![[C] It's a shame... (Making general statements)](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/69zztXRdVYI9ATuggjL2Me/8230f72e0b9718c1ff449b268ffd52b9/It-s_a_shame...__Making_general_statements_.png)
Pattern I
it is a shame + ["that" clause]
- is used to express regret or disappointment about something, often when something negative happens or when something is not as expected
It is a shame that she couldn’t attend the party due to her work commitments.
It is a shame that we didn’t get to visit the museum, as it was closed for renovations.
Pattern II
it is important + [infinitive clause]
- is used to emphasize that something is significant or necessary for success, well-being, or understanding
It is important to communicate openly in any relationship.
It is important to plan ahead when organizing a big event.
Pattern III
it's unlikely + ["that" clause]
- is used to express doubt or to indicate that something is not expected to happen
It's unlikely that they will finish the project on time, given how much work is left.
It's unlikely that she’ll agree to go on the trip after all the complications we had.
Pattern IV
it is difficult + [infinitive clause]
- is used to express that something is challenging or hard to accomplish
It is difficult to learn a new language, especially when there are no speakers around.
It is difficult to concentrate when there is a lot of noise around.
Direction: Read the conversation below. Then, exchange roles with your mentor.
Two friends talk about how a busy schedule makes starting a new hobby difficult, but one encourages finding time for small activities.
It is easy to get overwhelmed when there are so many options out there. Have you considered something creative like painting or photography?
I thought about it, but I’m not sure I have the time. It is a shame that we often let our busy schedules get in the way of trying new things.
I completely agree. But I think it is important to make time for hobbies, especially ones that help you relax. They can actually make you more productive in the long run.
You’re right. I guess it is essential to find a balance between work and personal time. Otherwise, we risk burning out.
Exactly. It's true that making time for ourselves is crucial. Otherwise, we get stuck in a cycle of stress and exhaustion.
That’s true. It's unlikely that I’ll be able to do anything serious right now, though. My schedule is packed with meetings and deadlines.
I get that. It is difficult to find time for anything new when you're constantly busy. But even starting small, like a short walk or a quick drawing session, could help.
I’ll try to fit something small into my routine. Thanks for the encouragement!
1. What hobby did Anna suggest to Trisha??
2. What does Trisha think is a shame?
A. Complete the following sentences by adding a relevant ending based on your personal experience or opinions.
Example: It is difficult to...
Answer: It is difficult to balance work and personal life.
- It is a shame that...
- It is important to...
- It's unlikely that...
B. Direction: Finish the sentences with an appropriate consequence, using the communication starters.
1. Situation: You're late for an important meeting.
Response: It is a shame .
2. Situation: You’ve been asked to lead a new project at work.
Response: It is important .
3. Situation: You can learn a new language fluently in a month.
Response: It’s unlikely .
I’ve been thinking about picking up a new hobby, but I’m not sure where to start.