![[C] Give up on happiness. Go hard at wonder | Monica Parker [FULL]](https://images.ctfassets.net/r30ratzbtbbf/4JcGOJtklTY6c8bEgywDsg/a72fa5d85e47ed2862808cec69954beb/Give_up_on_happiness._Go_hard_at_wonder___Monica_Parker_-_Practice_-.png)
I think it's a sad irony / that / we are as a world /obsessed with positive emotions. // In fact, // often / we end up / in this situation of toxic positivity. // What toxic positivity does / is it / really / takes away / the ability for us / to experience the full / richness /of our emotional portfolio. // If we / focus so heavily on / positive emotions, / we're missing out / on the richness / of both negative emotions / but also / these mixed emotions / that really help us metabolize / what happens in the world. // What's amazing about wonder / is that / it's both positive and negative / at the same time. // Wonder / is not just this / positive self-transcendent experience. // There is a certain level of conflict. // Think of a / butterfly coming out / of a chrysalis. // There's violence there, // there's terror there, // but then / there's the beauty. // And so / having / a greater emotional portfolio, / being able to tap into a lot of different types of emotions / to express how we're feeling, / actually makes us more resilient / because we're able / to better make sense / of what's happening to us / in our world. // And I think that / that / is what / makes wonder / so impactful. // When I / introduce the concept of wonder, / I think people // believe it's really amorphous / and spiritual,/ and it can be that, // but it's also very grounded / and concrete. // It's about saying, / I am going to / see wonder in my day-to-day life. // One of the ways to do that / is with wonderbringers. // They're / whatever brings you / a sense of wonder.// A great / indication / that you are in the presence of a wonderbringer / is it gives you goosebumps. // Nature // is a / really fundamental primary way that many people find wonder. // We then have social / we can find a sense of wonder from the people around us, / our families, and our friends, / or a charismatic speaker / could be / a social wonderbringer. //
What is the main consequence of toxic positivity according to the speaker?
How does wonder differ from purely positive emotions, according to the speaker?
What are wonderbringers, and how can one recognize their presence according to the speaker?
What are your thoughts about seeking wonder rather than happiness?
What is the speaker's purpose of this speech?