![[C] He's quite the character. (Describing people)](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/19wiaBEhdySrRiwpfq14ds/98edfc1dee3722199088b55d666a34d2/TE_NEW_BANNER-04.png)
Pattern I
Hardly ever...
- means almost never-
You hardly ever contact me anymore. Are you annoyed at me?
They hardly ever take time to visit their grandparents.
Pattern II
no wonder..
- used to say that something is not surprising-
There's nothing to do in this town except mooching around the streets; no wonder young people get into trouble.
Jackson was Jane's brother! No wonder he reminded me so much of her!
Pattern III
In the first place
- used to present the first example of why you do or don't like something
- you can use "second / in the second place / plus" before the next examples. The last example can be stated with "not to mention that"
Pattern IV
quite the character
- to be unusual in some way.Examples:
He never stops moving his chair but he can always focus on his tasks.
Yeah, I heard he's quite the character.
She really loves fashion and she always wears something unique.
She must be quite the character.
Direction: Read the conversation below. Then, exchange roles with your mentor.
Jun and Matthew are schoolmates and they both live in a dormitory. They start talking about their roommates.
So, Matthew, what's your new roommate like?
Well, if you have all day, I'll describe him for you. He's quite the character.
I don't have all day, dude - but basically - do you get along with him?
Actually, yeah--but that's only because we hardly ever see each other. He does his own thing. I do mine as well. We differ in terms of our routine.
Really? You don't hang out together, then?
The truth is, I don't even know where he typically eats or stays.
Then at least he cleans up after himself in your unit.
No! My roommate is incredibly neat. He actually leaves every corner of our unit squeaky clean. It appears as though I live alone.
Man, I think you have the perfect roommate!
What about yours? What's he like?
Well, he's the exact opposite of yours. We're a lot alike, and we're together a lot. I mean, we have four classes together and we're in the same fraternity, so we're buddies.
Sounds to me like you have the ideal roommate!
Well, yes- and no. Mine is a disaster in our unit. In the first place, he always leaves everything behind such as trash and dirty clothes. Plus, his things are always disorganized.
Come on, Jun--he sounds a lot like you. No wonder you get along so well!
1. What is Matthew's roommate like?
2. What is Jun's roommate like?
A. Please choose the most appropriate response to each of the following questions or remarks.
Jane never showed up last night.
a. Well, she hardly ever goes out.
b. Come on, let's go out.
c. At least she's not feeling well.
d. Actually, she's a party animal.
I don't think I'll go to the private ball. It's too pricey.
a. At least it costs $100.
b. Come on, you have plenty of bucks.
c. So you're going?
d. I wonder if you have enough cash.
What do you think of the new Prime Minister?
a. No wonder he is the Prime Minister.
b. I'll call him.
c. What about Mark?
d. At least he shows up at the meetings.
B. Provide possible answers to the following statements using no wonder.
He used to work as a pre-school teacher.
For Example:
➡ No wonder he is good at handling kids.
Mary studied finance at Harvard University.
The government increased the tax for consumer goods.
James didn't get the promotion he's been aiming for.
We really don't enjoy camping in the middle of the forest.
In the first place, it makes us feel uncomfortable due to the cold temperature.
In the second place, it is quite a hassle to bring the important stuff we need to have during the camping experience.
Plus, we cannot use our mobile phones due to the weak phone reception.
Not to mention that we don't have enough clean water supply for drinking.