the corner

Item 5

delivery date

/dih-'liv-uh-ree/ deyt/


- the date on which goods that have been bought will arrive at a place

as soon as possible

/az/ soon/ az/ 'pos-uh-buhl/


- at the earliest possible moment

Item 6

as quickly as

/az/ 'kwik-lee/ az/


- as fast as you are able

what on earth

/wuht/ on/ urth/


- used for showing surprise




- a person receiving social or medical services

Item 7

next to

/nekst/ too/


- in or into a position immediately to one side of; beside

Item 8




- a piece of clothing, typically with long sleeves and made from yarn, that is worn on the upper part of the body

look up

/luk/ uhp/


- search for and find a piece of information in a book or database

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the relationship between the two speakers?

✧ What are they talking about?


The key to the correct answer is that the woman answered "no" to the man's question "Do I need a parking ticket?" and then continued with the statement "Just show your name tag to the security guard when you exit the garage". The woman's answer was "No, you don't need a parking ticket". It is important not to be misled by words such as "registration card" or "parking pass".

Item 2 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


From the woman's first statement, we know that she reserved the park, we can choose the correct answer 2, but the key points are the words "book (verb)" and "reserve" which means "to make a reservation". The man says that he will prepare and arrange food and drinks, and there is no mention of gifts.

Item 3 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


It is not difficult to choose the correct answer 2 if you can hear the beginning of the man's second statement, "Why don't we give her some nice cookies or chocolates for a change?" Also, 4 is incorrect because there is no mention of price as a reason to stop buying jewelry.

Item 4 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


From words such as "customers", "reservations", and "waiter", you can guess that the content of the conversation is about a restaurant. When the man says that there were many reservations, the woman repeatedly uses "good" and says, "We usually have few reservations...". We could tell that the owner of the restaurant works in that restaurant.

Item 5 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


If we can understand the woman's first statement, we know that 1 is correct. Since the reason for offering to change the delivery date is that I need to take her (my daughter) to the clinic, we can conclude that she is saying that she is not available at the time of delivery. . Finally, the last sentence talks about changing the delivery date, but be careful not to mistake it for the undelivered parcel in 3.

Item 6 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


The key to the correct answer is to be able to hear the woman's second statement. From the statement "I was just about to leave when a client called.", it can be inferred that the tardiness was due to some kind of work-related reason. Therefore, 1 is the correct answer. "Did you miss the train?" Note that the woman did not respond to the question.

Item 7 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


The key point is to understand from the opening exchange that the woman missed the bus and now has an hour and a half to spare. The woman's second statement describes what she is going to do during her waiting time. The correct answer is 3, since the woman says "Do you know where I can get a good cup of coffee while I'm waiting?"

Item 8 🎧


✧ Who are talking in the conversation?

✧ What are they talking about?


We hear a variety of information, so we need to examine our choices. From the woman's first statement, we know that the source of information on the sale is a neighbor. However, we cannot arrive at the correct answer 4 unless we correctly understand that according to the clerk, the advertisement has not yet been placed in the newspaper, nor has it been posted on the Internet, which the woman has checked.

Part 2 : Narrative

Directions: Listen to the English text and choose the best answer to the question from 1, 2, 3, or 4. The narrative and the question will be given only once. Please take some notes of the difficult words and phrases in each number.

