![[F-E] Basic Parts of Speech](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/6b3nM8ySVhOxnmiyWdVSjf/5820f82541762a404a66b973ba5e764a/Basic_Parts_Of_Speech.png)
Direction: Read the short paragraph then answer the questions being asked.
1. When did Carolyn and the speaker meet for the first time?
2. What do Carolyn and the speaker like the same?
3. How did they become friends?
I. Parts of Speech
1. Noun - refers to name of people, things, animals, places, and qualities. A noun can be singular or plural.
Carolyn, bestfriend, students (people)
phones, chair, language (things)
crocodile (animals)
Mexico, school (places)
kindness, music, sports (qualities)
Examples of nouns are:
2. Pronoun - a word that replaces a noun
I, me, you, he, she, him, it, them
Examples of pronouns are:
3. Verb - a word that tells an action. A verb can refer to the past, present or future.
talk, comes, were sitting (actions)
be, liked, know (states)
Examples of verbs are:
4. Adjective - a word that describes a noun
nice, first, different, yellow, fast
Examples of adjectives are:
Adjectives usually come before the noun.
first lesson | NOT
lesson first -
a big house | NOT
a house big
Adjectives can go after a noun if there is a "be" verb
The house is big
Adjectives have no plural form.
good friends | NOT
goods friends -
different languages | NOT
differents languages
5. Adverb - a word that decribes a verb, an adjective or a whole sentence.
happily, softly, quickly (adverbs that describe a verb)
very, too, extremely (adverbs that describe an adjective)
especially, luckily, however (adverbs that describe sentences)
Examples of adverbs are:
Adverbs that describe a verb usually come at the end of a sentence.
My sister sings softly.
Direction: Please talk about yourself by giving examples for each part of speech. Guide questions are provided.
Guide Questions:
What is your name?
My name is Alison. (noun)
Where are you from?
I'm from Okinawa, Japan. (noun)
What do you do? (Job)
I work as an office worker. (pronoun)
Describe yourself.
I am a friendly and adventurous person. (adjective)
What do you do in your free time?
I always watch movies in my free time. (adverb)
Now, it's your turn.
Carolyn is my best friend. I remember very well the first time we met. It was our first day at secondary school, and we were sitting next to each other for the first lesson. We didn't know any other students in our class, and so we became good friends. We found that we liked the same things, especially music and sports, and so we spent a lot of time together.