![[C+] How do you feel about Veganism? (Controversial issues)](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/3rdUwWranlJYqj4l8zQppU/c7881098338dbaf0658d55bd7929cf86/COMM_STARTER-05.png)
Pattern 1
How do you feel about..?
How do you feel about + [an issue]?
- -used to ask someone to find out their opinion or how they feel about an issue that you want to talk about
How do you feel about trash pollution?
How do you feel about vegetarianism?
Pattern 2
Do you believe that.. ?
Do you believe that + [statement about an issue] + is true/fair/a good idea?
- used to ask someone if they agree with a certain idea or aspect of an issue that you are talking about
Do you believe that avoiding meat is a good idea?
Do you believe that increasing taxes on the rich is fair?
Pattern 3
I feel strongly that / about..
I feel strongly that + [your opinion about the situation].
I feel strongly about + [an issue].
- used to express that you have a strong or definite opinion about an issue or what you think should be done in relation to that issue
I feel strongly that the government should implement stricter laws to reduce plastic waste.
I feel strongly about plastic waste reduction.
Pattern 4
It seems to me that..
It seems to me that + [your opinion about the situation].
- used to express your opinion about a situation or that something appears to be true to you
It seems to me that this is just a short-term Band-Aid solution to our political issues.
It seems to me that her proposition regarding solid waste management is reasonable.
Pattern 5
I'm serious about..
I'm serious about + [that topic].
- used to express that you are extremely interested about a certain topic or issue
I'm serious about being a vegetarian. I'm currently searching for the best meat substitutes.
My boss is serious about maintaining diversity in the workplace so he is accepting more talented migrants.
Pattern 6
I'm passionate about..
I'm passionate about + [that topic].
- used to express that you care deeply about a certain topic or issue
Anika says that we should stop using plastic straws. She's very passionate about protecting the environment.
One thing that I'm passionate about is healthy living and healthy eating.
Pattern 7
I'm upset about..
I'm upset about + [that topic].
- used to express that you are emotionally affected by a topic or issue in a negative way
My parents have always been upset about the increasing poverty in our country so they're doing their best to help end it.
Our teachers were upset about the effects of racism in their students' mental health.
Pattern 8
I'm on the fence about..
I'm on the fence about + [that topic].
- used to express that you are unable to decide what your stance is on a topic or issue
His family has always been pro-democrats but he's on the fence about voting the same candidates.
I'm still on the fence about going green. I'm not sure if it is going to be sustainable.
Pattern 9
I'm wishy-washy about..
I'm whishy-washy about + [that topic].
- used to express that you have no strong opinion about a topic or issue
Some of my colleagues are wishy-washy about recycling, but others are passionate about it.
Although there are certainly a lot of positives to homeschooling, none of them matter if you feel wishy-washy about your decision.
Direction: Read the conversation below. Then, exchange roles with your mentor.
Take and John are talking about Take's vegan daughter.
Allison is wishy-washy about it. She just wants to make sure that our daughter stays healthy and happy with her lifestyle.
What about you?
Well, I was upset about it at first, but she's sixteen now, and she feels strongly about not wanting to cause harm to animals. She's a real animal lover-she's even thinking about studying to be a veterinarian one day.
Do you believe that it's a good idea for vegans not to eat dairy or other animal products either?
She maintains that the egg and dairy industries cause immense suffering and death as well.
But aren't you worried that she's not getting enough protein and calcium?
To be sure, it's a challenge. She spends a lot of time reading labels and looking for plant-based solutions for all the nutrients she needs. My wife and I help her out with that, too. It does seem unnatural to a lot of people in our society.
But she's serious about this, and we support her.
How does this affect the rest of the family? It seems to me that it's unfortunate for the other kids to feel guilty about having pizza--or a birthday cake!
If that happens, we will do everything we can to put a stop to it. Since this is her personal decision, she is the only one who should suffer -- or benefit from -- the consequences.
How would you feel if she stopped going to parties--or even if her friends stopped inviting her to join them--because she can't eat what's being served?
If that happened, of course I would be upset; I would find out how she feels about it, and also point out the social consequences to her. Then we could hopefully come up with a solution. I wouldn't mind inviting all her friends over--and serving them traditional food! But we could also include 'tastes' of vegan food to show them that it's not really scary.
I can't believe that you are allowing your own daughter to follow this drastic diet! If I were you, I would encourage her to wait until she's at least eighteen. Or maybe I'm just on the fence about veganism.
Well, we do believe that eating vegetables is good for your health, and we're passionate about protecting the environment, too.
Keep in mind that veganism is becoming more and more popular everywhere and there is scientific evidence that it can improve your health. Plus, there are more and more vegan products on the market every day.
1. Why did Take's daughter go vegan?
2. What does Take say is a challenge when it comes to his daughter being a vegan?
3. What does his daughter do to get enough protein and calcium?
4. What would John do if he was Gina's father?
A. Give your opinion on or share your knowledge about the issues given using the patterns and photos below.
Issue : veganism
(Answer:) It seems to me that veganism causes minor to serious health problems and vegans run the risk of malnutrition.
Issue : same-sex marriage / marriage equality
(Answer:) It seems to me that .
Issue : immigration restrictions
(Answer:) It seems to me that .
Issue : minimum wage
(Answer:) Keep in mind that .
B. Give your opinion by completing each sentence using the issues in the box, then give your reasons. Use an issue only once.
hate crime | pollution | vegetarianism |
gender inequality | social inequality | waste disposal |
obesity | birth rate | poverty |
disaster prevention | age discrimination | crime and the justice system |
I feel strongly about because .
I'm serious about because .
I'm passionate about because .
I'm upset about because .
I'm on the fence about because .
I'm wishy-washy about because .
Say, Take, I heard that your daughter Gina has decided to go vegan. How do you and your wife feel about this?