![[F-E] Past Simple](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/37lM1EYvvJFvg6djTq63Ad/a091798f81d322d2440923e5ced08a3c/Past_Simple.png)
Direction: Read the short passage then answer the questions being asked.
Yesterday, Angela had a job interview. The interview was for an accounting job. Her interview was 10:00 am. She woke up at 7:00 am and left her house before 8:00 am. She waited for the bus, but it was late. She was very worried because she did not want to be late for the interview.
When the bus arrived, it was almost 9:00 am. The bus was slow because there were many other cars. The bus finally arrived at Angela’s stop at 9:45. She ran from the bus stop to the office building. When she arrived at the reception, it was 9:48. She was in time! The receptionist told her that her appointment was the next day. She checked her schedule. It was true. She was there on the wrong day!
Comprehension Questions:
1. What was the interview for?
2. Why was she worried?
3. What did the receptionist tell her?
Past Simple
A. Regular Past Forms
1. Use the past simple for past actions, states and general truths
He kissed her and continued to dance with her, in the dark without music.
2. The past time could be recent or distant.
3. Past time expressions, such as yesterday, last (night, week, year), (a few minutes, two months, 10 years) ago, are sometimes used with the past simple.
Last night, Mr. and Mrs. Smith stayed home.
They already watched the movie last year.
4. Spelling of the final -ed:
With most verbs, just add -ed after the verb.
watch ➡ he watched
When a verb ends in -e, add -d.
die ➡ she died
love ➡ they loved
When a verb ends in a consonant plus -y, delete the -y and add -ed.
copy ➡ she copied
try ➡ they tried
When a verb ends in a single vowel (a, e, i, o, u) and a single consonant, double the last consonant and add -ed.
stop ➡ she stopped
prefer ➡ they preferred
B. Irregular Past Forms
1. Many past simple verbs do not end in -ed. They have irregular forms.
These are some common verbs with their irregular past forms.
Present - Past | Present - Past | Present - Past | Present - Past |
be - was/were | do -did | know- knew | say - said |
become - became | eat - ate | leave - left | see -saw |
begin - began | find - found | make - made | speak - spoke |
bring - brought | give - gave | mean - meant | take - took |
buy - bought | have - had | pay - paid | tell - told |
come - came | hear - heard | put - put | think - thought |
Direction: Recall the things that you did yesterday and share them to your mentor using the simple past tense.
Yesterday, I woke up early in the morning and prepared breakfast for myself. Then, I took a shower and got dressed. I ate breakfast and went to the train station on foot. I caught the 7 am train and arrived in the office at 7:30. I checked my emails and started working. For lunch, I went to a nearby cafe and grabbed a sandwich. I finished work at around 5:00 pm and went home.
Now, it's your turn.