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EIKEN Grade 2 Reading: Lesson 3 Part 1

Part 1 : Sentence Completion

Practice Test

Eiken Practice Test Template

Direction: You will be given 10 minutes to answer questions 1 to 10. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.


(1) When the Internet was first created, few people understood its (    ). After several years, though, it became obvious that the Internet would change people's lives completely.

    1 confusion

    2 allowance

    3 pronunciation

    4 significance

(2) A: I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's (    ) to park here. Your car is blocking the entrance to the fire station.

   B: I see, officer. I'll move it right away.

    1 common

    2 private

    3 illegal

    4 complex

(3) The photograph of the crowded stadium was (    ), so it was difficult to see the faces of the people clearly.

    1 in the moment

    2 at its best

    3 to the point

    4 out of focus

(4) A: Are you going to the dentist today?

   B: Yes, I have to get a tooth pulled out. I can't wait to get it (    ) so that my mouth will stop hurting.

    1 together with

    2 over with

    3 back from

    4 away from

(5) David used to eat very big meals, but now he is on a diet to lose weight. He tries to eat no (    ) than 1,800 calories per day.

    1 more

    2 less

    3 most

    4 least

(6) Angela found (    ) surprising that John had never seen the movie The King of Jewels. The movie was extremely popular, and all of her other friends had already seen it.

    1 it

    2 this

    3 what

    4 which

(7) Tim was the only person to wear jeans to the formal party, and people were looking at him strangely. He felt (    ), so he went home early.

    1 intelligent

    2 steady

    3 pleasant

    4 awkward

(8) A: I don't need this sofa anymore. Do you happen (    ) anyone who would want it?

   B: Yes! Actually, I'll take it.

    1 to know

    2 knowing

    3 being known

    4 having known

(9) Felix's parents could not pay for his college education, so he had to get a student (    ). After graduating, he will have to pay back $100 every month.

    1 tube

    2 loan

    3 unit

    4 pile

(10) A: Amy, I told you not to waste your money on any more energy drinks.

   B: But Mom, I got them (    ). A company was giving them away to people on the street to promote its new product.

    1 in detail

    2 for nothing

    3 on end

    4 at most

Let's Discuss! : Sentence Completion

Let's Discuss Template

Direction: Let's study the sentences below and check the correct answers.

(1) When the Internet was first created, few people understood its (    ). After several years, though, it became obvious that the Internet would change people's lives completely.

    1 confusion

    2 allowance

    3 pronunciation

    4 significance


• Since the Internet "completely changes people's lives," it has come to have a "significance" that is indispensable to our lives.

• Significance means importance.

(2) A: I'm sorry, ma'am, but it's (    ) to park here. Your car is blocking the entrance to the fire station.

   B: I see, officer. I'll move it right away.

    1 common

    2 private

    3 illegal

    4 complex


From the statement "Your car is blocking the entrance to the fire station." we could infer that it is not allowed or illegal to park in front of the fire station.

(3) The photograph of the crowded stadium was (    ), so it was difficult to see the faces of the people clearly.

    1 in the moment

    2 at its best

    3 to the point

    4 out of focus


If an image or a camera, telescope, or other instrument is out of focus, the edges of what you see are unclear.

(4) A: Are you going to the dentist today?

   B: Yes, I have to get a tooth pulled out. I can't wait to get it (    ) so that my mouth will stop hurting.

    1 together with

    2 over with

    3 back from

    4 away from


To "get something over with" means to finish or complete something that is usually an unpleasant task, job, or activity that you don’t want to do.

(5) David used to eat very big meals, but now he is on a diet to lose weight. He tries to eat no (    ) than 1,800 calories per day.

    1 more

    2 less

    3 most

    4 least


• David is on a restricted diet, so the number of calories should not exceed to 1,800.

• no more than is used to emphasize how small an amount is.

(6) Angela found (    ) surprising that John had never seen the movie The King of Jewels. The movie was extremely popular, and all of her other friends had already seen it.

    1 it

    2 this

    3 what

    4 which


• The word "it" refers to the idea that John had never seen the popular movie "The King of Jewels". If you "find something surprising", it means something is unexpected so it surprises you.

• In this case, the movie is very popular but he hasn't seen it yet which is surprising.

(7) Tim was the only person to wear jeans to the formal party, and people were looking at him strangely. He felt (    ), so he went home early.

    1 intelligent

    2 steady

    3 pleasant

    4 awkward


The phrase "people looked at Tim strangely," gives Tim the feeling of being awkward. Awkward means embarrassed or nervous.

(8) A: I don't need this sofa anymore. Do you happen (    ) anyone who would want it?

   B: Yes! Actually, I'll take it.

    1 to know

    2 knowing

    3 being known

    4 having known


We normaly say "Do you happen to + infinitive"

(9) Felix's parents could not pay for his college education, so he had to get a student (    ). After graduating, he will have to pay back $100 every month.

    1 tube

    2 loan

    3 unit

    4 pile


• The statement "Felix's parents could not pay for his college" indicates that Felix needed to take out a student loan.

• Loan means the amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing.

(10) A: Amy, I told you not to waste your money on any more energy drinks.

   B: But Mom, I got them (    ). A company was giving them away to people on the street to promote its new product.

    1 in detail

    2 for nothing

    3 on end

    4 at most


• The sentence "A company was giving them away to people on the street to promote its new product." indicates that the products are free.

• To give away someting means to supply something at no charge.

Part 2 : Gap fill in Passages

Practice Test

Eiken Practice Test Template

Directions: You will be given 10 minutes to answer questions 1-3. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence.



(1) 1 buy fossils with amber

   2 create their own amber

   3 make amber jewelry

   4 study amber closely

(2) 1 Nevertheless

   2 Unfortunately

   3 Moreover

   4 Immediately

(3) 1 had many feathers

   2 was always cold

   3 was not pretty

   4 could not fly

Let's Discuss!

Let's Discuss Template

Vocabulary Check

Direction: Let's study the meaning of the words and their correct pronunciation.


[ suhb / stuhns ]


- material with particular physical characteristics


[ kuhn / teyn ]


- to have something inside or include something as a part


[ fos / uhl ]


- part of a plant or animal, or its shape, that has been preserved in rock or earth for a very long period


[ ri / meyns ]


- pieces or parts of something that continue to exist when most of it has been used, destroyed, or taken away


[ pri / zurv ]


- to keep something as it is, especially in order to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed


[ trap ]


- a person or thing is unable to move or escape from a place or situation ( be trapped )


[ ig-zam-in ]


- to look at or consider a person or thing carefully and in detail in order to discover something about them


[ ik-stingkt ]


- not now existing


[ rem-nuhnt ]


- a small piece or amount of something that is left from a larger original piece or amount


[ uhn-der-neeth ]


- situated directly below

Comprehension Questions

Direction: Let's study and understand the passage again to check for the answers and its content.


(1) 1 buy fossils with amber

   2 create their own amber

   3 make amber jewelry

   4 study amber closely

(2) 1 Nevertheless

   2 Unfortunately

   3 Moreover

   4 Immediately

(3) 1 had many feathers

   2 was always cold

   3 was not pretty

   4 could not fly