Item 1 🎧

   1 She bought tools at the store.

   2 She viewed instructions online.

   3 She made a table and chairs.

   4 She rented a room for a month.

Item 2 🎧

   1 Go out to eat together more often.

   2 Do something together at the same time.

   3 Make sure to talk every day.

   4 Watch the same movies.

Item 3 🎧

   1 People need it to play games.

   2 People can exchange it for food.

   3 It can be used for getting a present.

   4 It allows guests to enter the room.

Item 4 🎧

   1 Local artists make them.

   2 They come from many cities.

   3 It has enough money to buy them.

   4 Lots of hotels donate them.

Item 5 🎧

   1 Summer is usually very hot.

   2 Fall is the best season.

   3 It often changes all year round.

   4 It has a long wet season.

Item 6 🎧

   1 Wait for the game to be delivered.

   2 Form a line at the item pickup desk.

   3 Come back in a few hours.

   4 Go to the regular checkout counter.

Item 7 🎧

   1 Repair their kitchen equipment.

   2 Eat at a different restaurant.

   3 Call someone to fix the fryer.

   4 Cook some fried chicken.

Item 8 🎧

   1 It was built for that purpose.

   2 The weather is clear.

   3 The ground is smooth.

   4 There is very little wind.

Let's Discuss! Part 2 : Narrative

Let's Discuss Template

Strategy: 💡

📌 "Where, by whom, to whom, let's." In addition to the points explained in Part 1, listen to what is being said while imagining it, pay attention to temporal expressions, idioms, phrasal verbs, and verb tenses, and try to organize the information correctly.

Vocabulary Check

Item 1




- the activity or skill of making things from wood

video guides

/'vid-ee-oh/ gahyd/


- go-to instructional method for teaching a process or walking through the steps needed to complete a task




- pay someone for the use of (something, typically property, land, or a car)

Item 2

live apart

/liv/ uh-'pahrt/


- to live in a separate location from someone with whom one formerly shared a house

catch up

/'kach/ uhp/


- talk to someone whom one has not seen for some time in order to find out what they have been doing

Item 3




- give or receive one thing in place of another


/buh-'fay/ stahyl/


- a meal where guests serve themselves from a variety of dishes set out on a table or sideboard

Item 4




- put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it

fine art

/'fahyn/ ahrt/


- creative art, especially visual art whose products are to be appreciated primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content

Item 5




- uncomfortably cool or cold




- giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment

Item 6

line up

/'lahyn/ uhp/


- arrange a number of people or things in a straight row




- the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset

Item 7




- a period of time by which something is late or postponed

turn out

/'turn/ out/


- prove to be the case




- trouble or difficulty

Item 8

set a world record

/set/ uh/ wurld/ 'rek-erd/


- a record officially recognized as the best established anywhere in the world




- a characteristic of something

Comprehension Check

Item 1 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The first action she took when she became interested in woodworking was to say that she looked at video guides on the Internet. The correct answer is 2, which replaces this with "She viewed instructions online". The information about the purchase of tools is complicated, so we should be careful not to confuse the information.

Item 2 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The same expression as "decide to do" in the question is used in the broadcast. The correct answer is "they have decided to cook the same meal together while talking on the phone," which is replaced by "do something together at the same time." The reason is that they live far apart and do not see each other often, not that they call each other every day.

Item 3 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The key point is whether the sentence "You can exchange it (ticket) for a small gift later. The correct answer is 3 because he says, "You can exchange it (ticket) for a small gift later. Be careful not to choose 2 because of the word "exchange". Although the topic of the game is mentioned in the broadcast, the relationship with the ticket is not mentioned.

Item 4 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


If you know that "give" means "to donate," you can conclude that 4 is the correct answer from the sentence "Many of the old hotels give their large, beautiful signs to an organization called the Neon Museum". Be careful not to choose 3 because of the word "museum" or 1 because of the word "fine art".

Item 5 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


If you understand the first two sentences correctly, you can judge that the answer 3 is correct. This means that the weather changes several times a day throughout the year. In the broadcast, the specific conditions of each season are also described, but each of the choices is different from the content of the broadcast.

Item 6 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


Since the phrases "paid by credit card" in the question and "at the item pickup desk" in the choice are described in the announcement as they are, you can choose the correct answer 2. You need to be careful because the announcement includes the contrasting phrases "pay by cash" and "pay by credit card".

Item 7 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The reason for the apology is given at the beginning, but if you can hear the last part of the sentence, "I'd suggest you go to Sam's Fried Chicken," you will be able to determine that the correct answer is 2. Since we can assume from the content that this is an announcement to a customer, it is clear that the listener, the "customer," does not repair, request repair, or cook.

Item 8 🎧


✧ What is the narrative about?


The key is to be able to understand the clear explanation at the beginning. The correct answer is 3 because this area is almost completely flat and covered with rock salt, and its hard, flat surface is suitable for recording vehicle speeds. "Flat" and "hard" means that it is considered smooth. The ground is natural and there is no mention of local climate.