![[B-A] Independent and Dependent Clause](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/2gauoGaru3FmlT2AXjmnVV/e5489046c38d81389de483e64ee75a22/Independent_and_Dependent_Clause.png)
Direction: Read the passage below then answer the questions being asked.
Switzerland is famous for producing cheese. However, it now imports more cheese than it exports for the first time. Because other countries can sell milk in Switzerland, it is difficult for Swiss farmers to compete with cheap, imported milk. Many farmers have given up because they cannot make money. This had decreased the quantity of cheese they make.Swiss farmers can only make enough cheese for their own population.Swiss cheese is known for its high quality. It is often on the menu of restaurants. However, restaurants and supermarkets are replacing Swiss cheese with cheese from other countries. Switzerland is exporting less cheese, but Swiss are eating more cheese than ever. Swiss people ate an average of 22.9 kg per person in 2022. A diary farmer was sad. She said: "Cheese is a big part of life in Switzerland. We need our farms, and cheese.
1. What is the current trend regarding Switzerland's cheese exports and imports?
2. Why is it difficult for Swiss farmers to compete with imported milk?
What is a CLAUSE?
- A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb that have a relationship.
Independent Clause - CAN STAND ALONE
- a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. It is a sentence.
Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz.
Dependent Clause - CANNOT STAND ALONE
- a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot be a sentence.
When Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz . . . (What happened when he studied? The thought is incomplete.)
Dependent Marker Word
- a word added to the beginning of an independent clause that makes it into a dependent clause.
after | although | as | as if | because | before |
if | in order to | since | though | unless | until |
whatever | when | whether | even if | even though | while |
- It often begins with a subordinating conjunction
Because they watched TV - incomplete thought
Because they watched, they saw the latest weather report- complete thought
- It is usuallly followed by a comma if it occurs at the beginning of a sentence
After eating too much pizza, the boy developed a stomachache
Connecting independent clauses
Using Coordinating Conjunction ( and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet)
- When the second independent clause in a sentence begins with a coordinating conjunction, a comma is needed before the coordinating conjunction
Carl studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz, but it was hard to concentrate because of the noise.
Independent Marker Word
An independent marker word is a connecting word used at the beginning of an independent clause. These words can always begin a sentence that can stand alone.
When the second independent clause in a sentence has an independent marker word, a semicolon is needed before the independent marker word. ( also, consequently, furthermore, however, moreover, nevertheless, and therefore.)
Cark studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz; however, it was hard to concentrate because of the noise.
Comma Splices
- A comma splices is the use of a comma between two independent clauses. You can usually fix the error by changing the comma to a period and therefore making the two clauses into two separate sentences, by changing the comma to a semi-colon, or by making one clause dependent by inserting a dependent marker word in front of it.
❌I like this class, it is very interesting.
Correct:✅ I like this class. It is very interesting.
✅ I like this class; it is very interesting.
✅ I like this class because it is very interesting.
Fused Sentences
- this happens when there are two independent clauses not separated by any form of punctuation. This error is also known as a run-on sentence.The error can sometimes be corrected by adding a period, semicolon, or colon to separate the two sentences.
❌My professor is intelligent I've learned a lot from her.
Correct:✅ My professor is intelligent. I've learned a lot from her.
✅ My professor is intelligent, and I've learned a lot from her.
✅ My professor is intelligent ; moreover, I've learned a lot from her.
Direction: State whether the items below are independent or dependent clauses and provide reasons why. Add an independent clause to make a complete sentence if it's dependent and rewrite with the correct capitalization and punctuation if a clause is independent.
although the car slowed down to turn a corner
the article was not reliable
a rainbow arched above the clouds
no one answered Barbara's question
that you were the lucky one
if you are apologetic