![[C] The Secret to My Success [PRACTICE]](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/2zL4ge6Kfhs9WInU0ClkYc/fa6e2e48988137720311a786cf24a922/NAS_SHADOWING.png)
[ 'puhb-lish ]
A new One Piece manga series will be published.
[ uhn-'lim-i-tid ]
The ticket offers unlimited travel on British trains for seven days.
work your ass off
You've been working your ass off at the gym.
lose interest
I'm starting to lose interest in my studies.
look back
I have a lot of great memories in my childhood that I always look back on.
FIRST CUT ⏱ 00:00 - 00:32
Let's read...
I hope this video changes your life. Because what I'm about to share with you changed my life. See when I look back at all the success I've had in the past three years, from traveling to making videos to making money, I realized that I succeeded mainly because of one thing, and that one thing is deadlines. Deadlines are the single most important thing in my life, and here is why.
Let's follow NAS...
I hope / this video changes your life. // Because what I'm about to share with you / changed / my life. // See / when I look back at all / the success I've had / in the past / three years, / from / traveling / to making videos / to making money, / I realized that I succeeded mainly / because of one thing, / and that one thing / is / deadlines. // Deadlines / are the single most important thing / in my life, / and here is why. //
SECOND CUT ⏱ 00:34 – 01:23
Let's read...
Let's say you want to write a book and you have no deadline. The first day you write a little bit. The second day you write a little bit more. And because you have unlimited time, you keep working day by day on that book and after many days you lose interest, you never finish, and never publish. This is the classic case of giving up. I had that too all the time. But you will be amazed by how much a strict deadline can change your life. The first day you write a few words. The second day you write a bit more. But because you have to finish a book by the third day, you work your ass off to write as much as possible before the deadline. And just like that you have written a perfectly good book and published it.
Let's follow NAS...
Let's say / you want to write a book / and you / have no deadline. // The first day you write a / little bit. // The second day you write a little bit more. // And because you have unlimited time, / you keep working / day by day / on that book and after many days / you lose interest, / you never finish, / and never / publish. // This is the classic case / of giving up. // I had that too / all the time. // But / you will be amazed / by how much / a strict deadline / can change your life. // The first day / you write a few words. // The second day / you write a bit more. // But because you have to finish a book / by the third day, / you work / your ass off / to write / as much / as possible / before the deadline. // And just / like that / you have written / a perfectly good book / and published it. //
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