Part 1: Passage Reading
Passage 1
Task 1
Direction: Read the passage silently for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, read the passage aloud at your mentor's instruction. Make sure to start from the title.
Foreign Dishes
Nowadays, people enjoy cooking foods from other countries. Because of this, websites about foreign dishes are easily searched on the internet. Some websites even offer videos about how to prepare foreign foods. Doing this helps people learn how to make meals. Learning how to cook foreign dishes teaches people about the important parts of other cultures.
Task 2
Direction: Answer the questions about the passage. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You are given 30 seconds to answer the questions. Your mentor will start the timer after the question is asked.
Passage 2
Task 1
Direction: Read the passage silently for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, read the passage aloud at your mentor's instruction. Make sure to start from the title.
Working Out
Nowadays, there have been more people who are interested in exercising. However, many are having trouble doing so because of their busy schedules. That’s why some fitness centers have decided to stay open for 24 hours a day. Because of this, people can find more time to exercise. It is very important for people to try to live active lifestyles.
Task 2
Direction: Answer the questions about the passage. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen carefully. You are given 30 seconds to answer.
Let's Discuss! Part 1: Passage Reading
Vocabulary Check
web / sahyt
ee / zuh / lee
kuhl / cher
in / truh / stid
truhb / uhl
fitness center
fit / nis / 'sen /ter
im / 'pawr / tnt
find (the) time
fahynd / (thuh) / tahym
active lifestyle
ak / tiv / 'lahyf / stahyl
Comprehension Check
Task 1
Q1: According to the passage, how do some websites help people learn to make new meals?
Answer: By offering videos about preparing foreign foods.
Q2: According to the passage, what does learning how to cook foreign dishes teach to people?
Answer: It teaches people about the important parts of the culture of other countries.
Task 2
Q1: According to the passage, how do some fitness centers help people find time to exercise?
Answer: By staying open 24 hours a day.
Q2: According to the passage, why do people find it difficult to exercise?
Answer: Because they have very busy schedules.
Grammar Check
Subjunctive Mood
- used when talking about events that are not certain to happen. For example, we use this when talking about events that somebody wants to happen, anticipates will happen, or imagines will happen.
- Grammar Note:
We use the were-subjunctive (instead of was) after the expressions:
• if
• as if
• wish
• suppose
In subjunctive mood, the verb used will always be "were", not "was" regardless of the subject (person). However, using "was" is possible in informal language. Look at the sample sentences below:
Formal | Informal |
I would travel abroad if I were younger. | I would travel abroad if I was younger. |
If she were not so mean, he would buy one of her items. | If she was not so mean, he would buy one of her items. |
I can eat dinner later. It's not as if I were hungry. | I can eat later. It's not as if I was hungry. |
Justin acts as if he were the King of the world. | Justin acts as if he was the King of the world. |
I wish the computer were working just fine. | I wish the computer was working just fine. |
Suppose Amanda were here, would you tell her the truth? | Suppose Amanda was here, would you tell her the truth? |
Pronunciation Check
Direction: Read the following words below. Your mentor will be checking your pronunciation, word stress and intonation.
fitness center
find (the) time
active lifestyle
Part 2
Describing Pictures
Task 1
Directions: Look at the pictures below and tell me as much as you can about what they are doing. You are given 20 seconds to prepare before answering.
Picture 1 : Foreign Dishes
Picture 2 : Working Out
Task 2
Directions: Answer the questions for each picture. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen carefully.
Picture 1 : Foreign Dishes
Picture 2 : Working Out
Let's Discuss! Part 2: Describing Pictures
Task 1
Direction: Look at the pictures below and tell me as much as you can about what they are doing.
Picture 1 : Foreign Dishes
A woman is .
A man is .
A boy is .
A girl is .
A woman is .
Picture 2 : Working Out
A man and a woman are .
A man is .
A woman is .
A man is .
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 The verb form of "food" is "feed" and it is used to describe the action of giving food to someone or something. Note that the plural form of fish is "fish", not fishes.
📌 Don't forget to use articles and object pronouns in your sentences.
📌 Remember the nuance in the meaning of "talking on (or over)" the phone and "calling".
