タビスタ | まったく新しいオンライン英会話
[C+] ELON MUSK | Tesla Manufacturing [PRACTICE]



net worth


- sum of all assets owned by a person or a company, minus any obligations or liabilities

Her net worth has been estimated at $150 million.


[ 'proh-tuh-tahyp ]


- the original or model on which something is based or formed

They tested the prototype of the car.


[ uh-'sem-blee ]


- the action of gathering together as a group for a common purpose

The student assembly was held at the school hall.


[ 'mey-nee-ak ]


- a person exhibiting extreme symptoms of wild behavior, especially when violent and dangerous

She was attacked by a maniac.


[ 'ahy-vuh-ree ]


- a creamy-white color

She wore an ivory dress with shoes to match.


FIRST CUT ⏱ 34:11 - 35:12

    Let's read...

    I mean first of all it's important to understand like what has tesla actually accomplished that is most net worthy. It is not the creation of an electric vehicle or creating electrical vehicle prototype or low volume production of a car. They've been hundreds of cars startups over the years. Hundreds. And, in fact at one point Bloomberg counted up the number of electric vehicle startups and they I think they got to almost 500. So the hard part is not creating a prototype or going into limited production. The absolutely difficult thing which has not been accomplished by an american car company in 100 years is reaching volume production without going bankrupt. That is the actual hard thing. The last company, american company, to reach volume production without going bankrupt was Chrysler in the 20s.

    Let's follow Elon Musk...

    I mean / first of all it's important to / understand like / what has tesla actually accomplished that is most net worthy. // It is not the creation of / an electric vehicle / or creating electrical vehicle prototype or / low volume production of a car. // They've been hundreds of cars startups over the years. // Hundreds. // And, / in fact at one point / Bloomberg counted up the number of electric vehicle startups / and they I think they got to almost 500. // So the hard part is not / creating a prototype or going into limited production. // The absolutely difficult thing / which has not been accomplished by an american car company / in 100 years is reaching volume production / without going bankrupt. // That is the actual hard thing. // The last company, / american company, / to reach volume production without going bankrupt / was Chrysler / in the 20s. //

SECOND CUT ⏱ 35:12 – 36:29

    Let's read...

    Right and it nearly happened to tesla? - Yes, it but it's not like, “Oh geez! I guess if we just done more manual stuff things would have been fine.” Of course not. That is definitely not the case. So we basically messed up almost every aspect of the model 3 production line, from cells to packs to driving motors, motors, body line, the paint shop, final assembly, everything, everything was messed up. And I lived in that fa- I lived in the Fremont and Nevada factories for three years, fixing that production line running around like a maniac through every part of that factory, living with the team. I slept on the floor so that the team who was going through a hard time could see me on the floor. That they knew that I was not in some ivory tower. Whatever pain they experienced, i was, I had it more.

    Let's follow Elon Musk...

    Right / and it nearly happened to tesla? / - Yes, / but it's not like, / “Oh geez! // I guess if we just done more manual stuff / things would have been fine.” // Of course not. // That is definitely not the case. // So / we basically messed up / almost every aspect of the model 3 production line, / from cells / to packs / to driving motors, / motors, / body line, / the paint shop, / final assembly, / everything, / everything was messed up. // And I lived in that, / I lived in the Fremont / and Nevada factories / for three years, / fixing that production line running around like a maniac / through every part of that factory, / living with the team. // I slept on the floor / so that the team who was going through / a hard time / could see me on the floor. // That they knew / that I was not in some ivory tower. // Whatever pain they experienced, / I was, / I had it more. //