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EIKEN Grade 2 Speaking: Lesson 3

Part 1 : Passage Reading

Passage 1

Task 1

Direction: Read the passage silently for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, read the passage aloud at your mentor's instruction. Make sure to start from the title.


Weather Forecast

It is often said that the weather around the world is changing. There are more violent storms that ravage places and destroy farms. It is important to get data from a lot of different sources to make better forecasts about the weather. Experts are now analyzing this data with the help of supercomputers. This way, the quality of weather forecasts will improve. Having accurate weather forecasts will allow people to deal with the changing weather.

Task 2

Direction: Answer the questions about the passage. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You are given 30 seconds to answer the questions. Your mentor will start the timer after the question is asked.



Eiken Questions Template

Let's Discuss! Part 1 : Passage Reading

Let's Discuss Template

Vocabulary Check


vahy / uh / luhnt


- sudden and powerful ; used to describe a situation or even tin which people are hurt or killed.


rav / ij


- to cause great damage to something


dey / tuh


- information collected for use.


fohr / kast


- a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation, or the expected weather conditions.


ek / spurt


- a person with a high level of knowledge or skill relating to a particular subject or activity.


an / l / ahyz


- to study or examine something in detail in order to discover or understand more about it.


ak / yer / it


- correct, exact, and without any mistakes. .

deal with

deel / with


- to take action in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem.

Comprehension Check

Task 1

Q1: According to the passage, how do experts improve the quality of weather forecasts?

Answer: By analyzing data from various sources with the help of supercomputers.

Q2: According to the passage, how will people be able to deal with the changing weather?

Answer: By having accurate weather forecasts.

Additional Useful Phrases

Comparative Idiomatic Expressions

🔺 a number of ..

- more than two but fewer than many.

Example: A number of cars are on the freeway during rush hour.

🔺 the number of ..

- used to compare this number/amount to another number/amount.

Example: The number of people visiting the mall is larger today than yesterday.

🔺 one of those ... who

Example: Melly is one of those people who don't eat vegetables.

🔺 the only one of those ... who

Example: Luna is the only one of those people who enjoys horror movies.

Pronunciation Check

Direction: Read the following words below. Your mentor will be checking your pronunciation, word stress and intonation.

  1. violent

  2. ravage

  3. data

  4. forecast

  5. expert

  6. analyze

  7. accurate

  8. deal with

Part 2 : Narration

Direction: Look at the picture and describe the situation. You have 20 seconds to prepare. Your story should begin with the statement on your screen.


Your story should begin with this sentence:

One day, Mr. and Mrs. Furokawa were having a conversation in their living room.

Eiken Grade 2 Speaking

Let's Understand! : Narration 1

Directions: Look at the pictures below and answer the questions based on the pictures.

Eiken Grade 2 Speaking


1. In the first picture, what did the woman say to the man?

2. In the second picture, what was the woman doing?

3. In the second picture, what was the man thinking?

4. In the third picture, what happened to the man and the woman?

5. In the third picture, what did the man say to the woman?

Let's Try It!

Directions: Connect each sentence to tell a story. Your story should start with the statement on your screen.

Your story should begin with this sentence:

One day, Mr. and Mrs. Nagao were talking about volunteer work.

Eiken Grade 2 Speaking

EIKEN Answer Tips 💡

📌 When narrating this story, describe the first picture and mention the sentence found in the speech baloon in the direct speech pattern. In the second picture, focus on what the people in the picture are doing. In this case, the woman is preparing some fruits and the man is thinking about something while looking at their bags on the floor. In the last picture, describe what is happening and explain what the man is saying based on the speech balloon using the indirect speech.

Part 3 : Question and Answer

Task 1

Direction: Express your opinions on the following topics. Give at least one reason to support your opinion. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You have one minute to prepare for your answer, and you will be asked to answer the questions within one minute. The timer will start after the question has been read to you by your mentor.

Question 1



Eiken Questions Template

Question 2



Eiken Questions Template

Let's Discuss! Part 3: Question and Answer

Let's Discuss Template

Task 1

Question 1

Some people say that it is good for students to use tablet computers in classes at school. What do you think about that?

Sample Answers:

• Agree - I agree. Students can search for information for classroom presentations. Also, they can become familiar with new technology.

• Disagree - I disagree. Some students aren't very good at using tablet computers. Also, they are harmful to students' eyes.

EIKEN Answer Tips 💡

📌 If you agree to this idea, you can talk about the advantages of using gadgets at schools and explain how it can benefit them.

📌 If you disagree with the idea, explain about the negative effect of using gadgets in classes and how it affects a person's health and overall well-being.

📌 When answering this question, make sure to clarify whether you agree or disagree to the statement, then give specific reasons. Giving at least two reasons to support your opinion will increase the power of your answer.

Question 2

Nowadays, many TV programs report information about the private lives of famous people. Do you think TV programs should stop reporting such information?

Sample Answers:

• YES - People's privacy should be protected. Also, many people don't want to watch these kinds of programs.

• NO - Many people are interested in the lives of famous people. Also, famous people sometimes use these programs to become more popular.

EIKEN Answer Tips 💡

📌 If you answer YES to this question, you can talk about how important it is for a person to have their own private space.

📌 If you answer NO to the question, you can talk about how much people enjoy hearing news about their idols and how beneficial these platforms are for celebrities.

📌 The important thing when answering this question is to clarify your position and be firm with it. Explain two reasons to support your opinion. You can make use of cohesive devices to connect your ideas together or to transition from one idea to another.


1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.


2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.


Vocabulary Check


vahy / uh / luhnt


- sudden and powerful ; used to describe a situation or even tin which people are hurt or killed.


rav / ij


- to cause great damage to something


dey / tuh


- information collected for use.


fohr / kast


- a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, especially in connection with a particular situation, or the expected weather conditions.


ek / spurt


- a person with a high level of knowledge or skill relating to a particular subject or activity.


an / l / ahyz


- to study or examine something in detail in order to discover or understand more about it.


ak / yer / it


- correct, exact, and without any mistakes. .

deal with

deel / with


- to take action in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem.

Additional Useful Phrases

Comparative Idiomatic Expressions

🔺 a number of ..

- more than two but fewer than many.

Example: A number of cars are on the freeway during rush hour.

🔺 the number of ..

- used to compare this number/amount to another number/amount.

Example: The number of people visiting the mall is larger today than yesterday.

🔺 one of those ... who

Example: Melly is one of those people who don't eat vegetables.

🔺 the only one of those ... who

Example: Luna is the only one of those people who enjoys horror movies.