Task 2
Directions: Look at the picture and describe the situation by answering the questions.
Picture 1 : Foreign Dishes
Where is the woman?
What is she thinking?
What is the problem?
Picture 2 : Working Out
Where is the man?
What is he thinking?
What is the problem?
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 In this picture, you can look at the expression of the man and the woman. It shows that they're anxious about something and they're thinking about keys. It's clear to see that they don't have the key in their possession.
📌 You can say that they can't open the door or the locker because they can't find their keys or it can also be expressed as "they lost their keys"
Part 3
Question and Answer
Task 1
Direction: Your mentor will be asking you 2 general questions for each task. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You have one minute to prepare for your answer, and you will be asked to answer the questions within two minutes. The timer will start after the question has been read to you by your mentor.
Question 1
TIMER: 1 Minute ⏱
TIMER 2 Minutes ⏱
Question 2
TIMER: 1 Minute ⏱
TIMER 2 Minutes ⏱
Task 2
Direction: Your mentor will be asking you 2 general questions for each task. The questions are not written on the textbook, so please listen to your mentor carefully. You have one minute to prepare for your answer, and you will be asked to answer the questions within two minutes. The timer will start after the question has been read to you by your mentor.
Question 1
TIMER: 1 Minute ⏱
TIMER 2 Minutes ⏱
Question 2
TIMER: 1 Minute ⏱
TIMER 2 Minutes ⏱
Let's Discuss! Part 3: Question and Answer
Task 1
Question 1
Do you think it is a good idea to live near a large shopping mall?
Sample Answers:
• YES- People can do their shopping very quickly. They can buy many different things in one place.
• NO- It's very noisy around large shopping malls. These places are usually crowded with cars and people.
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 If you answer YES to the question, in addition to the convenience of being able to shop quickly and in one place, as stated in the example answer, you can say that people can walk around various shops and even watch movies at the cinemas there.
📌 If you answer NO to the question, point out the disadvantages of living nearby a shopping mall. You can talk about how bright it is even late at night in addition to "noise" and "crowding" as in the given sample answers.
Question 2
Today, a lot of students go to foreign countries on homestays. Would you like to go on a homestay in a foreign country?
Sample Answers:
• YES- It's a good way to learn a foreign language. Also, people can make a lot of new friends.
• NO- I want to be with my friends and family. Also, I don't want my parents to spend a lot of money.
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 When answering YES to the question, you can mention a specific country you'd like to go to and state some reasons why like improving your English skills or experiencing the culture there.
📌 If you choose to answer NO, you can talk about your goals and dreams without going abroad. You can state some examples such as "I can talk to foreigners even without leaving Japan." or "I can communicate with foreigners online.
Task 2
Question 1
Do you think children should spend more time playing outside?
Sample Answers:
• YES- It's healthy for children to play outside. Also, it's a good way for them to meet other children.
• NO- Children need to spend their time studying. They usually have a lot of homework to do.
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 In the case of YES, you have to first state the current situation in your country, like "Children nowadays don't play outside much often" and then follow it by a statement like "Playing outside is necessary for their physical growth".
📌 If you choose to answer NO, you can explain some points such as not having many parks for little children or talk about having children play indoor is safer.
Question 2
These days, there are many ways to learn English on the Internet. Do you use the Internet to learn English?
Sample Answers:
• YES- There are many good websites for learning English. It's more interesting than studying with textbooks.
• NO- I think it's better to learn English at school. I can ask my teachers questions easily.
EIKEN Answer Tips 💡
📌 If you answer YES to this question, explain some specific things you can do on the internet such as reading and watching news in English, or looking up words and learning grammar.
📌 If you answer NO to the question, you can state some reasons like not being able to find good websites for learning English. Explain that there are a lot of unreliable sources.
1. Which new words/phrases were easiest to remember? Give three.
2. Which words/phrases were you having a hard time to speak/understand? Give three.
web / sahyt
ee / zuh / lee
kuhl / cher
in / truh / stid
truhb / uhl
fitness center
fit / nis / 'sen /ter
im / 'pawr / tnt
find (the) time
fahynd / (thuh) / tahym
active lifestyle
ak / tiv / 'lahyf / stahyl