![[C] What do you think of our new room? (Expressing opinions)](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/7BjYtB8Uuk3cUwAVrxLl6G/e4d09c79d6e0ad68cb88730284627227/TE_NEW_BANNER-04.png)
Pattern I
How do you find...? - a way of asking someone's opinion of something
She's very nice. I think she's great. I like her.
How do you find my apartment?
It's a bit small, but the location is very convenient.
Pattern II
Tell me.. - a way of asking someone's opinion of something / - after tell me, the order of the subject and "be" verb of a question is reversed
Who are they?
Tell me who they are.
What is he doing?
Tell me what he is doing.
with other verbs, the "do/does" is omitted, and the verb is spelled normally
What have you been doing all day?
Tell me what you have been doing all day.
Where could she have gone?
Tell me where she could have gone.
What do you think she is up to?
Tell me what you think she is up to.
Pattern III
Are you kidding me? - an expression that indicates that something is so true or untrue - that it doesn't need to be said anymore
Would you like to dance?
Are you kidding me? I'd rather sit here and eat than dance!
Do you want to go shopping tomorrow?
Are you kidding me? I've been wanting to go out all week!
Pattern IV
To be honest with you - introduces a statement that you think a person might not want to hear
Thank you for inviting me to the party, but to be honest with you, I'm not really into joining crowded events.
To be honest with you, I actually don't feel like eating out tonight. I'd prefer to stay in.
Direction: Read the conversation below. Then, exchange roles with your mentor.
Sally and Cindy are new university roommates and they meet for the first time. They start talking about what they like and dislike.
Direction: Read the conversation below. Then, exchange roles with your mentor.
Hi - you must be Cindy. I'm Sally. So we're going to be roomies this semester!
Yes! I'm delighted to meet you in person - and I see from your bag that you like basketball. I'm a big fan, too!
Well, the bag was a present from my brother, who's a basketball player. They actually won the city championship this summer.
That's awesome. I tell you, I'm not much of an athletic person, but I love to watch basketball. What about you, do you play any sports?
Yes, I play baseball. As a matter of fact, I have a scholarship, and I'm going to play for the university. Now tell me what else you like to do.
Well - I'm fond of dancing. I'm studying hip-hop but I also like to dance to pop music.
Cool. We have a lot in common. I like to dance, too. Do you think you'll be up for checking out the local clubs this weekend?
Oh yeah. And the restaurants, too. Speaking of which - are you hungry? I'd love to grab a bite before it's too late. I'm starving!
Are you kidding me? I'm always up for going out! How about trying the place up the street? I'm kind of hungry for a good pizza.
Later 🕒...
Sally, how do you find our room?
To be honest with you, I really can't stand the dark color of the floor tiles. I prefer light colors. Do you like them?
No, I agree with you. They're horrible. With a nice carpet and a few small changes, we'll make this room comfortable and cozy. Everybody will want to hang out here.
Man, I'm so relieved! I think we're really going to get along. I'm going to call my mom right now and tell her how cool my new roomie is.
1. Where did Sally get her bag from?
2. What kind of place does Sally suggest they try to grab a bite from? Where is it located?
A. Rephrase each question to a statement using "Tell me.."
What do you think she would have done?
What time is the bus going to leave?
Where could she possibly be?
B. Choose the word or expression that best completes the following sentences.
Do you like your new teammate?
Yeah, I with him pretty well.
1. a. hang out
b. stand
c. get along
Why did you order this? You know I this kind of beverage.
2. a. can't stand
b. grab a bite with
c. don't get along with
What did you think of his painting?
3. a. Actually, I'm not up for it.
b. Are you kidding me? It's a masterpiece!
c. Man, I don't get along with it.
How do you find the new teacher?